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Quarterly Compilation of Periodical Literature: 2024

Current Issues

Volume 51, Number 1, January-March, 2024

  1. "The Remarkable Story of Rosenwald Schools". Virginia History & Culture 19 (Winter-Spring 2024): 4-8.
    NARA photos

  2. Adams, John A., Jr. "How Alta Vista Became Prairie View: Lawrence Washburne Minor and the Beginnings of Public Higher Education for African Americans in Texas". Southwestern Historical Quarterly 127, no.3 (January 2024): 269-286.

  3. Ahlemann, Elizabeth Bottorff. "A Family for Mary (Congleton) Bottorff, 1814-1885". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 111, no.4 (December 2023): 299-316.

  4. Allcock, Thomas Tunstall. "Diplomacy, the Media, and a Search for Legitimacy: Reassessing Gerald Ford's Pacific Tours". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.4 (December 2022): 741-771.
    GRF Library

  5. Atkinson, Robert D. "The Abandonment of Growth and the Decline of the West". Independent Review 27, no.2 (Fall 2022): 201-226.
    JFK Library

  6. Barany, Michael J. "A 'Truly International' Discipline: Adverbs, Ideals, and the Reinvention of International Mathematics, 1920-1950". Isis 114, no.4 (December 2023): 791-816.

  7. Barram, Rick. "The Rescues of the Young Rover". Naval History 38, no.1 (February 2024): 38-43.
    NARA photos

  8. Bateman, Aaron. "Keeping the Technological Edge: The Space Arms Race and Anglo-American Relations in the 1980s". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.2 (June 2022): 355-378.
    RR Library/CREST

  9. Benvenuti, Andrea. "Much Ado about Little: The Whitlam Government and Australia's Engagement with Southeast Asia". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.3 (September 2022): 493-517.

  10. Blalock, Stephanie M., Kevin McMullen, Stefan Schoberlein, and Jason Stacy. "'One of the Grand Works of the World': Walt Whitman's Advocacy for the Brooklyn Waterworks, 1856-59". Technology and Culture 65, no.1 (January 2024): 237-263.

  11. Breen, Casey F. "Late-Life Changes in Ethnoracial Self-identification: Evidence from Social Security Administrative Data". Population Research and Policy Review 42, no.1 (February 2023): n.p.

  12. Brown, Jonathan. "'No One Knows - Or Will Say': Revisiting the State Department's Handling of the Belmonte-Wendler Letter". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.4 (December 2022): 656-680.
    RG059/RG084/FDR Library

  13. Buzzard, Curtis A., Thomas M. Feltey, John M. Nimmons, Austin T. Schwartz, and Robert S. Cameron. "The Tank is Dead...Long Live the Tank: the Persistent Value of Armored Combined Arms Teams in the 21st Century". Military Review 103, no.6 (November-December 2023): 22-30.
    NARA photos

  14. Cobb, Russell. "From Blood Quantum to Liquid Gold: Black Creeks and Oklahoma's First Resource Curse". Great Plains Quarterly 43, no.3 (Summer 2023): 267-290.

  15. Cross, Denise E. "Determining the Parents of Sarah (Osborn) Spencer Sherwood Long of Washington County, New York". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 111, no.4 (December 2023): 289-298.

  16. Cummins, Nicholas. "American Cold War Strategy and the Absence of 'Swift and Effective Retribution' for the 1983 Marine Barracks Bombing". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.2 (June 2022): 330-354.
    RR Library

  17. Daen, Laura. "Creating a User-Inventor Community: How Disabled People Innovated and Marketed in Early Nineteenth-Century America". Technology and Culture 65, no.1 (January 2024): 117-141.

  18. Daiker, Donald A. "Hemingway's Nick Adams and His Lost 'Indian Girl'". Hemingway Review 42, no.2 (Spring 2023): 8-24.
    JFK Library

  19. De Fazio, Gianluca and Mark M. Swain. "The 1910 Legal Lynching of Pink Barbour in Harrisonburg, Virginia". Virginia Magaine of History & Biography 132, no.1 (2024): 33-68.

  20. Dincel, Yusuf. "Greek Occupation of Western Anatolia according to Archival Documents". Cumhuriyet Tarihi Arastirmalari Dergisi 19, no.39 (Fall 2023): 1195-1229.

  21. Doesburg-van Kleffens, Marjolein, Amy M. Zimmermann-Klemd, and Carsten Grundemann. "An Overview on the Hallucinogenic Peyote and Its Alkaloid Mescaline: The Importance of Context, Ceremony and Culture". Molecules 28, no.24 (2023): n.p.
    RR Library

  22. DuBose, Michael D. "True at First Light and Under Kilimanjaro: The African Book in Two Parts". Hemingway Review 42, no.1 (Fall 2022): 50-67.
    JFK Library

  23. Edwards, Gloria. "Progressive Era Black Midwives and Healthcare in San Antonio, 1892-1920". Touchstone 41 (2023): 13-21.

  24. Elings, Mary, Marissa Friedman, and Vijay Singh. "Using AI/Machine Learning to Extract Data from Japanese American Confinement Records". Journal of eScience Librarianship 13, no.1 (2024): n.p.

  25. Felker-Cantor, Max. "DARE to Say No: Police and the Cultural Politics of Prevention in the War on Drugs". Modern American History 5, no.3 (November 2022): 313-337.
    RR Library/GHWB Library/WJC Library

  26. Flanagan, Charles M. "The Legislative Process: Teaching Civics and Civil Discourse with Primary Sources". Social Education 88, no.1 (January-February 2024): 51-56.

  27. Ford, Lacy K. "Christian Paternalism and the Contested Ideology of Slaveholding in Charleston and the South Carolina Lowcountry, 1845-1965". Journal of Southern History 90, no.1 (February 2024): 45-78.

  28. Frey, Felix. "Putting Oceans to Work: Tidal Energy in the USA and USSR, 1930-1070". History and Technology 37, no.4 (2021): 487-504.
    JFK Library

  29. Germanese, Donatella. "The Ingredients of a Successful Atomic Exhibition in Cold War Italy". Annals of Science 80, no.1 (2023): 10-37.

  30. Goddi, Federico. "Die italienische Besatzungsherrschaft in Montenegro 1941 bis 1943". Vierteljahrshefte fur Zeitgeschichte 72, no.1 (2024): 31-57.

  31. Granville, Shannon and Sara Bowen. "Sennibari: The Thousand-Stitch Belt". Army History 130 (Winter 2024): 28-31.
    NARA photos

  32. Grossman, Jonathan. "Diaspora, Deligitimisation, and Foreign Policy: Unpacking Brazil's Vote for the 'Zionism is Racism' United Nations Resolution". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.3 (September 2022): 518-542.

  33. Hamilton, Carlos R., Jr. "A Family of Five Generations of Texas Physicians". Southwestern Historical Quarterly 127, no.3 (January 2024): 289-338.

  34. Hancock, Travis D. "The Many (De)colonial Lives of Kapena George Gilley". Pacific Historical Review 93, no.1 (Winter 2024): 1-33.

  35. Heger, Kenneth W. "Exciting New Information in an Updated Dataset: The Consular Despatches Dataset More than Triples in Size". Der Kurier 41, no.4 (December 2023): 125-141.

  36. Hibbard, James B. "Stronger than Law: Efforts Toward Equality and Black Rights in the Lead Era". Wisconsin Magazine of History 107, no.3 (Spring 2024): 32-45.

  37. Hinkle, Stefanie M., Sunni L. Mumford, Katherine L. Grantz, Pauline Mendola, et al. "Gestational Weight Change in a Diverse Pregnancy Cohort and Mortality over 50 Years: A Prospective Observational Cohort Study". The Lancet 402, no.10415 (November 18, 2023): 1857-1865.

  38. Hollars, B.J. "Wisconsin for Kennedy: The Primary that Launched a President and Changed the Course of History". Wisconsin Magazine of History 107, no.3 (Spring 2024): 26-31.
    JFK Library

  39. Ikeda, Ryo. "The Aftermath of the Suez Crisis: The Reopening of the Canal and Anglo-American Relations". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.4 (December 2022): 681-717.

  40. Immerwahr, Daniel. "Burning down the House: Slavery and Arson in America". Journal of American History 110, no.3 (December 2023): 449-473.

  41. Ivings, Steven and Rashaad Eshack. "In the Black Ships' Wake: Early American Enterprise at Treaty Port Hakodate". Pacific Historical Review 93, no.1 (Winter 2024): 97-124.

  42. Jacobi, Tonja and Clare Gaynor Willis. "Pyrrhic Victories: The Mirage of Winning at the Supreme Court". Iowa Law Review 109, no.2 (January 2024): 661-737.

  43. Kaufman, Mark David. "If Books Could Kill: Leo Tolstoy and the Cultural Cold War". American Quarterly 75, no.1 (March 2023): 51-73.

  44. Kehoe, Thomas J. and Paul Bleakley. "The Rhineland Catalyst: British Colonialism and the Development of U.S. Strategies for Military Occupation after World War I". Journal of Military History 88, no.1 (January 2024): 58-82.

  45. Kieninger, Stephan. "The Bush and Clinton Administrations and Ukraine's Nuclear Dismantlement, 1991-1994". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.3 (September 2022): 566-588.
    GHWB Library

  46. Kolakowski, Christopher L. "'Our Flag Will Wave Over All of Okinawa': Simon Bolivar Buckner's Pacific War". Army History 130 (Winter 2024): 6-22.
    RG391/DDE Library/NARA photos

  47. Ledesma, Pablo Arconada. "Somalia and the Indian Ocean. Interests and Strategies during the Rule of Mohamed Siad Barre (1969-1991)". Memoria y Civilizacion 26 (2023): 279-294.
    JC Library

  48. Lehman, Christopher P. "From the White House to the Lake House: Tracing Eliza Winston's Enslavement and Her Pursuit of Freedom in Minnesota". Minnesota History 68, no.8 (Winter 2023-24): 300-307.

  49. Long, Magda. "American Covert Action and Diplomacy after 9/11". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.2 (June 2022): 379-402.

  50. Louwerse, Colter. "'Tyranny of the Veto': PLO Diplomacy and the January 1976 United Nations Security Council Resolution". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.2 (June 2022): 303-329.

  51. Luangphinith, Seri I. "'Snapped Life Chords': Problematizing the Execution of the First Koreans in the United States (1905-1906)". Hawaiian Journal of History 57 (2023): 65-95.

  52. Lucas, Ceil, Robert Bayley, Joseph C. Hill, and Carolyn McCaskill. "Segregation and Desegregation of the Southern Schools for the Deaf: The Relationship between Language Policy and Dialect Development". Sign Language Studies 23, no.4 (Summer 2023): 577-617.
    JFK Library

  53. Mack, Kenneth W. "E. Frederic Morrow and the Historical Time of the Civil Rights Movement". Boston University Law Review 103, no.5 (September 2023): 1413-1470.
    DDE Library

  54. Marble, Sanders. "Learning from Foreigners: U.S. Army Medical Experiences in WWI". Journal of Military History 88, no.1 (January 2024): 38-57.
    RG112/RG120/RG165/NARA photos

  55. Marchio, James D. "Instituting Devil's Advocacy in IC Analysis after the Arab-Israeli War of October 1973". Studies in Intelligence 67, no.4 (December 2023): 29-42.
    RMN Library

  56. Martin, Eileen and Greer Rising. "Pen and Sword: The Symbiosis between Ernest Hemingway and Maj. Gen. Buck Lanham". Military Review 103, no.5 (September-October 2023): 8-16.
    NARA photos

  57. Mayers, David. "Freelance Revolutionist: Agnes Smedley in Wartime China, 1937-1941". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.2 (June 2022): 233-256.
    HST Library

  58. McGarr, Kathryn J. "'The World's Greatest Hypocrites': White Men and Diplomatic Reporting in the Early Cold War". Modern American History 5, no.2 (July 2022): 143-161.

  59. Mehrotra, Ajay K. "Experts, Democracy, and the Historical Irony of U.S. Tax Policy: Thomas S. Adams and the Beginnings of the Value-Added Tax". Modern American History 5, no.3 (November 2022): 239-262.

  60. Metzel, Matthew N., Jay Liddick, Heiva Hugh Kelly, Robert T. Greiner, and Travis Bolio. "Winning before the War: A Case for Consolidation of Gains". Military Review 103, no.6 (November-December 2023): 8-19.
    NARA photos

  61. Mills, Elizabeth Shown. "Identifying a Teenage Mother in Rural Pre-1850 America: The FAN Suggests and atDNA Confirms Shadrack Odom's First Wife". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 111, no.4 (December 2023): 245-274.

  62. Moosavi, Seyedeh Zahra. "'Terrestrial Verses' on the Borderline: An Interdisciplinary Decolonial Reading of Forugh Farrokhzad and Frida Kahlo". Humanities & Social Sciences Communications 11 (December 2024): n.p.
    NARA photos

  63. Munn, Kathleen. "Civic Engagement in Primary Sources". Social Education 87, no.6 (November-December 2023): 408-413.
    RG021/RG046/HST Library/RMN Library/RR Library

  64. Nelson, Lynn. "Was Leonard Baumgardner (1755-1839) of York, Pennsylvania, the Father of Anna Maria 'Mary' Wehrly Meyers (1791-1852)? Using Conflict Resolution to Establish Identity". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 111, no.4 (December 2023): 275-288.

  65. Nobutaka, Suzuki. "Entangled Island: Filipino Colonial Technocrats, the Philippine Legislature, and Mindanao Settlement Plans from the 1920s through the Late 1930s". Southeast Asian Studies 12, no.3 (December 2023): 463-498.

  66. Padilla-Rodriguez, Ivon. "'Los Hijos Son La Riqueza Del Pobre': Mexican Child Migration and the Making of Domestic (Im)migrant Exclusion, 1937-1960". Journal of American Ethnic History 42, no.1 (Fall 2022): 43-81.

  67. Paek, Sunwoo and Dong Sun Lee. "The American Success to Denuclearise South Korea: Global Bipolarity, Geographical Remoteness, and Nuclear Alliance Restraint". Diplomacy & Statecraft 34, no.1 (March 2023): 30-56.
    GRF Library/JC Library/RR Library

  68. Parker, Christopher J. "Lack of Will: How the All-Volunteer Force Conditioned the American Public". Military Review 103, no.5 (September-October 2023): 44-56.
    NARA photos

  69. Pearson, Susan J. "Birth Registration and the Administration of White Supremacy". Modern American History 5, no.2 (July 2022): 117-141.

  70. Pellegrin, Charles. "Kent and Phoebe Courtney: Far-Right Activism in Louisiana, 1954-70". Louisiana History 64, no.4 (Fall 2023): 361-393.

  71. Petersen, Tore T. and Clive Jones. "British Revival and American Decline? Anglo-American Relations and the Persian Gulf 1979-1987". International History Review 45, no.5 (October 2023): 807-823.
    JC Library/RR Library

  72. Pressello, Andrea. "Japan's Debut in Multilateral Peace Diplomacy: The 1970 Jakarta Conference on the Cambodian Conflict". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.2 (June 2022): 279-302.
    RG059/RMN Library

  73. Pressman, Jeremy. "Egypt, Israel, and the United States at the Autonomy Talks, 1979". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.3 (September 2022): 543-565.
    JC Library

  74. Qureshi, Lubna Z. "Sweden, the Palme Government, and American Prisoners of War in North Vietnam". Journal of Military History 88, no.1 (January 2024): 139-176.
    RMN Library

  75. Reed, John S. "The Infantry's 'Problem of Quality': Classification and Assignment to MOS 745, Rifleman, 1942-1945". Journal of Military History 88, no.1 (January 2024): 83-116.

  76. Rentetzi, Maria. "Science Diplomacy on Display: Mobile Atomic Exhibitions in the Cold War: Introduction to Special Issue". Annals of Science 80, no.1 (2023): 1-9.

  77. Richardson, Malcolm L. "Richard Gothe and the Long Shadow of Black Mountain College". North Carolina Historical Review 101, no.1 (January 2024): 1-23.

  78. Rieppel, Lukas and Yu-chi Chang. "Locating the Central Asiatic Expedition: Epistemic Imperialism in Vertebrate Paleontology". Isis 114, no.4 (December 2023): 725-746.

  79. Rozycki, Sebastian, Marek Michalski, and Aleksandra Kobielec. "Use of Geoinformatics for the Digitization and Visualization of Sensitive Space in the Urban Landscape: A Case Study of the Gross-Rosen Sub-Camps Systems". Remote Sensing 16, no.5 (2024): n.p.
    NARA photos

  80. Ruiz, Stevie. "Camp Chicano: The Racialization of the Great Outdoors in the Civilian Conservation Corps". Latino Studies 21, no.1 (March 2023): 4-21.

  81. Sarantakes, Nicholas Evan. "Making Good Once More". Naval History 38, no.1 (February 2024): 30-37.
    NARA photos

  82. Sarantakes, Nicholas Evan. "The Future-War Literature of the Reagan Era - Winning World War III in Fiction". Naval War College Review 76, no.3 (Summer 2023): 114-133.
    JC Library/RR Library

  83. Schub, Robert. "Informing the Leader: Bureaucracies and International Crises". American Political Science Review 116, no.4 (November 2022): 1460-1476.
    DDE Library/JC Library

  84. Shuai, Siyang. "A Dilemma between Politics and Evangelism: S. Wells Williams' Controversial Translation of the 'Toleration Article' in the Sino-U.S. Treaty of Tientsin". Religions 15, no.2 (2024): n.p.

  85. Simonsen, Jane. "Looking for Margaret Davenport". American Studies 62, no.3 (2023): 43-69.

  86. Spencer, Thomas T. "'He Gets Things Done': The Political Career of Alfred Lee Bulwinkle, 1920-1950". North Carolina Historical Review 100, no.4 (October 2023): 369-401.
    FDR Library/HST Library

  87. Stentiford, Barry M. "Selective Service: Before the All-Volunteer Force". Military Review 103, no.6 (November-December 2023): 114-125.
    NARA photos

  88. Thomas, Adam. "The Many Deaths of Nat Turner: Contested Historical Memory under Slavery and Segregation". Journal of Southern History 90, no.1 (February 2024): 5-44.

  89. Tyler, Lisa. "Aestheticized Slavery: Blackamoor Jewelry in Hemingway's Across the River and into the Trees". Arizona Quarterly 78, no.4 (Winter 2022): 29-53.
    JFK Library

  90. Varon, Elizabeth R. "The "Bull-Dog" in Istanbul: James Longstreet's Revealing Tour as US Minister to Turkey, 1880-81". Journal of the Civil War Era 13, no.1 (March 2023): 55-86.

  91. Walton, Donnelly Lancaster. "'Surely I Am a Favored Mortal, in the Matter of Gifts': Melissa Russell's 1835 Travel Journal from New York to Mobile". Alabama Review 77, no.1 (January 2024): 62-103.

  92. Walton-Raji, Angela. "Freedmen Settlements of Indian Territory and Three Freedmen Community Clusters". Great Plains Quarterly 43, no.3 (Summer 2023): 253-265.

  93. Washburn, Jeffrey. "'The fate of the Southern States': The Creation of the First Federal Indian Policy and Its Impact on the Southeast". Georgia Historical Quarterly 107, no.4 (2023): 353-383.

  94. Wasmer, Robert A. "Historical Note: The Boyd Civil War Frauds". Tennessee Historical Quarterly 81, no.4 (Winter 2022): 382-399.

  95. Wellum, Caleb. "The Use of Energy History". Modern American History 6, no.2 (July 2023): 201-219.

  96. Wilson, Alison J. "Aircraft Carriers and the Capacity to Mobilise US Power across the Pacific, 1919-1929". Journal of Historical Geography 58 (October 2017): 71-81.

  97. Witgen, Michael John. "Chief Buffalo Goes to Washington". Wisconsin Magazine of History 107, no.2 (Winter 2023): 18-27.

  98. Witgen, Michael John. "The End of an Era: The United States as a New World Colonial Power". William and Mary Quarterly 81, no.1 (January 2024): 115-122.

  99. Wright, Micah. "Pedro 'Pete' Augusto del Valle: The Americanization of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Far Right". The Latin Americanist 67, no.1 (March 2023): 78-95.

Volume 51, Number 2, April-June, 2024

  1. Akiboh, Alvita. "Empire's Embezzlers: Fraud and Scandal in U.S.-Occupied Cuba, 1900-1902". Modern American History 6, no.3 (November 2023): 301-321.

  2. Allan, Chris. "'Twisting the Lion's Tail': Joseph W. Ivey's Anti-Canadian Strategies during the Alaska Boundary Dispute". Alaska History 39, no.1 (Spring 2024): 1-21.

  3. Anderson, Claudia Wilson. "Training and Dispersing Young Jews Fleeing Hitler: The National Youth Administration Refugee Program and the South". Southern Jewish History 26 (2023): 13-81.
    RG029/RG064/RG119/RG147/FDR Library/LBJ Library

  4. Bernstein, Lee. "Sintsincks to Sing Sing: Empire, the War of 1812, and the Transformation of U.S. Prisons". Early American Studies 20, no.2 (Spring 2022): 339-369.

  5. Bess, Jennifer. "The 'Crisis' of Native American Mobility: Border Crossing and the Influence of International Relations on Indian Policy, 1896-1898". Pacific Historical Review 93, no.2 (Spring 2024): 169-201.

  6. Bimbiras, John, and Paul Austerlitz. "Reimagining Latin Music in New York City: The Impact of Rafael Petiton Guzman". Revista de Musica Latinoamericana 44, no.1 (Spring-Summer 2023): 1-30.

  7. Blake, Jessica. "Black Tradeswomen and the Making of a Taste Culture in Lower Louisiana". Early American Studies 19, no.4 (Fall 2021): 735-768.

  8. Bruscino, Thomas and Mitchell G. Klingenberg. "'Making War upon the Map': The U.S. Army's Forgotten Map Problem, Meade's Gettysburg Campaign, and Depicting Operational Art". Army History 131 (Spring 2024): 36-62.
    NARA photos

  9. Cain, Virginia. "Grace's Places: One Madam's Reign in Nashville, Tennessee, 1894-1933". Tennessee Historical Quarterly 82, no.1 (Spring 2023): 2-29.

  10. Canestaro, Nathan. "The Mighty Moo at the Battle of the Philippine Sea". Naval History 38, no.3 (June 2024): 20-27.
    NARA photos

  11. Carbonetti, Stephanie. "Who Was the Father of James Finney of Indiana?". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 112, no.1 (March 2024): 45-60.

  12. Carroll, Francis M. "The United States Consulate in Belfast and the Development of the American Consular Service, 1796-1906". International History Review 46, no.1 (February 2024): 73-87.

  13. Cartmell, Carleigh A. "Long Term Intelligence Sharing: The Five Eyes and the European Union". Journal of Intelligence History 22, no.3 (2023): 417-434.
    JFK Library

  14. Caterina, Gianfranco. "Quem detem o interesse nacional? O malogro da cooperacao entre a Companhia Industrial de Rochas Betuminosas e a URSS no setor de gas de xisto no Brasil (1959-1973)". Latin American Research Review 58, no.1 (2023): 129-143.

  15. Cline, Joshua. "99th Infantry Battalion (Separate)". On Point 29, no.2 (Spring 2024): 35-38.
    NARA photos

  16. Cline, Joshua. "A 'Damned Nobody' to Four Stars: The Life and Career of General Bruce C. Clarke". On Point 29, no.2 (Spring 2024): 28-34.
    NARA photos

  17. Coddington, Nicholas and Caitlin Cutrona. "Behind the Shingle, the Untold Stories of D-Day". Social Education 88, no.2 (March-April 2024): 92-97.
    RG026/RG457/NARA photos

  18. Cooper. Karen Coody. "The Schooled Daughters of Major Ridge Amidst Turbulent Cherokee Transition". Chronicles of Oklahoma 102, no.1 (Spring 2024): 30-50.

  19. Cuellar Gonzalez, Arturo. "The Origins of Mexican Families in Utah, 1911-1947". Utah Historical Quarterly 92, no.1 (Winter 2024): 64-71.

  20. De Apodaca, Roberto Oscar Flores. "Praying Soldiers: How Continental Soldiers Experienced Religion during the Revolutionary War, 1775-1783". Early American Studies 20, no.3 (Summer 2022): 440-465.

  21. Dincel, Yusuf. "Greek Occupation of Western Anatolia according to Archival Documents". Cumhuriyet Tarihi Arastirmalari Dergisi 19, no.39 (Fall 2023): 1195-1229.

  22. Eisner, Eric. "'Hebrews in Favor of the South': Jews, Race, and the North Carolina State Convention of 1861-1862". Southern Jewish History 24 (2021): 1-47.
    NARA photos

  23. Fonkert, J.H. "Migration Research Matches D. H. Stephens of Missouri with Daniel H. Stephens of Franklin County, Kentucky". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 112, no.1 (March 2024): 31-44.

  24. Gillins, Sharon Batiste. "Researching the Records of the Freedman's Bank". NGS Magazine 50, no.2 (April-June 2024): 26-33.

  25. Givens, Cameron James. "The German Plague: Contagion and Conspiracy in First World War America". Modern American History 6, no.1 (March 2023): 2-20.

  26. Gleizer, Daniela and Yael Siman. "From Europe to Mexico: The Unexpected Journey of Thirty Jewish Families Escaping Nazism". Holocaust and Genocide Studies 38, no.1 (Spring 2024): 102-121.

  27. Goodier, Susan. "Louisa Jacobs and the St. Thomas Sanitary Committee Fair of 1864". Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 148, no.1 (January 2024): 21-53.

  28. Greiner, Bob. "Catherine Engelhardt - A Mis-directed Pursuit". Der Kurier 42, no.2 (June 2024): 45-53.

  29. Greiner, Bob. "U.S. German Church Records - A Key to Immigrant Migration". Der Kurier 42, no.1 (March 2024): 6-15.

  30. Hahamovitch, Cindy. "The 'Profane Margins' of the State: Florida Sheriff Walter R. Clark and the Local History of Crime, Policing, and Incarceration". Journal of American History 110, no.4 (March 2024): 643-666.

  31. Halpin, Dennis Patrick. "'All Manner of Cruelty and Slavery': A Long History of Black Labor and White Violence on Navassa Island, 1857-1898". Journal of African American History 109, no.1 (Winter 2024): 2-29.

  32. Hansen, Chris L. "Fielding Opportunity: The History of the Ogden Assembly Club and the Legacy of African American Baseball Teams in Utah". Utah Historical Quarterly 92, no.2 (Spring 2024): 140-155.

  33. Heger, Ken. "Registered in Brunswick: Registration of American Citizens at the American Consulate in Brunswick, 1908-1916". Der Kurier 42, no.2 (June 2024): 60-65.

  34. Heger, Kenneth W. "Registration of Married Women at the Consulate General in Frankfurt-Am-Main, 1907-1916". Der Kurier 42, no.1 (March 2024): 27-28.

  35. Hemler, Chris K. "Seizing Saipan". Naval History 38, no.3 (June 2024): 14-19.
    NARA photos

  36. Hobbs, Patricia Lee and Barbara J. Garrison. "DNA Merges Families of Stephen Stilwell of Dutchess County, New York; Cornwall, Upper Canada; and Coshocton County, Ohio". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 112, no.1 (March 2024): 5-30.

  37. Holmes, Christopher D. "For a Period of Four Years: The Evolution of Term Lengths for the Joint Chiefs of Staff". Journal of Military History 88, no.2 (April 2024): 450-482.
    JFK Library

  38. Hopkins, Britain. "The Origins of the Student Loan Industry in the United States: Richard Cornuelle, United Student Aid Funds, and the Creation of the Guaranteed Student Loan Program". Journal of American History 110, no.4 (March 2024): 667-688.
    RG046/LBJ Library/RMN Library

  39. Isaksson, Elisabeth and Anka Ryall. "The Queen of the Arctic: Louise Arner Boyd". Polar Research 42 (2023): 1-11.
    NARA photos

  40. Jarvis, Robert M. "Jerry Lewis: Comedian, Filmmaker, Humanitarian...and Failed Franchisor". Franchise Law Journal 42, no.1 (Summer 2022): 1-9, 11-16, 18-25.

  41. Johnson, Michael P. "Joseph Vesey's Revolution, 1775-1781". South Carolina Historical Magazine 121, no.2 (April 2020): 72-133.

  42. Joshi, Suchir. "Economy over Education: The Freedman's Bureau, Child Labor, and Schooling". Tennessee Historical Quarterly 82, no.2 (Summer 2023): 118-131.

  43. Katagiri, Yasuhiro and Michael S. Martin. "The Three Rs of Louisiana Segregation: Rainach, Race, and Reds". Louisiana History 65, no.1 (Winter 2024): 5-66.
    JFK Library

  44. Kiddle, Amelia M. "'Ambitions for Leadership': Latin American Responses to Mexican Labor's Role in the Founding of the Confederacion de Trabajadores de America Latina". Latin Americanist 66, no.4 (December 2022): 403-436.

  45. Kimble, Sara L. "Internationalist Women against Nazi Atrocities in Occupied Europe, 1941-1947". Journal of Women's History 35, no.1 (Spring 2023): 57-79.

  46. Komine, Yukinori. "Virtual Nukes: The Formulation of Japan's Non-nuclear Weapons Security Policy". International History Review 46, no.1 (February 2024): 18-40.
    RG059/JFK Library/LBJ Library/RMN Library/GRF Library

  47. Lamadrid, Enrique R. with Demetria Martinez and Ted F. Martinez. "Arms and a Man I Sing: Luis Sedillo Martinez (1898-1986): A Literary Biography". New Mexico Historical Review 98, no.4 (Fall 2023): 369-404.

  48. Lariccia, Dante. "Empire, Globalization, Environmental Management: Regulating Pollution at the Panama Canal". Diplomatic History 48, no.3 (June 2024): 398-423.

  49. Larkin, Thomas M. "The Global American Civil War and Anglo-American Relations in China's Treaty Ports". The Historical Journal 66, no.2 (March 2023): 325-347.

  50. Lawlor, Ruth. "The Wartime Battlefield of Sex". Modern American History 4, no.2 (July 2021): 209-212.

  51. Leidy, Joseph. "El Zaim: Youth, Authority, and Syrian Nationalism in the Mahjar, 1938-1944". Mashriq & Mahjar 10, no.1 (2023): 79-106.

  52. Lester, Gustave. "Land, Fur, and Copper: The Union of Settler Colonialism and Industrial Capitalism in the Great Lakes Region, 1815-1842". Early American Studies 21, no.1 (Winter 2023): 122-165.

  53. Lew-Williams, Beth. "Paper Lives of Chinese Migrants and the History of the Undocumented". Modern American History 4, no.2 (July 2021): 109-130.

  54. Linenberg, Yorai. "German Captors, Jewish POWs: Segregation of American and British Jewish POWs in German Captivity in the Second World War". Holocaust and Genocide Studies 37, no.3 (Winter 2023): 404-422.

  55. Looney, Dallas. "General Gordon R. Sullivan". On Point 29, no.2 (Spring 2024): 6-10.
    fARA photos

  56. Loss, Christopher P. "The Making of a Neocon". Modern American History 5, no.3 (November 2022): 263-287.
    LBJ Library

  57. Lourie, Owen. "Maryland's Jews, Military Service, and the American Revolutionary Era: The Case of Elias Pollock". Southern Jewish History 25 (2022): 1-29.

  58. Lyman, Benjamin J. "In the Eye of the Sphinx: US Army Intelligence Collection and Surveillance, 1965-1970". Journal of Intelligence History 22, no.3 (November 2023): 376-397.

  59. Madley, Benjamin. "'Aloha with tears': Native Hawaiians in the California Gold Rush, 1848-1860". Journal of American History 111, no.1 (June 2024): 39-70.

  60. Mainprize, Ronan P. "A Seat at the President's Table? Lyndon Johnson, the CIA, and the Six Day War". Intelligence and National Security 38, no.6 (October 2023): 872-884.
    LBJ Library

  61. Malagodi, Mara. "Nepal's Constitutional Foundations between Revolution and Cold War (1950-60)". Law and History Review 41, no.2 (May 2023): 273-294.

  62. Marks, Philip. "Review of Behind the Enigma by John Ferris". Cryptologia 48, no.3 (2024): 252-281.

  63. McGovern, Terrance. "Fort Michie, New York". On Point 29, no.2 (Spring 2024): 42-45.
    NARA photos

  64. McPherson, Alan. "'The Most Marketable Political Commodity': Oliver North, Iran-Contra, and American Domestic Politics". Modern American History 6, no.2 (July 2023): 135-155.

  65. Medwick, Denise. "Trade Card Secrets". Der Kurier 42, no.2 (June 2024): 54-59.

  66. Mehrotra, Ajay K. "Experts, Democracy, and the Historical Irony of U.S. Tax Policy: Thomas S. Adams and the Beginnings of the Value-Added Tax". Modern American History 5, no.3 (November 2022): 239-262.

  67. Miller, Julie. "How to Organize and Analyze a Military Pension File". NGS Magazine 50, no.2 (April-June 2024): 17-23.

  68. Mitelpunkt, Shaul. "War and the Demos: The War Powers Resolution in the Context of the Draft's Demise". Modern American History 6, no.2 (July 2023): 265-269.
    RMN Library

  69. Moreli, Alexander and Gianfranco Caterina. "Cold War Oil, Development, and Political Unrest: The Brazilian Experience". Diplomatic History 48, no.2 (April 2024): 244-274.
    RG059/JFK Library

  70. Morgan, Alaina M. "A Revolutionary Bromance: Masculinity, Performance, and Religion in Diplomacy .". Diplomatic History 48, no.3 (June 2024): 339-365.
    RR Library

  71. Morrow-Spitzer, Jacob. "'Free from Proscription and Prejudice': Politics and Race in the Election of One Jewish Mayor in Late Reconstruction Lousiana". Southern Jewish History 22 (2019): 5-41.

  72. Okazaki, Linda Harms. "Japanese American Internment and Incarceration Camps in World War II". NGS Magazine 50, no.2 (April-June 2024): 42-49.

  73. Ostendorf, Ann. "Louisiana Bohemians: Community, Race, and Empire". Early American Studies 19, no.4 (Fall 2021): 659-698.

  74. Owen, Peter F. "Marine Air's Dark Day at Midway". Naval History 38, no.3 (June 2024): 36-43.

  75. Pagliarini, Andre. "'Real Self-Help' and the Seeds of Neoliberalism: Foreign Aid to Brazil from Kennedy to Johnson". International History Review 45, no.6 (December 2023): 919-938.
    JFK Library/LBJ Library

  76. Pan, Ying, Jiayu Bai, and Sam Turner. "History in Points, Lines and Polygons: Time Depth in the Landscape of Guangdong Province, Southern China". Land 12, no.11 (2023): n.p.

  77. Pearson, Susan J. "Birth Registration and the Administration of White Supremacy". Modern American History 5, no.2 (July 2022): 117-141.

  78. Perkins, J. Blake. "'Kit Karson and Band': Race, Class, and New South Nightriding in Northeast Arkansas". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 81, no.3 (Autumn 2022): 252-281.

  79. Peskin, Lawrence A. "Out of Sight and Out of Mind: The Early Consular Service and the Facilitative State, 1776-1856". Federal History Journal 16 (April 2024): 39-60.

  80. Peterman, Cynthia. "The Movement to Boycott the 1936 Berlin Olympics". Social Education 88, no.3 (May-June 2024): 181-187.
    RG059/RG131/FDR Library

  81. Petlewski, Kathy. "Women during World War II: Volunteer Work and Civilian Employment". NGS Magazine 50, no.2 (April-June 2024): 50-55.
    NARA photos

  82. Phelps, Christopher. "Why Did Teachers Organize? Feminism and Socialism in the Making of New York City Teacher Unionism". Modern American History 4, no.2 (July 2021): 131-158.

  83. Plutshack, Victoria and Ashton Merck. "'Women Work Particularly Well in Community Organizations': Cultivating Community and Consumerism in the Comanche County REA Women's Club, 1939-1940". Agricultural History 98, no.2 (May 2024): 147-186.

  84. Plys, Kristin. "Theories of Antifascism in the Interwar Mediterranean Part II: Autonomous Workers Movements and the Cafe Culture in Italy & Tunisia, 1922-1945". Journal of World-Systems Research 29, no.1 (2023): 125-148.

  85. Pressman, Matthew. "The New York Daily News and the History of Conservative Media". Modern American History 4, no.3 (November 2021): 219-238.
    HST Library

  86. Quevillon, Timothy R. Riggio. "Moshe Cahana, Ethical Zionism, and the Application of Jewish Nationalism to Civil Rights Struggles in the American South". Southern Jewish History 23 (2020): 125-165.

  87. Rabe, Stephen G. "Catching and Releasing a War Criminal". Journal of America's Military Past 49, no.1 (Winter 2024): 22-32.
    NARA photos

  88. Randolph, Justin. "The Jim Crow Militia: Paramilitary Police Reform and Law-and-Order Liberalism in Mississippi". Journal of Southern History 90, no.2 (May 2024): 285-324.

  89. Rasmussen, Chris. "Manifest Destiny's Fortunes in the Western Pacific: The First and Last United States Consul to Guam, Samuel J. Masters, 1854-1856". Federal History Journal 16 (April 2024): 61-84.

  90. Reardon, Mark J. "From Native Guides to Commonwealth Defenders: Filipino Soldiers under U.S. Command, 1899-1942". Army History 131 (Spring 2024): 6-25.
    DDE Library/NARA photos

  91. Reidy, Joseph P. "Conservative Radicals and Radical Conservatives in the Civil War Era and Today". Journal of Southern History 90, no.2 (May 2024): 215-248.
    RG101/RG105/GRF Library

  92. Ridner, Judith. "Archibald Loudon and the Politics of Print and Indian-Hating in the Early Republic". Early American Studies 19, no.3 (Summer 2021): 528-567.

  93. Robb, Thomas K. and James Cooper. "In Search of a Winning Grand Strategy: Ronald Reagan's First Term, 1981-5". International History Review 45, no.6 (December 2023): 957-9779.
    JC Library/RR Library

  94. Roney, Jessica Choppin. "An Expansion of the Same Society: Republican Government and Empire in the Early Republic". Journal of American History 111, no.1 (June 2024): 15-38.

  95. Ruamcharoen, Boyd. "Tropicalizing the Portable Radio: Electronics and the U.S. Military's Battle against Fungi in the Pacific War". Technology and Culture 65, no.2 (April 2024): 497-529.

  96. Samol, Wojciech, Szymon Kowalski, Arkadiusz Wozniakowski, and Piotr Samol. "Where the Second World War in Europe Broke Out: The Landscape History of Westerplatte, Gdansk/Danzig". Land 12, no.3 (2023): n.p.

  97. Schanzenbacher, Gunter and Kenneth W. Heger. "Eight More Years of Names: The Overseas Pension Database Now Extends to 1914". Der Kurier 42, no.1 (March 2024): 16-22.

  98. Schrader, Stuart. "Cops at War: How World War II Transformed U.S. Policing". Modern American History 4, no.2 (July 2021): 159-179.

  99. Seelinger, Matthew J. "M102 105mm Howitzer". On Point 29, no.2 (Spring 2024): 39-41.
    NARA photos

  100. Shibley, Natalie. "Policing Venereal Disease at Fort Huachuca, 1941-1945". Journal of Military History 88, no.2 (April 2024): 367-397.

  101. Sillen, Andrew. "The Cope Line Voyages of David Henry White: Evidence from the Cope Family Archive". Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 148, no.1 (January 2024): 1-20.

  102. Simon, Bryant. "The Trouble with Bathrooms". Modern American History 4, no.2 (July 2021): 201-207.

  103. Sobocinska, Agnieszka. "The Interpersonal and the International: Development, Volunteering and Grassroots Diplomacy in the 1960s". International History Review 45, no.6 (December 2023): 903-918.
    RG490/JFK Library

  104. Sturgeon, Joel. "You Will Be Policed: Boss Crump, the New Deal, and the Price of Black Defiance in FDR's America". Tennessee Historical Quarterly 82, no.1 (Spring 2023): 56-96.
    FDR Library

  105. Sunshine, Daniel W. "The Human Sacrifice: The Trial of Lucy Bagby and the Secession Crisis". Civil War History 70, no.2 (June 2024): 46-82.

  106. Susanto, Widy Novantyo. "U.S.-Japanese Relations, ASEAN, and Economic Power in Southeast Asia, 1969-1981". Diplomatic History 48, no.2 (April 2024): 216-244.

  107. Thomson, Jennifer. "'Bring Money': The Environmental Protection Agency, Sewer Infrastructure, and the Racialized Geography of the United States". Journal of American History 111, no.1 (June 2024): 71-90.

  108. Thrasher, Christopher. "'A Reign of Terror in Little Georgia': Nightriding in Garland County, Arkansas". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 81, no.3 (Autumn 2022): 293-309.

  109. Toner, Simon. "'The Paradise of the Latrine': American Toilet-Building and the Continuities of Colonial and Postcolonial Development". Modern American History 2, no.3 (November 2019): 299-320.

  110. Turek, Lauren F. "A Rationale for Aid: Moral Language in the Debates over the Mutual Security Act, 1951-1961". Federal History Journal 16 (April 2024): 85-114.

  111. Underhill, Lonnie E. "Indian Traders and Fraud in the Osage Nation, 1870s-1890s". Journal of the West 62, no.3 (Summer 2023): 21-30.

  112. Vazquez Valenzuela, David Adan. "Trespassing Limits: A Case of Political Activism in Sierra Mojado, Coahuila, and Chino, California, before the Mexican Revolution". Pacific Historical Review 93, no.2 (Spring 2024): 235-262.

  113. Veeser, Cyrus. "Defaulting Debtors, American Public Opinion, and U.S. International Relations, 1900 to 1940". Modern American History 6, no.2 (July 2023): 230-233.

  114. Weise, Julie M. and Christoph Rass. "Migrating Concepts: The Transatlantic Origins of the Bracero Program, 1919-42". Journal of American History 129, no.1 (March 2024): 22-52.

  115. Wellum, Caleb. "The Use of Energy History". Modern American History 6, no.2 (July 2023): 201-219.

  116. West, Cane. "Doctoring Removal: Southern Medicine, Indian Removal, and the Cholera Epidemic of 1832-1834 in Arkansas Territory". Journal of Southern History 90, no.2 (May 2024): 249-284.

  117. Wriston, Zach. "Soldiers and Scholars: A Historical Examination of Distance Education in the U.S. Army and its Connections to American Education". On Point 29, no.2 (Spring 2024): 19-25.
    NARA photos

  118. Yalzadeh, Ida. "After the Battle of Beverly Hills: Iranian International Student Surveillance in the United States". Diplomatic History 48, no.2 (April 2024): 167-187.

  119. Zipf, Karin. "Exposing the Masculinist Narrative in Federal Antislavery Law: A History of U.S. v. Booker (1980)". Journal of American History 110, no.4 (March 2024): 689-714.

Volume 51, Number 3, July-September, 2024

  1. Adderley, Philip Burnett. "Assessing Handwriting as Evidence of Identity: Using Forensic Document Examination Methodology". NGS Magazine 50, no.3 (July-September 2024): 41-46.

  2. Akyuz, Doruk. "The Great Offensive of 1922: Prelude to Blitzkrieg". Journal of Military History 88, no.3 (July 2024): 741-767.

  3. Alberdi, Jeronimo Lau. "Carlos Rosenkrantz, the Dissenting Justice, Six Years after His Becoming a Supreme Court Justice". Revista Juridica Austral 4, no.1 (June 2023): 147-206.

  4. Aldous, Christopher. "The Anatomy of Allied Occupation: Contesting the Resumption of Japanese Antarctic Whaling, 1945-1952". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 26, no.4 (2019): 338-367.

  5. Antonopoulos, Athanasios. "Jimmy Carter and the US-Turkish Security Relationship, 1977-1980". International History Review 46, no.2 (April 2024): 209-227.
    RG059/JC Library

  6. Bailey, Beth. "Thinking about Military History as a History of Social Change". Journal of Military History 88, no.3 (July 2024): 625-641.
    RG472/NARA photos

  7. Baker, Thomas R. "Kinship, Commerce, & Conservative Unionism: The Iowa-Missouri Border Region Prior to the Civil War". Annals of Iowa 83, no.2 (Spring 2024): 125-158.

  8. Bamford, Tyler R. "You Can Take It With You: U.S. Army Souvenir Weapon Regulations in World War II". Journal of Military History 88, no.3 (July 2024): 768-792.

  9. Bello, Taiwo. "Abie Nathan and His Double-Edged Missions: The Transnational Humanitarian and Human Rights Activist during the Nigeria-Biafra War". Journal of World History 33, no.1 (March 2022): 139-168.

  10. Bessner, Daniel, Michael Brenes and Michael Franczak. "A Brief History of Cold War Liberalism". Cold War History 24, no.2 (May 2024): 299-308.
    GRF Library/RR Library

  11. Bidgood, Sarah. "No Risk (Reduction), No Reward: Re-examining the 1973 US-Soviet Agreement on the Prevention of Nuclear War". Cold War History 24, no.2 (May 2024): 209-238.
    RG059/RMN Library

  12. Blackley, Andrew K. "Neither Cruiser no Gunboat: The USS Monterey". Naval History 38, no.4 (August 2024): 8-9.

  13. Blume, Kenneth J. "Preparing the South Pacific for U.S. Influence: The USS Narragansett in Samoa, 1872". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 27, no.1 (2020): 7-28.

  14. Bolsinger, Diana I. "Overt Action: Congressional Oversight, Private Activism and Afghan Covert Action Policy in the Reagan Administration". Intelligence and National Security 39, no.5 (August 2024): 824-840.
    RR Library

  15. Briand, Pierre S.C. "Leyte's Enduring Relevance". Naval History 38, no.5 (October 2024): 32-37.
    NARA photos

  16. Burgess, Charles J. "Pacific Fleet to Singapore?: Deterrence, Warfighting, and Anglo-American Planning for the Defense of Southeast Asia, 1937-1941". Diplomacy & Statecraft 34, no.2 (June 2023): 256-295.
    RG038/RG107/RG165/RG313/FDR Library

  17. Chan, Wayne S. "Breaking the Silk Dress Cryptogram". Cryptologia 48, no.5 (2024): 387-426.

  18. Chapman, Jessica M. "Running to School: U.S.-Kenyan Athletic Pipelines in the 1970s". Diplomatic History 48, no.1 (January 2024): 20-47.
    JFK Library

  19. Chartrand, Rene. "Collar Lace on the May 1813 U.S. Regular Infantry Enlisted Men's Coats". Military Collector & Historian 75, no.3 (Fall 2023): 271-272.

  20. Chatelain, Neil P. "Turnover and Turmoil off Charleston". Naval History 38, no.4 (August 2024): 44-49.

  21. Cope, Graeme. "'We just want them to go to their own schools': Opposition to Integration in Van Buren, 1954-1958". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 81, no.4 (Winter 2022): 368-389.

  22. Crean, Jeffrey. "'Nixon is With Us on China': Raging Against the Dying of the Lobby". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 26, no.4 (2019): 368-396.
    RG059/JFK Library/LBJ Library/RMN Library

  23. Cressman, George E., Jr. "Camp Blanding's German Prisoners of War and Russian Dandelions". Journal of America's Military Past 49, no.2 (Spring-Summer 2024): 36-50.
    RG389/NARA photos

  24. Cureton, Charles and Mark Kasal. "The Marine 1832 Cocked Hat and 1834 Bell Crown". Military Collector & Historian 75, no.3 (Fall 2023): 273-281.

  25. Dean, Austin. "The Shanghai Mint and U.S.-China Monetary Interactions, 1920-1933". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 25, no.1 (2018): 7-32.

  26. Diaz-Esteve, Laura. "The Singapore Free Press and the War of 1898 in the Philippines". Diplomatic History 48, no.4 (September 2024): 573-598.

  27. Droessler, Holger. "'To Bring the Blessings of Peace and Order': Preservationist Paternalism in American Samoa, 1872-1907". International History Review 46, no.3 (June 2024): 312-327.

  28. Easter, David. "State Department Cipher Machines and Communications Security in the Early Cold War, 1944-1965". Intelligence and National Security 39, no.4 (June 2024): 620-635.

  29. Ehrenfreund, Max. "Essential Business: The Flu, the War, and the Economy". Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 22, no.3 (July 2023): 319-346.

  30. Erskine, Kristopher C. "American Public Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics: The Genesis of the China Lobby in the United States, and how Missionaries Shifted American Foreign Policy between 1938 and 1941". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 25, no.1 (2018): 33-59.

  31. Feurer, Rosemary. "Contesting the 'Insatiable Maw of Capital': Mine Workers' Struggles in the Civil War Era". Civil War History 70, no.3 (September 2024): 17-42.

  32. Finkelman, Paul and Candace Jackson Gray. "Justice John McLean: Politician, Anti-Slavery Jurist, Emancipator of Slaves, and...Slaveowner?". Journal of Supreme Court History 49, no.2 (2024): 105-137.

  33. Fishback, Price V., Jessica LaVoice, Allison Shertzer, and Randall P. Walsh. "The HOLC Maps: How Race and Poverty Influenced Real Estate Professionals' Evaluation of Lending Risk in the 1930s". Journal of Economic History 83, no.4 (December 2023): 1019-1056.

  34. Flynn, John. "Summit Diplomacy: US-Soviet Mountaineering Exchanges, 1974-1989". International Journal of the History of Sport 41, no.2-3 (2024): 137-164.
    RR Library

  35. Funk, Kellen R. and Sandra G. Mayson. "Bail at the Founding". Harvard Law Review 137, no.7 (May 2024): 1816-1904.

  36. Gilbert, Randal B. "'Unwhipped of Justice': The Conflict between John Bankhead Magruder and the Texas Supreme Court, Part 1 of 2". Journal of the Texas Supreme Court Historical Society 13, no.3 (Spring 2024): 9-26.

  37. Gorenfeld, Will. "Phil Kearney's Glorious Charge at Churubusco". Military Collector & Historian 75, no.3 (Fall 2023): 195-205.
    RG407/NARA photos

  38. Grischkan, Jamie. "Regulating Bank Mergers: Past and Present". University of Illinois Law Review 2024, no.2 (2024): 557-612.

  39. Grunden, Walter E. "Physicists and 'Fellow Travelers': Nuclear Fear, the Red Scare, and Science Policy in Occupied Japan". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 25, no.4 (2018): 343-383.

  40. Hahamovitch, Cindy. "The 'Profane Margins' of the State: Florida Sheriff Walter R. Clark and the Local History of Crime, Policing, and Incarceration". Journal of American History 110, no.4 (March 2024): 643-666.

  41. Hale, Jon N. "Private Schools for the Public Good: Historically Black High Schools in the South from Reconstruction through the Progressive Era, 1877-1930". Journal of African American History 109, no.3 (Summer 2024): 392-416.

  42. Hall, Brian N. "'An Inferior Technician'? African American Signallers in the First World War". Historical Research 97, no.275 (February 2024): 129-146.

  43. Hatfield, Philip. "Capt. William Chambers Cougenhour, Company K, 4th North Carolina State Troops, The Rowan Rifle Guards, 1857-1865". Military Collector & Historian 75, no.3 (Fall 2023): 227-229.

  44. Hayashi, Brian Masaru. "Frank Knox's Fifth Column in Hawai'i: The U.S. Navy, the Japanese, and the Pearl Harbor Attack". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 27, no.2 (2020): 142-168.
    RG038/FDR Library

  45. Heinz, Leonard R. "Night Fight at Kula Gulf". Naval History 38, no.4 (August 2024): 38-43.

  46. Heiss, Mary Ann. "Presidential Cold War Doctrines: What Are They Good For?". Diplomatic History 48, no.1 (January 2024): 1-19.
    HST Library

  47. Hornbeck, Richard. "Dust Bowl Migrants: Environmental Refugees and Economic Adaptation". Journal of Economic History 83, no.3 (September 2023): 645-675.

  48. Horne, William. "White Supremacy and Fraud: The 'Abolitionist' Work of Henry Frisbie". Civil War History 70, no.3 (September 2024): 69-86.

  49. Hyun, Jun Suk and William Stueck. "The U.S.-ROK Relationship into Full Bloom: From 'Little Strategic Interest' to Alliance Partner, 1947-1966". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 26, no.2 (2019): 103-140.
    RG059/RG218/DDE Library

  50. Irwin, Jenny Rizzo. "Generations of Familial Ties Identify Parents for Nathaniel Atwell of New York". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 112, no.2 (June 2024): 121-134.

  51. Jones, Thomas W. "Mitochondrial DNA and an Inferred Conclusion: Revisiting Eleanor (-?-) Tureman Crow Overton in Culpeper and Madison Counties, Virginia". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 112, no.2 (June 2024): 85-101.

  52. Jung, Ji Hee. "The Self-Rehabilitation of Homeless Children, Reeducation Programs in the Transwar Pacific, and the Emergence of Post-Colonial Imperialism". International History Review 46, no.3 (June 2024): 351-367.

  53. Kaufman, Sarah Beth. "Higher Education on the Texas Blackland Prairie: Trinity University's Civil War Era". Journal of Southern History 90, no.3 (August 2024): 503-538.

  54. Kinney, Brandon. "'Poor Devils': German Contributions to American Flood Relief and the Early Cold War". Cold War History 24, no.2 (May 2024): 257-275.

  55. Kraus, Charles. "Failure to Change the Status Quo: Jimmy Carter, the Two Koreas, and the International Pursuit of Dialogue, 1977-1979". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 26, no.2 (2019): 141-164.
    GRF Library/JC Library

  56. Leeman, William P. "Fortress of American Empire: Building the Modern U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, 1895-1913". Journal of America's Military Past 49, no.2 (Spring/Summer 2024): 5-35.

  57. Li, Rong (Aries). "Wartime Storytelling and Mythmaking: Interpreting and Remembering the Flying Tigers in the United States, 1941-1945". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 27, no.4 (2020): 347-373.

  58. Long, Stephen, and Francesco Cacciatore. "One Size Does Not Fit All: Rollback Orthodoxy and Anglo-American Covert Action in Albania and Ukraine in the Early Cold War". Intelligence and National Security 39, no.4 (June 2024): 599-619.
    RG263/DDE Library

  59. Long, Stephen. "'Inexpensive to us and yet very valuable to the impoverished Albanian people': Covert Foreign Aid and the Anglo-American Subversion of Albania, 1951-55". Cold War History 24, no.2 (May 2024): 277-297.
    RG059/RG263/HST Library/DDE Library

  60. Luebke, Peter C. "U.S. Navy Aeronautic Detachment No. 1: The First American Unit Overseas in World War I". Military Collector & Historian 75, no.3 (Fall 2023): 234-236.

  61. Lukasik, Sebastian H. "'Boys, Don't Be Conscripted!': Military Service and Cultural Perceptions of the Draftee in America, 1917-1918". War in History 30, no.4 (2023): 374-390.

  62. Marino, Katherine M. "Rosa Rayside and Domestic Workers in the Fight against War and Fascism". Pacific Historical Review 93, no.3 (Summer 2024): 332-360.

  63. Marshall, Jonathan. "The United Fruit Lobby: Revisiting Truman's Guatemala Policy". Diplomatic History 48, no.1 (January 2024): 102-126.
    RG059/HST Library/DDE Library/LBJ Library

  64. McKinnon, Garrett. "The 1960 U-2 Crisis Reconsidered: Technology, Masculinity, and U.S. Airpower's 'Unmanning'". Diplomatic History 48, no.4 (September 2024): 520-548.
    DDE Library/LBJ Library

  65. Michel, Eddie. "'I Have Concluded That the US Government Will Adopt a New Focus in Its Policies Towards the Government of South Africa': President Jimmy Carter and Apartheid South Africa". Diplomacy & Statecraft 35, no.2 (June 2024): 363-387.
    HST Library/JFK Library/LBJ Library/GRF Library/JC Library

  66. Moneyhon, Carl H. "Emancipation Day to Juneteenth: The Origins of a Texas Celebration". Southwestern Historical Quarterly 78, no.1 (July 2024): 1-22.

  67. Moore, Colin. "Soldiers of a Forgotten Empire: American Memory and the Battle for Filipino Veterans' Benefits". War & Society 42, no.4 (2023): 366-380.
    WJC Library

  68. Murphy, Ann M. "The Chamber of Secrets: The Death of Judiial Review of State Secrets". Columbia Human Rights Law Review 55, no.1 (2024): 331-405.
    RG460/GWB Library

  69. Nassif, Hicham Bou. "The Lubrani Connection: Revisiting Israeli-Druze Relations in Lebanon's 1983 War of the Mountain". Journal of the Middle East and Africa 15, no.2 (2024): 119-149.
    RR Library

  70. Nedved, Gregory J. "Herbert O. Yardley: Eyewitnessing a Legacy". Journal of Intelligence History 23, no.2 (June 2024): 120-131.

  71. Nichols, Christopher McKnight, E. Thomas Ewing, Maddalena Marinari, Alan Lessoff, and David Huyssen. "What Came Next?: Reflections on the Aftermath(s) of the 1918-19 Flu Pandemic in the Age of COVID". Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 21, no.2 (April 2022): 111-149.

  72. Pardo, Rafael I. "Rethinking Antebellum Bankruptcy". University of Colorado Law Review 95, no.4 (2024): 995-1087.

  73. Patrick, Andrew. "Standard Oil and the Battle for the Ottoman Market, 1864-1914". Diplomacy & Statecraft 34, no.2 (June 2023): 180-207.

  74. Pechlivanis, Paschalis. "'Duty? Ambition? Mistake?': A Greek Diplomat's Politics under Authoritarian Rule". Diplomacy & Statecraft 34, no.2 (June 2023): 296-324.

  75. Reed, David C. "'My Brave Lieutenant': The Life of Patrick Alden Farrelly". Chronicles of Oklahoma 102, no.2 (Summer 2024): 126-146.

  76. Sen, Arijit. "Landscapes of Hope: Anachronic Histories of a Single Urban Block in Milwaukee, Wisconsin". Public Historian 46, no.3 (August 2024): 38-62.

  77. Setzekorn, Eric. "Disease and Dissent: Progressives, Congress, and the WWI Army Training Camp Crisis". Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 21, no.2 (April 2022): 93-110.

  78. Setzekorn, Eric. "Military Engagement with a Responsible Stakeholder: The Taft Administration and Qing Imperial China". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 25, no.1 (2018): 60-85.

  79. Shaw, Melissa N. "'Who Used to Run the UNIA Hall': Black Canadian Women's Leadership of Toronto Division 21, 1919-1939". Journal of African American History 109, no.2 (Spring 2024): 200-230.

  80. Smith, Robyn N. "A Family for Mike Fendricks of Hardin County, Tennessee". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 112, no.2 (June 2024): 103-120.

  81. Sterling, Erica S. "The Model School System: Federal Education Policy and the Racial Politics of Schooling in the District of Columbia, 1961-1977". Journal of African American History 109, no.3 (Summer 2024): 448-476.
    JFK Library/LBJ Library

  82. Straky, Andrew. "The Brief Life and Enduring Promise of Civil Rights Removal". Columbia Law Review 124, no.1 (January 2024): 123-196.

  83. Taylor, Paul. "Anti-Monopoly & Pro-Commerce: The Original Frontier Spirit of American Patent Law and Its Implications for Today". Syracuse Law Review 74, no.1 (2024): 59-192.

  84. Teleti, Praveen, Ed Hawkins, and Kevin R. Wood. "Digitizing Weather Observations from World War II US Naval Ship Logbooks". Geoscience Data Journal 11, no.3 (July 2024): 314-329.

  85. Thrasher, Christopher. "'A Big Job': A Statistical Analysis of the Confederate Post Hospital at Port Hudson, Louisiana, 1963". Louisiana History 65, no.2 (Spring 2024): 195-236.

  86. Toy, Rebecca Capobianco. "'We Can Take Care of Ourselves Now': Establishing Independent Black Labor and Industry in Postwar Yorktown, Virginia". Civil War History 70, no.3 (September 2024): 43-68.

  87. Trenta, Luca, Kevin T. Fahey, and Douglas B. Atkinson. "Secrecy and the Politics of Selective Disclosures: The US Government's Intervention in Guatemala". Intelligence and National Security 39, no.4 (June 2024): 579-598.
    RG059/RG263/DDE Library

  88. Tropp, Jacob. "U.S. Indian Affairs, British Imperial Africa, and Transcolonial Dialogues over Conservation and 'Native Development' in the 1930s". Journal of World History 33, no.3 (September 2022): 459-489.

  89. Vlahoplus, John. "Insurrection, Disqualification, and the Presidency". British Journal of American Legal Studies 13, no.1 (Spring 2024): 237-262.

  90. Wade, Eve. "'Look for Me in the Spring': Migration Clubs and the Black Metropolis". Journal of Mississippi History 86, no.1-2 (Spring-Summer 2024): 1-19.

  91. Walsh, Brian P. "Japanese Foreign Ministry's Document Destruction Order of 7 August 1945". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 26, no.1 (2019): 85-94.

  92. Wang, Jessica. "How Fruit Moves: Crop Systems, Culture, and the Making of the Commercial Blueberry, 1870-1930". Plants, People, Planet 6, no.5 (September 2024): 1080-1093.

  93. Warren, Kim Cary. "Recasting Mary McLeod Bethune's Legacy: Permanence in the U.S. Capitol and Memorializing the Present". Pacific Historical Review 93, no.3 (Summer 2024): 388-416.

  94. Williams, Robert F. "Integrating Army Capabilities into Deterrence: The Early Cold War". Parameters 53, no.4 (Winter 2023-24): 69-81.
    DDE Library/JFK Library

  95. Williams, Yohuru. "'No Sympathy, No Mercy': The 1861 Lynching of Jacob Hamilton". Delaware History 36, no.1 (Fall 2020/Winter 2021): 1-25.

  96. Wong, Sam and Brian Wong. "Chinese Perceptions of American Democracy: Late Qing Observers and Their Experiences with the Chinese Exclusion Act". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 27, no.4 (2020): 315-346.

  97. Young, James. "The Perils of Distribution". Naval History 38, no.5 (October 2024): 16-23.
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  98. Zdencanovic, Ben. "'A Strange Paradox': U.S. Global Economic Power and the British Welfare State, 1944-1951". Diplomatic History 48, no.4 (September 2024): 549-572.
    HST Library

  99. Zhao, Weiqing. "The Evolution Process and the Case of the Spatial Distribution of Cinemas in the Shaghai Settlements (1919-1943)". Urban History 49, no.1 (February 2022): 149-170.

  100. Zingheim, Karl. "Sound and Fury over Sibuyan Sea". Naval History 38, no.5 (October 2024): 24-31.
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  101. Zipf, Karin. "Exposing the Maculinist Narrative in Federal Antislavery Law: A History of U.S. v. Tony Booker (1980)". Journal of American History 110, no.4 (March 2024): 689-714.

Volume 51, Number 4, October-December, 2024

  1. Alonso, Isabel Huacuja. "Broadcasting the '(Anti)colonial Sublime': Radio SEAC, Congress Radio, and the Second World War in South Asia". Modern Asian Studies 57, no.5 (September 2023): 1615-1649.
    NARA photos

  2. Amann, Diane Marie. "Child-Taking". Michigan Journal of International Law 45, no.3 (2024): 305-379.

  3. Aronson, Amy. "Recovering the "Most Neglected Feminist Leader of the Twentieth Century": Crystal Eastman, Historical Memory, and the Bequest of an Intersectional Inheritance". Women's Studies Quarterly 48, no.1/2 (Spring-Summer 2020): 149-164.

  4. Atkins, Courtney. "Fort McClellan, Alabama". On Point 29, no.4 (Fall 2024): 26-29.
    NARA photos

  5. Attewell, Nadine, and Wesley Attewell. "Sweating for Their Pay: Gender, Labor, and Photography across the Decolonizing Pacific". Journal of Asian American Studies 24, no.2 (June 2021): 183-217.
    RG286/RG472 P

  6. Augustine-Adams, Kif. "Counting Chinese People in a Catholic Country: Religious Difference, Racial Discrimination, and the 1930 Mexican Population Census". The Americas 76, no.4 (October 2019): 607-640.

  7. Azuma, Eiichiro. "Toward a Transnational History of Wartime Japanese Americans: Nisei and Imperial Japan's Race Propaganda". Journal of American Ethnic History 42, no.2 (Winter 2023): 5-41.

  8. Bailey, Roger A. "'Intercourse...of the Most Friendly Nature': The U.S. Navy, State Power, and William Walker's Invasion of Mexico, 1853-1854". Journal of the Early Republic 44, no.3 (Fall 2024): 417-463.

  9. Basosi, Duccio. "'Something that apparently troubles the Cubans significantly': Jimmy Carter's Attempt to Pressure Cuba 'out of Africa' through the Non-Aligned Movement, 1977-78". Cold War History 24, no.3 (August 2024): 359-377.
    RG059/JC Library

  10. Bateman, Aaron. "The Enduring Impact of Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative". Arms Control Today 53, no.7 (September 2023): 12-17.
    RR Library

  11. Batlan, Felice. "The Displaced Persons Act of 1948 and Home-Grown Antisemitism". Lewis and Clark Law Review 27, no.4 (2024): 1057-1104.
    DDE Library

  12. Bermant, Azriel. "Israel, the United States, Saudi Arabia and the Fahd Plan of 1981: An Historic Missed Opportunity". British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 50, no.4 (2023): 1020-1038.
    RR Library

  13. Berthelier, Benoit. "Automating Power: Cybernetics and Sovereignty in Cold War North Korea". Technology and Culture 65, no.4 (October 2024): 1247-1277.

  14. Blommers, Heleen. "Taking Control before the Grass Roots Does: State Government Action in the Implementation of the Community Action Program in Georgia, 1964-1969". Journal of Southern History 90, no.4 (November 2024): 741-780.

  15. Bollinger, Martin J. "The Rohna Disaster". Naval History 38, no.6 (December 2024): 30-35.

  16. Borch, Fred L. "Why Did Congress Amend the Articles of War after World War II?". Journal of Military History 88, no.4 (October 2024): 1002-1027.

  17. Browning, John G. "The Unkindest Cut: Eugenics in the Lone Star State". Journal of the Texas Supreme Court Historical Society 13, no.2 (Winter 2024): 9-26.
    GWB Library

  18. Calderon, Ivonne. "'Te conozco, te ofrezco'. Los estudios de opinion de la Oficina de Asuntos Interamericanos entre radioescuchas uruguayos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial". Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura 51, no.2 (July-December 2024): 329-362.

  19. Chan, Christina. "Arming Taiwan: A U.S. Law Perspective on American Arm Sales to Taiwan". Regent University Law Review 35, no.2 (2023): 391-430.
    RR Library

  20. Christensen, Chris. "The Japanese Green Machine". Cryptologia 48, no.6 (2024): 519-557.

  21. Cline, Joshua. "100th Battalion, 442d Infantry Regiment". On Point 29, no.4 (Fall 2024): 34-37.
    NARA photos

  22. Crumpton-Deason, Emily Marie. "Mammy Chloe: Removing Fiction from Nonfictional Family Stories". Utah Historical Quarterly 92, no.3 (Summer 2024): 196-213.

  23. Donnelly, William M. "'It Was Mighty Little for Anyone to Do': Roy E. Appleman and South to the Naktong, North to the Yalu". Army History 132 (Summer 2024): 38-51.
    RG064/RG319/NARA photos

  24. Doolan, Yuri. "The Camptown Origins of International Adoption and the Hyersexualization of Korean Children". Journal of Asian American Studies 24, no.3 (October 2021): 351-382.

  25. Dudziak, Mary L. "The Gloss of War: Revisiting the Korean War's Legacy". Michigan Law Review 122, no.2 (November 2023): 149-205.
    RG059/HST Library

  26. Eatmon, Myisha S. "Wielding an Unlikely Weapon: Black Americans, White Violence, and Damage Suits during the Early Days of Jim Crow". Journal of American History 111, no.2 (September 2024): 267-289.

  27. Edwards, J. Marlena. "'Travel on the Highways of the Broad Atlantic': Toward a Brief History of the Cape Verdean Packet Trade". Journal of American Ethnic History 42, no.4 (Summer 2023): 60-82.

  28. Elzway, Salem. "The Price of Progress: Automation and the Political Limits of the American Welfare State". American Historical Review 129, no.3 (September 2024): 1046-1058.
    LBJ Library

  29. Friestedt, Leigh Ernst. "Title IX vs. NCAA: A Gameplan for Championship Equality". Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology Law 25, no.2 (2023): 307-372.
    GRF Library

  30. Givens, Cameron. "The Color of Loyalty: Rumors and Race-Making in First World War America". Journal of American Ethnic History 42, no.2 (Winter 2023): 42-76.

  31. Grego, Caroline. "Drums across Stevens Creek: The Uprising of Captain Edward Tennant's Black Militia". South Carolina Historical Magazine 121, no.4 (October 2020): 245-269.

  32. Greiner, Bob. "Civil War Pension File and Church Records Reveal Hidden Identities". Der Kurier 42, no.3 (September 2024): 87-95.

  33. Grimsted, Patricia Kennedy. "A Goudstikker van Goyen in Gdansk: A Case Study of Nazi-Looted Art in Poland". International Journal of Cultural Property 27, no.1 (February 2020): 53-96.

  34. Grundy, Steven Crawford. "Mission Impossible: Explaining the Failure of Ho Chi Minh's Mediation Efforts Inside the Marxist-Leninist World, 1960-1961". Cold War History 24, no.3 (August 2024): 423-452.

  35. Ha, Jaeyoung. "Mineral for Empire: U.S. Mining of South Korean Tungsten, 1945-1954". Diplomatic History 48, no.5 (November 2024): 690-718.
    RG151/RG291/RG331/RG338/NARA photos

  36. Harpaz, Assaf and C. Eugene Steuerle. "Stanley Surrey's Lasting Influence". Law and Contemporary Problems 86, no.2 (2023): 167-186.
    JFK Library

  37. Harrell, Sam. "'When Is a School Not a School?' Dr. Carrie Weaver Smith, Child Prisons, and the Limits of Reform in Progressive Era Texas". Social Sciences 13, no.7 (2024): n.p.
    FDR Library

  38. Harvey, Deborah R. "Uncovering the Jesse Wood Family of Amherst and Nelson Counties, Virginia". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 112, no.3 (September 2024): 181-204.

  39. Heger, Kenneth W. "Another Updated MAGS Dataset: The Consular Instructions Dataset Increases by Half". Der Kurier 42, no.3 (September 2024): 113-117.

  40. Heger, Kenneth W. and Debra A. Hoffman. "Processing Valuable New Records for Family Historians: The Weser River Project". Der Kurier 42, no.3 (September 2024): 96-107.

  41. Huston, Kathleen. "The Re-enslavement of Free Black People in Texas, 1858-1864". Journal of Southern History 90, no.4 (November 2024): 699-740.

  42. Jacobson, Abigail. "Citizenship and Loyalty in Times of War: The Ottomanization Movement in Palestine during World War I". Jewish Social Studies 27, no.2 (Spring-Summer 2022): 117-143.

  43. Jarquin, Mateo. "The Nicaraguan Question: Contadora and the Latin American Response to US Intervention Against the Sandinistas, 1982-86". The Americas 78, no.4 (October 2021): 581-608.
    RR Library

  44. Jarvis, Robert M. "John C. 'Jack' Hendricks: Major League Baseball's Forgotten Lawyer-Manager". Nine 33, no.1 (Fall 2024): 39-47.

  45. Jefferson, Renee Krake. "Mentored: On Leaders, Legacies, and Legal Ethics". Fordham Law Review 91, no.4 (March 2023): 1285-1310.
    RR Library

  46. Jin, Syrus Solo. "Afterlives of Orientalism: Corporal Punishment and U.S. Military-Building in Korea". Diplomatic History 48, no.5 (November 2024): 662-689.
    RG319/RG554/HST Library

  47. Jones, Frank Leith and Genevieve Lester. "DCI William Colby and the Constitution: Moral Leadership in the "Year of Intelligence"". International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 37, no.2 (2024): 576-600.
    GRF Library

  48. Kang, S. Deborah. "Sovereign Mercy: The Legalization of the White Russian Refugees and the Politics of Immigration Relief". Journal of American Ethnic History 43, no.1 (Fall 2023): 5-42.

  49. Kiarszys, Grzegorz and Maksymilian Dzikowski. "The Archaeology of a Nazi Synthetic-fuel Plant and its Legacy: The Hydrierwerke Politz AG". Antiquity 98, no.402 (December 2024): 1641-1661.
    NARA photos

  50. Kichen, Lee F. "Lieutenant General Henry E. (Hank) Emerson". On Point 29, no.4 (Fall 2024): 30-33.
    NARA photos

  51. Kim, Chae-Han and Youn Soo Cho. "The Problem of Incredible Contracts for the Japanese Military Comfort Project during the Pacific War". Korea Observer 54, no.4 (Winter 2023): 503-523.

  52. Kinney, Brandon. "Fete Diplomacy and the American Military Government's Cultural Mission in Postwar Germany". Journal of Military History 88, no.4 (October 2024): 979-1001.

  53. Kinney, Jayne Elizabeth. "Sitting on the Watcher's Stage: Networks of Kinship and Sovereignty among the Corn Rows". AIQ 48, no.2 (Spring 2024): 109-138.

  54. Kobialka, Dawid et al. "Scientific Review and Cultural Significance of the Site of National Remembrance in Lambinowice, Poland". Antiquity 97, no.396 (December 2023): e35.
    NARA photos

  55. Kozameh, Sara. "Guerrillas, Peasants, and Communists: Agrarian Reform in Cuba's 1958 Liberated Territories". The Americas 76, no.4 (October 2019): 641-673.

  56. Lande, Jonathan. "The Black Badge of Courage: The Politics of Recording Black Union Army Service and the Militarization of Black History in the Civil War's Aftermath". Journal of American Ethnic History 42, no.1 (Fall 2022): 5-42.

  57. Lee, Jacob F. "'Do You Go to New Orleans?': The Louisiana Purchase, Federalism, and the Contingencies of Empire in the Early U.S. Republic". Early American Studies 21, no.3 (Summer 2023): 460-490.

  58. Leiner, Frederick C. "Reinforcements from France?". Naval History 38, no.6 (December 2024): 50-55.

  59. Lim, Julian. "Mormons and Mohammedans: Race, Religion, and the Anti-Polygamy Bar in US Immigration Law". Journal of American Ethnic History 41, no.1 (Fall 2021): 5-49.

  60. Livingston, Ryan. "Operation FIBER: 'Communist Coffee' and Covert Economic Warfare in Guatemala". Diplomatic History 48, no.5 (November 2024): 744-771.

  61. Luo, Yanli. "De Facto Adoption and Transnational Kinship Formation: Rearticulating Paper Children Immigration during the Chinese Exclusion Era and After". Journal of American Ethnic History 41, no.4 (Summer 2022): 74-106.

  62. Mallon, Grace E. "Negotiated Federalism: Intergovernmental Relations on the Maritime Frontier, 1789-1815". William and Mary Quarterly 81, no.4 (October 2024): 687-720.

  63. Mays, Devi. "Becoming Illegal: Sephardi Jews in the Opiates Trade". Jewish Social Studies 25, no.3 (Spring/Summer 2020): 1-34.

  64. McComb, David G. "Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch: A Memoir of the University of Texas LBJ Oral History Project, 1969-1969". Southwestern Historical Quarterly 128, no.2 (October 2024): 187-192.
    LBJ Library

  65. Miller, Laura A. and Angela Sirna. "Researching the Job Corps at Acadia National Park". Public Historian 46, no.4 (November 2024): 44-64.

  66. Moulton, Aaron Coy. "Counterrevolutionary Friends: Caribbean Basin Dictators and Guatemalan Exiles against the Guatemalan Revolution, 1945-50". The Americas 76, no.1 (January 2019): 107-135.

  67. Nakamura, Naofumi. "Trading Locomotives between the USA and Japan: Okura & Co. at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century". Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 34, no.3 (July 2024): 519-534.

  68. Nateras, Gerardo Sanchez. "'A Similar Detente': Mexico's Central American Policy, 1978-1982". Latin American Research Review 59, no.2 (2024): 361-376.

  69. O'Dell, Gary A. "Slaves into Soldiers: Forging the African Brigade in Northeast Louisiana". Louisiana History 65, no.3 (Summer 2024): 279-318.

  70. Obermair, Robert. "Zwischen Politik und Widdenschaft: Das zweite Leben des osterreichischen Nationalsozialisten Oswald Menghin". Vierteljahrshefte fur Zeitgeschichte 72, no.4 (2024): 723-759.

  71. Oreskes, Naomi, et al. "Climate Change and the Clean Air Act of 1970 Part I: The Scientific Basis". Ecology Law Quarterly 50, no.3 (2023): 811-899.
    RMN Library

  72. Padilla-Rodriguez, Ivon. "'Los Hijos Son La Riqueza Del Pobre': Mexican Child Migration and the Making of Domestic (Im)migrant Exclusion, 1937-1960". Journal of American Ethnic History 42, no.1 (Fall 2022): 43-81.

  73. Parham, R. Bruce. "The Cook Inlet Land Exchange, 1972-1976". Alaska History 39, no.2 (Fall 2024): 116-129.

  74. Pastor, Aaren. "'I'm a girl. But now I'm a boy too': Dildonics and Prosthetic Gender in Ernest Hemingway's The Garden of Eden". Modern Fiction Studies 69, no.4 (Winter 2023): 687-706.
    JFK Library

  75. Payne, Andrew. "The Politics of Restraint in the Middle East". Parameters 54, no.1 (Spring 2024): 87-106.
    LBJ Library

  76. Pearcy, Matthew T. "A Legislative History of the General Survey Act". Army History 133 (Fall 2024): 38-45.
    NARA photos

  77. Peinert, Erik. "Monopoly Politics: Price Competition, Learning, and the Evolution of Policy Regimes". World Politics 75, no.3 (July 2023): 566-607.
    FDR Library/RMN Library/RR Library

  78. Perez, Louis A., Jr. "Between an Unreachable Future and an Irretrievable Past". Latin American Research Review 59, no.2 (2024): 460-470.

  79. Perrotta, Katherine. "The 50th Anniversary of Nixon's Resignation and Pardon: A Historical Inquiry". Social Education 88, no.4 (September 2024): 213-218.
    RG059/RMN Library/GRF Library

  80. Peterson, Brian J. "Drought, Revolution, and the Cold War Politics of Aid: Responding to Climate Change and Mass Vulnerability in the African Sahel". Environmental History 29, no.4 (October 2024): 645-672.
    RR Library

  81. Phillips, James C. "Ordinary Meaning as Last Resort: The Overlooked Meaning of 'Undue Hardship' in Title VII". Brigham Young University Law Review 49, no.5 (2024): 1319-1393.

  82. Platt, Alexander I. "The Administrative Origins of Mandatory Disclosure". Journal of Corporation Law 49, no.5 (2024): 1143-1200.
    FDR Library

  83. Poyo, Gerald E. "Mexican American Pioneers at St. Mary's University, 1927-1945". Southwestern Historical Quarterly 128, no.2 (October 2024): 145-167.

  84. Prentice, David L. "Lost in Translation: Vietnam, the Paris Talks, and the Chennault Affair". Diplomatic History 48, no.5 (November 2024): 633-661.
    RG059/JFK Library/LBJ Library/RMN Library

  85. Rashid, Asma and Susic Sadija. "From Cold War Containment to a Liberal Order: Analysing US Foreign Policy Shifts through Domino Theory and Liberal Hegemony". Pakistan Journal of American Studies 42, no.1 (Spring 2024): 83-110.

  86. Rattanasengchanh, P. Mike. "Security or Democracy? U.S.-Thai Relations in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries". Pacific Historical Review 93, no.4 (Fall 2024): 601-625.
    RG059/RG306/GRF Library/JC Library/RR Library

  87. Robertson, Breanne. "The Indian New Deal at 90". Social Education 88, no.6 (November-December 2024): 370-375.

  88. Roth, Hans Ingvar. "P.C. Chang and Charles Malik: The Two Philosophers of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights". Human Rights Quarterly 45, no.4 (November 2023): 545-567.
    FDR Library

  89. Sacks, Marcy S. "'I Shall Forward to You My Contraband': Tracing Coerced Wartime Black Movement North through an Incomplete Archive". Civil War History 70, no.4 (December 2024): 43-69.

  90. Saito, Nozomi (Nakaganeku). "Ecological Aftermaths in the Black Pacific: The Racial Logics of Settler Security and Writing Toward Futurity in the Poetry of Teresia Teaiwa and Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner". Journal of Asian American Studies 26, no.3 (October 2023): 379-403.
    JFK Library

  91. Sanford, Sallie Thieme. "Conditions of Participation: Incorporating the History of Hospital Desegregation". Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 51, no.4 (Winter 2023): 979-983.
    LBJ Library

  92. Sarkisian, Aram G. "Their Daily Dread: Russian Orthodox Christians in Red Scare Detroit, 1918-1920". Journal of American Ethnic History 41, no.4 (Summer 2022): 37-73.

  93. Scherner, Jonas. "Germany, Blockade and Strategic Raw Materials in the Era of the Two World Wars". International History Review 46, no.4 (August 2024): 515-534.

  94. Shammas, Carole. "The Extent and Duration of Primary Schooling in Eighteenth-Century America". History of Education Quarterly 63, no.3 (August 2023): 313-335.

  95. Sledge, Daniel. "Policy Escalation: Richard Nixon, Welfare Reform, and the Development of a Comprehensive Approach to Health Insurance". Journal of Policy History 35, no.3 (July 2023): 354-386.
    RMN Library

  96. Smith, Mark A. "Rivers, Rails, and Wooden Bateaux: Civil War Pontoniering in the Eastern Theater". Army History 132 (Summer 2024): 6-27.

  97. Smoak, Gregory E. "Considering the Revolution: Citizenship and Sovereignty". Public Historian 46, no.4 (November 2024): 21-43.
    NARA photos

  98. Spinelli, Lawrence. "Establishing the Gold Standard for Presidential Impeachments: Peter Rodino's Leadership of the House Judiciary Committee 1973-1974". Seton Hall Journal of Legislation and Public Policy 48, no.3 (2024): 585-596.
    RMN Library

  99. Stambaugh, Michael C., et al. "Historical Fire Regimes from Red Pines (Pinus resinosa Ait.) across the Tension Zone in the Lower Peninsula, Michigan, USA". Fire Ecology 20, no.1 (December 2024): 24.
    NARA photos

  100. Stolte, Keith M. "Of Dog Food and Judicial Ethics: Clarence Thomas' First Failure to Recuse Himself". International Journal of Law, Ethics, and Technology 2022, no.1 (Spring 2022): 73-91.
    GHWB Library

  101. Taylor, Monique. "World War II Glider Pilots: Pioneers in Vertical Envelopment". On Point 29, no.4 (Fall 2024): 3-11.
    RG018/NARA photos

  102. Trefalt, Beatrice. "The 1955 Japanese Mission to New Guinea: War Remains and the Politics of Commemoration in the Wake of the Asia-Pacific War". Human Remains and Violence 9, no.2 (December 2023): 60-75.

  103. Tromblay, Darren E. "Inside Out: Domestic Origins of U.S. Foreign Intelligence". International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 34, no.3 (2021): 525-557.

  104. Tsai, Robert L. and Mary Ziegler. "Abortion Politics and the Rise of Movement Jurists". UC Davis Law Review 57, no.3 (February 2024): 2149-2234.
    GRF Library/GHWB Library

  105. Tune, Tanfer Emin. "Science as Diplomacy: Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the Third Presidential Cruise of 1938". Isis 115, no.4 (December 2024): 738-756.
    FDR Library

  106. Van Harmelen, Jonathan. "Nowhere to Go: Epidemiology, Quarantine Orders, and the Incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II". Pacific Historical Review 93, no.4 (Fall 2024): 545-572.

  107. Vance, M. Ashley. "A Bold Experiment: The U.S. Zone Constabulary in Occupied Germany, 1946-1952". Army History 133 (Fall 2024): 6-23.
    RG338/RG339/RG549/HST Library/DDE Library/NARA photos

  108. Vanden Bosch, Richard. "Preserving the American Experiment: Reviving Civic Education and Constitutional Literacy". Social Education 88, no.4 (September 2024): 219-224.
    RG046/RG360/GWB Library

  109. Viglini, Nicole. "'She Is a Very Smart Woman and a Great Trader': Enslaved and Free Black Women's Property Claims and Entrepreneurship in the Antebellum South". Journal of the Civil War Era 13, no.3 (September 2023): 316-341.

  110. Volanto, Keith J. "The Forgotten Origins of Six Flags: Icon of Texas Exceptionalism". Southwestern Historical Quarterly 128, no.2 (October 2024): 169-185.

  111. Waddell, Christopher. "Destroyer Demobilization Plan No. 5: Fighter-Director Destroyers at Okinawa and the Limits of Strategic Capacity". Journal of Military History 88, no.4 (October 2024): 949-978.

  112. Waga, Jan M. and Maria Fajer. "The Heritage of the Second World War: Bombing in the Forests and Wetlands of the Kozle Basin". Antiquity 95, no.380 (April 2021): 417-434.
    NARA photos

  113. Warren, Stephen. "Red Codes and Removal: Racial Exclusion and Indigenous Persistence in the Midwest". AIQ 48, no.2 (Spring 2024): 165-194.

  114. White-Dropkin, Donna G. "Same Name, Many Men: Joseph Reynolds in Early Greene County, Tennessee". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 112, no.3 (September 2024): 165-180.

  115. Wilkins, Warren. "The Witch Doctor in Battle: Vietnam, 26 May 1967". On Point 29, no.4 (Fall 2024): 18-23.

  116. Xu, Tian Atlas. "Immigration Attorneys and Chinese Exclusion Law Enforcement: The Case of San Francisco, 1882-1930". Journal of American Ethnic History 41, no.1 (Fall 2021): 50-76.

  117. Ydesen, Christian and Sherman Dorn. "The No Child Left Behind Act in the Global Architecture of Educational Accountability". History of Education Quarterly 62, no.3 (August 2022): 268-290.

  118. Yellen, Jeremy A. and Phil Tomsovic. "Lost in Translation? PT-109 and Storytelling in U.S.-Japan Relations". Pacific Historical Review 93, no.4 (Fall 2024): 626-657.
    JFK Library

  119. Yellin, Eric S. "Bringing the Constituents Back In: The Politics of Social Security in the 1950s". Journal of Policy History 36, no.2 (April 2024): 161-190.

  120. Zhang, Ruisheng and Xueqin Mei. "Neo-Green Imperialism: The Development of Virgin Islands National Park". Environmental History 29, no.4 (October 2024): 701-724.

  121. Zombek, Angela. "'I Have Never Seen the Hour in Which I Regretted Having Enlisted': The Motivation Bolstering Union Occupation Troops at the Dry Tortugas and Key West, Florida, 1862-1864". Journal of Military History 88, no.4 (October 2024): 893-922.
