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Quarterly Compilation of Periodical Literature: 2024

Current Issues

Volume 51, Number 1, January-March, 2024

  1. "The Remarkable Story of Rosenwald Schools". Virginia History & Culture 19 (Winter-Spring 2024): 4-8.
    NARA photos

  2. Adams, John A., Jr. "How Alta Vista Became Prairie View: Lawrence Washburne Minor and the Beginnings of Public Higher Education for African Americans in Texas". Southwestern Historical Quarterly 127, no.3 (January 2024): 269-286.

  3. Ahlemann, Elizabeth Bottorff. "A Family for Mary (Congleton) Bottorff, 1814-1885". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 111, no.4 (December 2023): 299-316.

  4. Allcock, Thomas Tunstall. "Diplomacy, the Media, and a Search for Legitimacy: Reassessing Gerald Ford's Pacific Tours". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.4 (December 2022): 741-771.
    GRF Library

  5. Atkinson, Robert D. "The Abandonment of Growth and the Decline of the West". Independent Review 27, no.2 (Fall 2022): 201-226.
    JFK Library

  6. Barany, Michael J. "A 'Truly International' Discipline: Adverbs, Ideals, and the Reinvention of International Mathematics, 1920-1950". Isis 114, no.4 (December 2023): 791-816.

  7. Barram, Rick. "The Rescues of the Young Rover". Naval History 38, no.1 (February 2024): 38-43.
    NARA photos

  8. Bateman, Aaron. "Keeping the Technological Edge: The Space Arms Race and Anglo-American Relations in the 1980s". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.2 (June 2022): 355-378.
    RR Library/CREST

  9. Benvenuti, Andrea. "Much Ado about Little: The Whitlam Government and Australia's Engagement with Southeast Asia". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.3 (September 2022): 493-517.

  10. Blalock, Stephanie M., Kevin McMullen, Stefan Schoberlein, and Jason Stacy. "'One of the Grand Works of the World': Walt Whitman's Advocacy for the Brooklyn Waterworks, 1856-59". Technology and Culture 65, no.1 (January 2024): 237-263.

  11. Breen, Casey F. "Late-Life Changes in Ethnoracial Self-identification: Evidence from Social Security Administrative Data". Population Research and Policy Review 42, no.1 (February 2023): n.p.

  12. Brown, Jonathan. "'No One Knows - Or Will Say': Revisiting the State Department's Handling of the Belmonte-Wendler Letter". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.4 (December 2022): 656-680.
    RG059/RG084/FDR Library

  13. Buzzard, Curtis A., Thomas M. Feltey, John M. Nimmons, Austin T. Schwartz, and Robert S. Cameron. "The Tank is Dead...Long Live the Tank: the Persistent Value of Armored Combined Arms Teams in the 21st Century". Military Review 103, no.6 (November-December 2023): 22-30.
    NARA photos

  14. Cobb, Russell. "From Blood Quantum to Liquid Gold: Black Creeks and Oklahoma's First Resource Curse". Great Plains Quarterly 43, no.3 (Summer 2023): 267-290.

  15. Cross, Denise E. "Determining the Parents of Sarah (Osborn) Spencer Sherwood Long of Washington County, New York". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 111, no.4 (December 2023): 289-298.

  16. Cummins, Nicholas. "American Cold War Strategy and the Absence of 'Swift and Effective Retribution' for the 1983 Marine Barracks Bombing". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.2 (June 2022): 330-354.
    RR Library

  17. Daen, Laura. "Creating a User-Inventor Community: How Disabled People Innovated and Marketed in Early Nineteenth-Century America". Technology and Culture 65, no.1 (January 2024): 117-141.

  18. Daiker, Donald A. "Hemingway's Nick Adams and His Lost 'Indian Girl'". Hemingway Review 42, no.2 (Spring 2023): 8-24.
    JFK Library

  19. De Fazio, Gianluca and Mark M. Swain. "The 1910 Legal Lynching of Pink Barbour in Harrisonburg, Virginia". Virginia Magaine of History & Biography 132, no.1 (2024): 33-68.

  20. Dincel, Yusuf. "Greek Occupation of Western Anatolia according to Archival Documents". Cumhuriyet Tarihi Arastirmalari Dergisi 19, no.39 (Fall 2023): 1195-1229.

  21. Doesburg-van Kleffens, Marjolein, Amy M. Zimmermann-Klemd, and Carsten Grundemann. "An Overview on the Hallucinogenic Peyote and Its Alkaloid Mescaline: The Importance of Context, Ceremony and Culture". Molecules 28, no.24 (2023): n.p.
    RR Library

  22. DuBose, Michael D. "True at First Light and Under Kilimanjaro: The African Book in Two Parts". Hemingway Review 42, no.1 (Fall 2022): 50-67.
    JFK Library

  23. Edwards, Gloria. "Progressive Era Black Midwives and Healthcare in San Antonio, 1892-1920". Touchstone 41 (2023): 13-21.

  24. Elings, Mary, Marissa Friedman, and Vijay Singh. "Using AI/Machine Learning to Extract Data from Japanese American Confinement Records". Journal of eScience Librarianship 13, no.1 (2024): n.p.

  25. Felker-Cantor, Max. "DARE to Say No: Police and the Cultural Politics of Prevention in the War on Drugs". Modern American History 5, no.3 (November 2022): 313-337.
    RR Library/GHWB Library/WJC Library

  26. Flanagan, Charles M. "The Legislative Process: Teaching Civics and Civil Discourse with Primary Sources". Social Education 88, no.1 (January-February 2024): 51-56.

  27. Ford, Lacy K. "Christian Paternalism and the Contested Ideology of Slaveholding in Charleston and the South Carolina Lowcountry, 1845-1965". Journal of Southern History 90, no.1 (February 2024): 45-78.

  28. Frey, Felix. "Putting Oceans to Work: Tidal Energy in the USA and USSR, 1930-1070". History and Technology 37, no.4 (2021): 487-504.
    JFK Library

  29. Germanese, Donatella. "The Ingredients of a Successful Atomic Exhibition in Cold War Italy". Annals of Science 80, no.1 (2023): 10-37.

  30. Goddi, Federico. "Die italienische Besatzungsherrschaft in Montenegro 1941 bis 1943". Vierteljahrshefte fur Zeitgeschichte 72, no.1 (2024): 31-57.

  31. Granville, Shannon and Sara Bowen. "Sennibari: The Thousand-Stitch Belt". Army History 130 (Winter 2024): 28-31.
    NARA photos

  32. Grossman, Jonathan. "Diaspora, Deligitimisation, and Foreign Policy: Unpacking Brazil's Vote for the 'Zionism is Racism' United Nations Resolution". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.3 (September 2022): 518-542.

  33. Hamilton, Carlos R., Jr. "A Family of Five Generations of Texas Physicians". Southwestern Historical Quarterly 127, no.3 (January 2024): 289-338.

  34. Hancock, Travis D. "The Many (De)colonial Lives of Kapena George Gilley". Pacific Historical Review 93, no.1 (Winter 2024): 1-33.

  35. Heger, Kenneth W. "Exciting New Information in an Updated Dataset: The Consular Despatches Dataset More than Triples in Size". Der Kurier 41, no.4 (December 2023): 125-141.

  36. Hibbard, James B. "Stronger than Law: Efforts Toward Equality and Black Rights in the Lead Era". Wisconsin Magazine of History 107, no.3 (Spring 2024): 32-45.

  37. Hinkle, Stefanie M., Sunni L. Mumford, Katherine L. Grantz, Pauline Mendola, et al. "Gestational Weight Change in a Diverse Pregnancy Cohort and Mortality over 50 Years: A Prospective Observational Cohort Study". The Lancet 402, no.10415 (November 18, 2023): 1857-1865.

  38. Hollars, B.J. "Wisconsin for Kennedy: The Primary that Launched a President and Changed the Course of History". Wisconsin Magazine of History 107, no.3 (Spring 2024): 26-31.
    JFK Library

  39. Ikeda, Ryo. "The Aftermath of the Suez Crisis: The Reopening of the Canal and Anglo-American Relations". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.4 (December 2022): 681-717.

  40. Immerwahr, Daniel. "Burning down the House: Slavery and Arson in America". Journal of American History 110, no.3 (December 2023): 449-473.

  41. Ivings, Steven and Rashaad Eshack. "In the Black Ships' Wake: Early American Enterprise at Treaty Port Hakodate". Pacific Historical Review 93, no.1 (Winter 2024): 97-124.

  42. Jacobi, Tonja and Clare Gaynor Willis. "Pyrrhic Victories: The Mirage of Winning at the Supreme Court". Iowa Law Review 109, no.2 (January 2024): 661-737.

  43. Kaufman, Mark David. "If Books Could Kill: Leo Tolstoy and the Cultural Cold War". American Quarterly 75, no.1 (March 2023): 51-73.

  44. Kehoe, Thomas J. and Paul Bleakley. "The Rhineland Catalyst: British Colonialism and the Development of U.S. Strategies for Military Occupation after World War I". Journal of Military History 88, no.1 (January 2024): 58-82.

  45. Kieninger, Stephan. "The Bush and Clinton Administrations and Ukraine's Nuclear Dismantlement, 1991-1994". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.3 (September 2022): 566-588.
    GHWB Library

  46. Kolakowski, Christopher L. "'Our Flag Will Wave Over All of Okinawa': Simon Bolivar Buckner's Pacific War". Army History 130 (Winter 2024): 6-22.
    RG391/DDE Library/NARA photos

  47. Ledesma, Pablo Arconada. "Somalia and the Indian Ocean. Interests and Strategies during the Rule of Mohamed Siad Barre (1969-1991)". Memoria y Civilizacion 26 (2023): 279-294.
    JC Library

  48. Lehman, Christopher P. "From the White House to the Lake House: Tracing Eliza Winston's Enslavement and Her Pursuit of Freedom in Minnesota". Minnesota History 68, no.8 (Winter 2023-24): 300-307.

  49. Long, Magda. "American Covert Action and Diplomacy after 9/11". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.2 (June 2022): 379-402.

  50. Louwerse, Colter. "'Tyranny of the Veto': PLO Diplomacy and the January 1976 United Nations Security Council Resolution". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.2 (June 2022): 303-329.

  51. Luangphinith, Seri I. "'Snapped Life Chords': Problematizing the Execution of the First Koreans in the United States (1905-1906)". Hawaiian Journal of History 57 (2023): 65-95.

  52. Lucas, Ceil, Robert Bayley, Joseph C. Hill, and Carolyn McCaskill. "Segregation and Desegregation of the Southern Schools for the Deaf: The Relationship between Language Policy and Dialect Development". Sign Language Studies 23, no.4 (Summer 2023): 577-617.
    JFK Library

  53. Mack, Kenneth W. "E. Frederic Morrow and the Historical Time of the Civil Rights Movement". Boston University Law Review 103, no.5 (September 2023): 1413-1470.
    DDE Library

  54. Marble, Sanders. "Learning from Foreigners: U.S. Army Medical Experiences in WWI". Journal of Military History 88, no.1 (January 2024): 38-57.
    RG112/RG120/RG165/NARA photos

  55. Marchio, James D. "Instituting Devil's Advocacy in IC Analysis after the Arab-Israeli War of October 1973". Studies in Intelligence 67, no.4 (December 2023): 29-42.
    RMN Library

  56. Martin, Eileen and Greer Rising. "Pen and Sword: The Symbiosis between Ernest Hemingway and Maj. Gen. Buck Lanham". Military Review 103, no.5 (September-October 2023): 8-16.
    NARA photos

  57. Mayers, David. "Freelance Revolutionist: Agnes Smedley in Wartime China, 1937-1941". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.2 (June 2022): 233-256.
    HST Library

  58. McGarr, Kathryn J. "'The World's Greatest Hypocrites': White Men and Diplomatic Reporting in the Early Cold War". Modern American History 5, no.2 (July 2022): 143-161.

  59. Mehrotra, Ajay K. "Experts, Democracy, and the Historical Irony of U.S. Tax Policy: Thomas S. Adams and the Beginnings of the Value-Added Tax". Modern American History 5, no.3 (November 2022): 239-262.

  60. Metzel, Matthew N., Jay Liddick, Heiva Hugh Kelly, Robert T. Greiner, and Travis Bolio. "Winning before the War: A Case for Consolidation of Gains". Military Review 103, no.6 (November-December 2023): 8-19.
    NARA photos

  61. Mills, Elizabeth Shown. "Identifying a Teenage Mother in Rural Pre-1850 America: The FAN Suggests and atDNA Confirms Shadrack Odom's First Wife". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 111, no.4 (December 2023): 245-274.

  62. Moosavi, Seyedeh Zahra. "'Terrestrial Verses' on the Borderline: An Interdisciplinary Decolonial Reading of Forugh Farrokhzad and Frida Kahlo". Humanities & Social Sciences Communications 11 (December 2024): n.p.
    NARA photos

  63. Munn, Kathleen. "Civic Engagement in Primary Sources". Social Education 87, no.6 (November-December 2023): 408-413.
    RG021/RG046/HST Library/RMN Library/RR Library

  64. Nelson, Lynn. "Was Leonard Baumgardner (1755-1839) of York, Pennsylvania, the Father of Anna Maria 'Mary' Wehrly Meyers (1791-1852)? Using Conflict Resolution to Establish Identity". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 111, no.4 (December 2023): 275-288.

  65. Nobutaka, Suzuki. "Entangled Island: Filipino Colonial Technocrats, the Philippine Legislature, and Mindanao Settlement Plans from the 1920s through the Late 1930s". Southeast Asian Studies 12, no.3 (December 2023): 463-498.

  66. Padilla-Rodriguez, Ivon. "'Los Hijos Son La Riqueza Del Pobre': Mexican Child Migration and the Making of Domestic (Im)migrant Exclusion, 1937-1960". Journal of American Ethnic History 42, no.1 (Fall 2022): 43-81.

  67. Paek, Sunwoo and Dong Sun Lee. "The American Success to Denuclearise South Korea: Global Bipolarity, Geographical Remoteness, and Nuclear Alliance Restraint". Diplomacy & Statecraft 34, no.1 (March 2023): 30-56.
    GRF Library/JC Library/RR Library

  68. Parker, Christopher J. "Lack of Will: How the All-Volunteer Force Conditioned the American Public". Military Review 103, no.5 (September-October 2023): 44-56.
    NARA photos

  69. Pearson, Susan J. "Birth Registration and the Administration of White Supremacy". Modern American History 5, no.2 (July 2022): 117-141.

  70. Pellegrin, Charles. "Kent and Phoebe Courtney: Far-Right Activism in Louisiana, 1954-70". Louisiana History 64, no.4 (Fall 2023): 361-393.

  71. Petersen, Tore T. and Clive Jones. "British Revival and American Decline? Anglo-American Relations and the Persian Gulf 1979-1987". International History Review 45, no.5 (October 2023): 807-823.
    JC Library/RR Library

  72. Pressello, Andrea. "Japan's Debut in Multilateral Peace Diplomacy: The 1970 Jakarta Conference on the Cambodian Conflict". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.2 (June 2022): 279-302.
    RG059/RMN Library

  73. Pressman, Jeremy. "Egypt, Israel, and the United States at the Autonomy Talks, 1979". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.3 (September 2022): 543-565.
    JC Library

  74. Qureshi, Lubna Z. "Sweden, the Palme Government, and American Prisoners of War in North Vietnam". Journal of Military History 88, no.1 (January 2024): 139-176.
    RMN Library

  75. Reed, John S. "The Infantry's 'Problem of Quality': Classification and Assignment to MOS 745, Rifleman, 1942-1945". Journal of Military History 88, no.1 (January 2024): 83-116.

  76. Rentetzi, Maria. "Science Diplomacy on Display: Mobile Atomic Exhibitions in the Cold War: Introduction to Special Issue". Annals of Science 80, no.1 (2023): 1-9.

  77. Richardson, Malcolm L. "Richard Gothe and the Long Shadow of Black Mountain College". North Carolina Historical Review 101, no.1 (January 2024): 1-23.

  78. Rieppel, Lukas and Yu-chi Chang. "Locating the Central Asiatic Expedition: Epistemic Imperialism in Vertebrate Paleontology". Isis 114, no.4 (December 2023): 725-746.

  79. Rozycki, Sebastian, Marek Michalski, and Aleksandra Kobielec. "Use of Geoinformatics for the Digitization and Visualization of Sensitive Space in the Urban Landscape: A Case Study of the Gross-Rosen Sub-Camps Systems". Remote Sensing 16, no.5 (2024): n.p.
    NARA photos

  80. Ruiz, Stevie. "Camp Chicano: The Racialization of the Great Outdoors in the Civilian Conservation Corps". Latino Studies 21, no.1 (March 2023): 4-21.

  81. Sarantakes, Nicholas Evan. "Making Good Once More". Naval History 38, no.1 (February 2024): 30-37.
    NARA photos

  82. Sarantakes, Nicholas Evan. "The Future-War Literature of the Reagan Era - Winning World War III in Fiction". Naval War College Review 76, no.3 (Summer 2023): 114-133.
    JC Library/RR Library

  83. Schub, Robert. "Informing the Leader: Bureaucracies and International Crises". American Political Science Review 116, no.4 (November 2022): 1460-1476.
    DDE Library/JC Library

  84. Shuai, Siyang. "A Dilemma between Politics and Evangelism: S. Wells Williams' Controversial Translation of the 'Toleration Article' in the Sino-U.S. Treaty of Tientsin". Religions 15, no.2 (2024): n.p.

  85. Simonsen, Jane. "Looking for Margaret Davenport". American Studies 62, no.3 (2023): 43-69.

  86. Spencer, Thomas T. "'He Gets Things Done': The Political Career of Alfred Lee Bulwinkle, 1920-1950". North Carolina Historical Review 100, no.4 (October 2023): 369-401.
    FDR Library/HST Library

  87. Stentiford, Barry M. "Selective Service: Before the All-Volunteer Force". Military Review 103, no.6 (November-December 2023): 114-125.
    NARA photos

  88. Thomas, Adam. "The Many Deaths of Nat Turner: Contested Historical Memory under Slavery and Segregation". Journal of Southern History 90, no.1 (February 2024): 5-44.

  89. Tyler, Lisa. "Aestheticized Slavery: Blackamoor Jewelry in Hemingway's Across the River and into the Trees". Arizona Quarterly 78, no.4 (Winter 2022): 29-53.
    JFK Library

  90. Varon, Elizabeth R. "The "Bull-Dog" in Istanbul: James Longstreet's Revealing Tour as US Minister to Turkey, 1880-81". Journal of the Civil War Era 13, no.1 (March 2023): 55-86.

  91. Walton, Donnelly Lancaster. "'Surely I Am a Favored Mortal, in the Matter of Gifts': Melissa Russell's 1835 Travel Journal from New York to Mobile". Alabama Review 77, no.1 (January 2024): 62-103.

  92. Walton-Raji, Angela. "Freedmen Settlements of Indian Territory and Three Freedmen Community Clusters". Great Plains Quarterly 43, no.3 (Summer 2023): 253-265.

  93. Washburn, Jeffrey. "'The fate of the Southern States': The Creation of the First Federal Indian Policy and Its Impact on the Southeast". Georgia Historical Quarterly 107, no.4 (2023): 353-383.

  94. Wasmer, Robert A. "Historical Note: The Boyd Civil War Frauds". Tennessee Historical Quarterly 81, no.4 (Winter 2022): 382-399.

  95. Wellum, Caleb. "The Use of Energy History". Modern American History 6, no.2 (July 2023): 201-219.

  96. Wilson, Alison J. "Aircraft Carriers and the Capacity to Mobilise US Power across the Pacific, 1919-1929". Journal of Historical Geography 58 (October 2017): 71-81.

  97. Witgen, Michael John. "Chief Buffalo Goes to Washington". Wisconsin Magazine of History 107, no.2 (Winter 2023): 18-27.

  98. Witgen, Michael John. "The End of an Era: The United States as a New World Colonial Power". William and Mary Quarterly 81, no.1 (January 2024): 115-122.

  99. Wright, Micah. "Pedro 'Pete' Augusto del Valle: The Americanization of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Far Right". The Latin Americanist 67, no.1 (March 2023): 78-95.

Volume 51, Number 2, April-June, 2024

  1. Akiboh, Alvita. "Empire's Embezzlers: Fraud and Scandal in U.S.-Occupied Cuba, 1900-1902". Modern American History 6, no.3 (November 2023): 301-321.

  2. Allan, Chris. "'Twisting the Lion's Tail': Joseph W. Ivey's Anti-Canadian Strategies during the Alaska Boundary Dispute". Alaska History 39, no.1 (Spring 2024): 1-21.

  3. Anderson, Claudia Wilson. "Training and Dispersing Young Jews Fleeing Hitler: The National Youth Administration Refugee Program and the South". Southern Jewish History 26 (2023): 13-81.
    RG029/RG064/RG119/RG147/FDR Library/LBJ Library

  4. Bernstein, Lee. "Sintsincks to Sing Sing: Empire, the War of 1812, and the Transformation of U.S. Prisons". Early American Studies 20, no.2 (Spring 2022): 339-369.

  5. Bess, Jennifer. "The 'Crisis' of Native American Mobility: Border Crossing and the Influence of International Relations on Indian Policy, 1896-1898". Pacific Historical Review 93, no.2 (Spring 2024): 169-201.

  6. Bimbiras, John, and Paul Austerlitz. "Reimagining Latin Music in New York City: The Impact of Rafael Petiton Guzman". Revista de Musica Latinoamericana 44, no.1 (Spring-Summer 2023): 1-30.

  7. Blake, Jessica. "Black Tradeswomen and the Making of a Taste Culture in Lower Louisiana". Early American Studies 19, no.4 (Fall 2021): 735-768.

  8. Bruscino, Thomas and Mitchell G. Klingenberg. "'Making War upon the Map': The U.S. Army's Forgotten Map Problem, Meade's Gettysburg Campaign, and Depicting Operational Art". Army History 131 (Spring 2024): 36-62.
    NARA photos

  9. Cain, Virginia. "Grace's Places: One Madam's Reign in Nashville, Tennessee, 1894-1933". Tennessee Historical Quarterly 82, no.1 (Spring 2023): 2-29.

  10. Canestaro, Nathan. "The Mighty Moo at the Battle of the Philippine Sea". Naval History 38, no.3 (June 2024): 20-27.
    NARA photos

  11. Carbonetti, Stephanie. "Who Was the Father of James Finney of Indiana?". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 112, no.1 (March 2024): 45-60.

  12. Carroll, Francis M. "The United States Consulate in Belfast and the Development of the American Consular Service, 1796-1906". International History Review 46, no.1 (February 2024): 73-87.

  13. Cartmell, Carleigh A. "Long Term Intelligence Sharing: The Five Eyes and the European Union". Journal of Intelligence History 22, no.3 (2023): 417-434.
    JFK Library

  14. Caterina, Gianfranco. "Quem detem o interesse nacional? O malogro da cooperacao entre a Companhia Industrial de Rochas Betuminosas e a URSS no setor de gas de xisto no Brasil (1959-1973)". Latin American Research Review 58, no.1 (2023): 129-143.

  15. Cline, Joshua. "99th Infantry Battalion (Separate)". On Point 29, no.2 (Spring 2024): 35-38.
    NARA photos

  16. Cline, Joshua. "A 'Damned Nobody' to Four Stars: The Life and Career of General Bruce C. Clarke". On Point 29, no.2 (Spring 2024): 28-34.
    NARA photos

  17. Coddington, Nicholas and Caitlin Cutrona. "Behind the Shingle, the Untold Stories of D-Day". Social Education 88, no.2 (March-April 2024): 92-97.
    RG026/RG457/NARA photos

  18. Cooper. Karen Coody. "The Schooled Daughters of Major Ridge Amidst Turbulent Cherokee Transition". Chronicles of Oklahoma 102, no.1 (Spring 2024): 30-50.

  19. Cuellar Gonzalez, Arturo. "The Origins of Mexican Families in Utah, 1911-1947". Utah Historical Quarterly 92, no.1 (Winter 2024): 64-71.

  20. De Apodaca, Roberto Oscar Flores. "Praying Soldiers: How Continental Soldiers Experienced Religion during the Revolutionary War, 1775-1783". Early American Studies 20, no.3 (Summer 2022): 440-465.

  21. Dincel, Yusuf. "Greek Occupation of Western Anatolia according to Archival Documents". Cumhuriyet Tarihi Arastirmalari Dergisi 19, no.39 (Fall 2023): 1195-1229.

  22. Eisner, Eric. "'Hebrews in Favor of the South': Jews, Race, and the North Carolina State Convention of 1861-1862". Southern Jewish History 24 (2021): 1-47.
    NARA photos

  23. Fonkert, J.H. "Migration Research Matches D. H. Stephens of Missouri with Daniel H. Stephens of Franklin County, Kentucky". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 112, no.1 (March 2024): 31-44.

  24. Gillins, Sharon Batiste. "Researching the Records of the Freedman's Bank". NGS Magazine 50, no.2 (April-June 2024): 26-33.

  25. Givens, Cameron James. "The German Plague: Contagion and Conspiracy in First World War America". Modern American History 6, no.1 (March 2023): 2-20.

  26. Gleizer, Daniela and Yael Siman. "From Europe to Mexico: The Unexpected Journey of Thirty Jewish Families Escaping Nazism". Holocaust and Genocide Studies 38, no.1 (Spring 2024): 102-121.

  27. Goodier, Susan. "Louisa Jacobs and the St. Thomas Sanitary Committee Fair of 1864". Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 148, no.1 (January 2024): 21-53.

  28. Greiner, Bob. "Catherine Engelhardt - A Mis-directed Pursuit". Der Kurier 42, no.2 (June 2024): 45-53.

  29. Greiner, Bob. "U.S. German Church Records - A Key to Immigrant Migration". Der Kurier 42, no.1 (March 2024): 6-15.

  30. Hahamovitch, Cindy. "The 'Profane Margins' of the State: Florida Sheriff Walter R. Clark and the Local History of Crime, Policing, and Incarceration". Journal of American History 110, no.4 (March 2024): 643-666.

  31. Halpin, Dennis Patrick. "'All Manner of Cruelty and Slavery': A Long History of Black Labor and White Violence on Navassa Island, 1857-1898". Journal of African American History 109, no.1 (Winter 2024): 2-29.

  32. Hansen, Chris L. "Fielding Opportunity: The History of the Ogden Assembly Club and the Legacy of African American Baseball Teams in Utah". Utah Historical Quarterly 92, no.2 (Spring 2024): 140-155.

  33. Heger, Ken. "Registered in Brunswick: Registration of American Citizens at the American Consulate in Brunswick, 1908-1916". Der Kurier 42, no.2 (June 2024): 60-65.

  34. Heger, Kenneth W. "Registration of Married Women at the Consulate General in Frankfurt-Am-Main, 1907-1916". Der Kurier 42, no.1 (March 2024): 27-28.

  35. Hemler, Chris K. "Seizing Saipan". Naval History 38, no.3 (June 2024): 14-19.
    NARA photos

  36. Hobbs, Patricia Lee and Barbara J. Garrison. "DNA Merges Families of Stephen Stilwell of Dutchess County, New York; Cornwall, Upper Canada; and Coshocton County, Ohio". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 112, no.1 (March 2024): 5-30.

  37. Holmes, Christopher D. "For a Period of Four Years: The Evolution of Term Lengths for the Joint Chiefs of Staff". Journal of Military History 88, no.2 (April 2024): 450-482.
    JFK Library

  38. Hopkins, Britain. "The Origins of the Student Loan Industry in the United States: Richard Cornuelle, United Student Aid Funds, and the Creation of the Guaranteed Student Loan Program". Journal of American History 110, no.4 (March 2024): 667-688.
    RG046/LBJ Library/RMN Library

  39. Isaksson, Elisabeth and Anka Ryall. "The Queen of the Arctic: Louise Arner Boyd". Polar Research 42 (2023): 1-11.
    NARA photos

  40. Jarvis, Robert M. "Jerry Lewis: Comedian, Filmmaker, Humanitarian...and Failed Franchisor". Franchise Law Journal 42, no.1 (Summer 2022): 1-9, 11-16, 18-25.

  41. Johnson, Michael P. "Joseph Vesey's Revolution, 1775-1781". South Carolina Historical Magazine 121, no.2 (April 2020): 72-133.

  42. Joshi, Suchir. "Economy over Education: The Freedman's Bureau, Child Labor, and Schooling". Tennessee Historical Quarterly 82, no.2 (Summer 2023): 118-131.

  43. Katagiri, Yasuhiro and Michael S. Martin. "The Three Rs of Louisiana Segregation: Rainach, Race, and Reds". Louisiana History 65, no.1 (Winter 2024): 5-66.
    JFK Library

  44. Kiddle, Amelia M. "'Ambitions for Leadership': Latin American Responses to Mexican Labor's Role in the Founding of the Confederacion de Trabajadores de America Latina". Latin Americanist 66, no.4 (December 2022): 403-436.

  45. Kimble, Sara L. "Internationalist Women against Nazi Atrocities in Occupied Europe, 1941-1947". Journal of Women's History 35, no.1 (Spring 2023): 57-79.

  46. Komine, Yukinori. "Virtual Nukes: The Formulation of Japan's Non-nuclear Weapons Security Policy". International History Review 46, no.1 (February 2024): 18-40.
    RG059/JFK Library/LBJ Library/RMN Library/GRF Library

  47. Lamadrid, Enrique R. with Demetria Martinez and Ted F. Martinez. "Arms and a Man I Sing: Luis Sedillo Martinez (1898-1986): A Literary Biography". New Mexico Historical Review 98, no.4 (Fall 2023): 369-404.

  48. Lariccia, Dante. "Empire, Globalization, Environmental Management: Regulating Pollution at the Panama Canal". Diplomatic History 48, no.3 (June 2024): 398-423.

  49. Larkin, Thomas M. "The Global American Civil War and Anglo-American Relations in China's Treaty Ports". The Historical Journal 66, no.2 (March 2023): 325-347.

  50. Lawlor, Ruth. "The Wartime Battlefield of Sex". Modern American History 4, no.2 (July 2021): 209-212.

  51. Leidy, Joseph. "El Zaim: Youth, Authority, and Syrian Nationalism in the Mahjar, 1938-1944". Mashriq & Mahjar 10, no.1 (2023): 79-106.

  52. Lester, Gustave. "Land, Fur, and Copper: The Union of Settler Colonialism and Industrial Capitalism in the Great Lakes Region, 1815-1842". Early American Studies 21, no.1 (Winter 2023): 122-165.

  53. Lew-Williams, Beth. "Paper Lives of Chinese Migrants and the History of the Undocumented". Modern American History 4, no.2 (July 2021): 109-130.

  54. Linenberg, Yorai. "German Captors, Jewish POWs: Segregation of American and British Jewish POWs in German Captivity in the Second World War". Holocaust and Genocide Studies 37, no.3 (Winter 2023): 404-422.

  55. Looney, Dallas. "General Gordon R. Sullivan". On Point 29, no.2 (Spring 2024): 6-10.
    fARA photos

  56. Loss, Christopher P. "The Making of a Neocon". Modern American History 5, no.3 (November 2022): 263-287.
    LBJ Library

  57. Lourie, Owen. "Maryland's Jews, Military Service, and the American Revolutionary Era: The Case of Elias Pollock". Southern Jewish History 25 (2022): 1-29.

  58. Lyman, Benjamin J. "In the Eye of the Sphinx: US Army Intelligence Collection and Surveillance, 1965-1970". Journal of Intelligence History 22, no.3 (November 2023): 376-397.

  59. Madley, Benjamin. "'Aloha with tears': Native Hawaiians in the California Gold Rush, 1848-1860". Journal of American History 111, no.1 (June 2024): 39-70.

  60. Mainprize, Ronan P. "A Seat at the President's Table? Lyndon Johnson, the CIA, and the Six Day War". Intelligence and National Security 38, no.6 (October 2023): 872-884.
    LBJ Library

  61. Malagodi, Mara. "Nepal's Constitutional Foundations between Revolution and Cold War (1950-60)". Law and History Review 41, no.2 (May 2023): 273-294.

  62. Marks, Philip. "Review of Behind the Enigma by John Ferris". Cryptologia 48, no.3 (2024): 252-281.

  63. McGovern, Terrance. "Fort Michie, New York". On Point 29, no.2 (Spring 2024): 42-45.
    NARA photos

  64. McPherson, Alan. "'The Most Marketable Political Commodity': Oliver North, Iran-Contra, and American Domestic Politics". Modern American History 6, no.2 (July 2023): 135-155.

  65. Medwick, Denise. "Trade Card Secrets". Der Kurier 42, no.2 (June 2024): 54-59.

  66. Mehrotra, Ajay K. "Experts, Democracy, and the Historical Irony of U.S. Tax Policy: Thomas S. Adams and the Beginnings of the Value-Added Tax". Modern American History 5, no.3 (November 2022): 239-262.

  67. Miller, Julie. "How to Organize and Analyze a Military Pension File". NGS Magazine 50, no.2 (April-June 2024): 17-23.

  68. Mitelpunkt, Shaul. "War and the Demos: The War Powers Resolution in the Context of the Draft's Demise". Modern American History 6, no.2 (July 2023): 265-269.
    RMN Library

  69. Moreli, Alexander and Gianfranco Caterina. "Cold War Oil, Development, and Political Unrest: The Brazilian Experience". Diplomatic History 48, no.2 (April 2024): 244-274.
    RG059/JFK Library

  70. Morgan, Alaina M. "A Revolutionary Bromance: Masculinity, Performance, and Religion in Diplomacy .". Diplomatic History 48, no.3 (June 2024): 339-365.
    RR Library

  71. Morrow-Spitzer, Jacob. "'Free from Proscription and Prejudice': Politics and Race in the Election of One Jewish Mayor in Late Reconstruction Lousiana". Southern Jewish History 22 (2019): 5-41.

  72. Okazaki, Linda Harms. "Japanese American Internment and Incarceration Camps in World War II". NGS Magazine 50, no.2 (April-June 2024): 42-49.

  73. Ostendorf, Ann. "Louisiana Bohemians: Community, Race, and Empire". Early American Studies 19, no.4 (Fall 2021): 659-698.

  74. Owen, Peter F. "Marine Air's Dark Day at Midway". Naval History 38, no.3 (June 2024): 36-43.

  75. Pagliarini, Andre. "'Real Self-Help' and the Seeds of Neoliberalism: Foreign Aid to Brazil from Kennedy to Johnson". International History Review 45, no.6 (December 2023): 919-938.
    JFK Library/LBJ Library

  76. Pan, Ying, Jiayu Bai, and Sam Turner. "History in Points, Lines and Polygons: Time Depth in the Landscape of Guangdong Province, Southern China". Land 12, no.11 (2023): n.p.

  77. Pearson, Susan J. "Birth Registration and the Administration of White Supremacy". Modern American History 5, no.2 (July 2022): 117-141.

  78. Perkins, J. Blake. "'Kit Karson and Band': Race, Class, and New South Nightriding in Northeast Arkansas". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 81, no.3 (Autumn 2022): 252-281.

  79. Peskin, Lawrence A. "Out of Sight and Out of Mind: The Early Consular Service and the Facilitative State, 1776-1856". Federal History Journal 16 (April 2024): 39-60.

  80. Peterman, Cynthia. "The Movement to Boycott the 1936 Berlin Olympics". Social Education 88, no.3 (May-June 2024): 181-187.
    RG059/RG131/FDR Library

  81. Petlewski, Kathy. "Women during World War II: Volunteer Work and Civilian Employment". NGS Magazine 50, no.2 (April-June 2024): 50-55.
    NARA photos

  82. Phelps, Christopher. "Why Did Teachers Organize? Feminism and Socialism in the Making of New York City Teacher Unionism". Modern American History 4, no.2 (July 2021): 131-158.

  83. Plutshack, Victoria and Ashton Merck. "'Women Work Particularly Well in Community Organizations': Cultivating Community and Consumerism in the Comanche County REA Women's Club, 1939-1940". Agricultural History 98, no.2 (May 2024): 147-186.

  84. Plys, Kristin. "Theories of Antifascism in the Interwar Mediterranean Part II: Autonomous Workers Movements and the Cafe Culture in Italy & Tunisia, 1922-1945". Journal of World-Systems Research 29, no.1 (2023): 125-148.

  85. Pressman, Matthew. "The New York Daily News and the History of Conservative Media". Modern American History 4, no.3 (November 2021): 219-238.
    HST Library

  86. Quevillon, Timothy R. Riggio. "Moshe Cahana, Ethical Zionism, and the Application of Jewish Nationalism to Civil Rights Struggles in the American South". Southern Jewish History 23 (2020): 125-165.

  87. Rabe, Stephen G. "Catching and Releasing a War Criminal". Journal of America's Military Past 49, no.1 (Winter 2024): 22-32.
    NARA photos

  88. Randolph, Justin. "The Jim Crow Militia: Paramilitary Police Reform and Law-and-Order Liberalism in Mississippi". Journal of Southern History 90, no.2 (May 2024): 285-324.

  89. Rasmussen, Chris. "Manifest Destiny's Fortunes in the Western Pacific: The First and Last United States Consul to Guam, Samuel J. Masters, 1854-1856". Federal History Journal 16 (April 2024): 61-84.

  90. Reardon, Mark J. "From Native Guides to Commonwealth Defenders: Filipino Soldiers under U.S. Command, 1899-1942". Army History 131 (Spring 2024): 6-25.
    DDE Library/NARA photos

  91. Reidy, Joseph P. "Conservative Radicals and Radical Conservatives in the Civil War Era and Today". Journal of Southern History 90, no.2 (May 2024): 215-248.
    RG101/RG105/GRF Library

  92. Ridner, Judith. "Archibald Loudon and the Politics of Print and Indian-Hating in the Early Republic". Early American Studies 19, no.3 (Summer 2021): 528-567.

  93. Robb, Thomas K. and James Cooper. "In Search of a Winning Grand Strategy: Ronald Reagan's First Term, 1981-5". International History Review 45, no.6 (December 2023): 957-9779.
    JC Library/RR Library

  94. Roney, Jessica Choppin. "An Expansion of the Same Society: Republican Government and Empire in the Early Republic". Journal of American History 111, no.1 (June 2024): 15-38.

  95. Ruamcharoen, Boyd. "Tropicalizing the Portable Radio: Electronics and the U.S. Military's Battle against Fungi in the Pacific War". Technology and Culture 65, no.2 (April 2024): 497-529.

  96. Samol, Wojciech, Szymon Kowalski, Arkadiusz Wozniakowski, and Piotr Samol. "Where the Second World War in Europe Broke Out: The Landscape History of Westerplatte, Gdansk/Danzig". Land 12, no.3 (2023): n.p.

  97. Schanzenbacher, Gunter and Kenneth W. Heger. "Eight More Years of Names: The Overseas Pension Database Now Extends to 1914". Der Kurier 42, no.1 (March 2024): 16-22.

  98. Schrader, Stuart. "Cops at War: How World War II Transformed U.S. Policing". Modern American History 4, no.2 (July 2021): 159-179.

  99. Seelinger, Matthew J. "M102 105mm Howitzer". On Point 29, no.2 (Spring 2024): 39-41.
    NARA photos

  100. Shibley, Natalie. "Policing Venereal Disease at Fort Huachuca, 1941-1945". Journal of Military History 88, no.2 (April 2024): 367-397.

  101. Sillen, Andrew. "The Cope Line Voyages of David Henry White: Evidence from the Cope Family Archive". Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 148, no.1 (January 2024): 1-20.

  102. Simon, Bryant. "The Trouble with Bathrooms". Modern American History 4, no.2 (July 2021): 201-207.

  103. Sobocinska, Agnieszka. "The Interpersonal and the International: Development, Volunteering and Grassroots Diplomacy in the 1960s". International History Review 45, no.6 (December 2023): 903-918.
    RG490/JFK Library

  104. Sturgeon, Joel. "You Will Be Policed: Boss Crump, the New Deal, and the Price of Black Defiance in FDR's America". Tennessee Historical Quarterly 82, no.1 (Spring 2023): 56-96.
    FDR Library

  105. Sunshine, Daniel W. "The Human Sacrifice: The Trial of Lucy Bagby and the Secession Crisis". Civil War History 70, no.2 (June 2024): 46-82.

  106. Susanto, Widy Novantyo. "U.S.-Japanese Relations, ASEAN, and Economic Power in Southeast Asia, 1969-1981". Diplomatic History 48, no.2 (April 2024): 216-244.

  107. Thomson, Jennifer. "'Bring Money': The Environmental Protection Agency, Sewer Infrastructure, and the Racialized Geography of the United States". Journal of American History 111, no.1 (June 2024): 71-90.

  108. Thrasher, Christopher. "'A Reign of Terror in Little Georgia': Nightriding in Garland County, Arkansas". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 81, no.3 (Autumn 2022): 293-309.

  109. Toner, Simon. "'The Paradise of the Latrine': American Toilet-Building and the Continuities of Colonial and Postcolonial Development". Modern American History 2, no.3 (November 2019): 299-320.

  110. Turek, Lauren F. "A Rationale for Aid: Moral Language in the Debates over the Mutual Security Act, 1951-1961". Federal History Journal 16 (April 2024): 85-114.

  111. Underhill, Lonnie E. "Indian Traders and Fraud in the Osage Nation, 1870s-1890s". Journal of the West 62, no.3 (Summer 2023): 21-30.

  112. Vazquez Valenzuela, David Adan. "Trespassing Limits: A Case of Political Activism in Sierra Mojado, Coahuila, and Chino, California, before the Mexican Revolution". Pacific Historical Review 93, no.2 (Spring 2024): 235-262.

  113. Veeser, Cyrus. "Defaulting Debtors, American Public Opinion, and U.S. International Relations, 1900 to 1940". Modern American History 6, no.2 (July 2023): 230-233.

  114. Weise, Julie M. and Christoph Rass. "Migrating Concepts: The Transatlantic Origins of the Bracero Program, 1919-42". Journal of American History 129, no.1 (March 2024): 22-52.

  115. Wellum, Caleb. "The Use of Energy History". Modern American History 6, no.2 (July 2023): 201-219.

  116. West, Cane. "Doctoring Removal: Southern Medicine, Indian Removal, and the Cholera Epidemic of 1832-1834 in Arkansas Territory". Journal of Southern History 90, no.2 (May 2024): 249-284.

  117. Wriston, Zach. "Soldiers and Scholars: A Historical Examination of Distance Education in the U.S. Army and its Connections to American Education". On Point 29, no.2 (Spring 2024): 19-25.
    NARA photos

  118. Yalzadeh, Ida. "After the Battle of Beverly Hills: Iranian International Student Surveillance in the United States". Diplomatic History 48, no.2 (April 2024): 167-187.

  119. Zipf, Karin. "Exposing the Masculinist Narrative in Federal Antislavery Law: A History of U.S. v. Booker (1980)". Journal of American History 110, no.4 (March 2024): 689-714.

Volume 51, Number 3, July-September, 2024

  1. Adderley, Philip Burnett. "Assessing Handwriting as Evidence of Identity: Using Forensic Document Examination Methodology". NGS Magazine 50, no.3 (July-September 2024): 41-46.

  2. Akyuz, Doruk. "The Great Offensive of 1922: Prelude to Blitzkrieg". Journal of Military History 88, no.3 (July 2024): 741-767.

  3. Alberdi, Jeronimo Lau. "Carlos Rosenkrantz, the Dissenting Justice, Six Years after His Becoming a Supreme Court Justice". Revista Juridica Austral 4, no.1 (June 2023): 147-206.

  4. Aldous, Christopher. "The Anatomy of Allied Occupation: Contesting the Resumption of Japanese Antarctic Whaling, 1945-1952". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 26, no.4 (2019): 338-367.

  5. Antonopoulos, Athanasios. "Jimmy Carter and the US-Turkish Security Relationship, 1977-1980". International History Review 46, no.2 (April 2024): 209-227.
    RG059/JC Library

  6. Bailey, Beth. "Thinking about Military History as a History of Social Change". Journal of Military History 88, no.3 (July 2024): 625-641.
    RG472/NARA photos

  7. Baker, Thomas R. "Kinship, Commerce, & Conservative Unionism: The Iowa-Missouri Border Region Prior to the Civil War". Annals of Iowa 83, no.2 (Spring 2024): 125-158.

  8. Bamford, Tyler R. "You Can Take It With You: U.S. Army Souvenir Weapon Regulations in World War II". Journal of Military History 88, no.3 (July 2024): 768-792.

  9. Bello, Taiwo. "Abie Nathan and His Double-Edged Missions: The Transnational Humanitarian and Human Rights Activist during the Nigeria-Biafra War". Journal of World History 33, no.1 (March 2022): 139-168.

  10. Bessner, Daniel, Michael Brenes and Michael Franczak. "A Brief History of Cold War Liberalism". Cold War History 24, no.2 (May 2024): 299-308.
    GRF Library/RR Library

  11. Bidgood, Sarah. "No Risk (Reduction), No Reward: Re-examining the 1973 US-Soviet Agreement on the Prevention of Nuclear War". Cold War History 24, no.2 (May 2024): 209-238.
    RG059/RMN Library

  12. Blackley, Andrew K. "Neither Cruiser no Gunboat: The USS Monterey". Naval History 38, no.4 (August 2024): 8-9.

  13. Blume, Kenneth J. "Preparing the South Pacific for U.S. Influence: The USS Narragansett in Samoa, 1872". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 27, no.1 (2020): 7-28.

  14. Bolsinger, Diana I. "Overt Action: Congressional Oversight, Private Activism and Afghan Covert Action Policy in the Reagan Administration". Intelligence and National Security 39, no.5 (August 2024): 824-840.
    RR Library

  15. Briand, Pierre S.C. "Leyte's Enduring Relevance". Naval History 38, no.5 (October 2024): 32-37.
    NARA photos

  16. Burgess, Charles J. "Pacific Fleet to Singapore?: Deterrence, Warfighting, and Anglo-American Planning for the Defense of Southeast Asia, 1937-1941". Diplomacy & Statecraft 34, no.2 (June 2023): 256-295.
    RG038/RG107/RG165/RG313/FDR Library

  17. Chan, Wayne S. "Breaking the Silk Dress Cryptogram". Cryptologia 48, no.5 (2024): 387-426.

  18. Chapman, Jessica M. "Running to School: U.S.-Kenyan Athletic Pipelines in the 1970s". Diplomatic History 48, no.1 (January 2024): 20-47.
    JFK Library

  19. Chartrand, Rene. "Collar Lace on the May 1813 U.S. Regular Infantry Enlisted Men's Coats". Military Collector & Historian 75, no.3 (Fall 2023): 271-272.

  20. Chatelain, Neil P. "Turnover and Turmoil off Charleston". Naval History 38, no.4 (August 2024): 44-49.

  21. Cope, Graeme. "'We just want them to go to their own schools': Opposition to Integration in Van Buren, 1954-1958". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 81, no.4 (Winter 2022): 368-389.

  22. Crean, Jeffrey. "'Nixon is With Us on China': Raging Against the Dying of the Lobby". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 26, no.4 (2019): 368-396.
    RG059/JFK Library/LBJ Library/RMN Library

  23. Cressman, George E., Jr. "Camp Blanding's German Prisoners of War and Russian Dandelions". Journal of America's Military Past 49, no.2 (Spring-Summer 2024): 36-50.
    RG389/NARA photos

  24. Cureton, Charles and Mark Kasal. "The Marine 1832 Cocked Hat and 1834 Bell Crown". Military Collector & Historian 75, no.3 (Fall 2023): 273-281.

  25. Dean, Austin. "The Shanghai Mint and U.S.-China Monetary Interactions, 1920-1933". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 25, no.1 (2018): 7-32.

  26. Diaz-Esteve, Laura. "The Singapore Free Press and the War of 1898 in the Philippines". Diplomatic History 48, no.4 (September 2024): 573-598.

  27. Droessler, Holger. "'To Bring the Blessings of Peace and Order': Preservationist Paternalism in American Samoa, 1872-1907". International History Review 46, no.3 (June 2024): 312-327.

  28. Easter, David. "State Department Cipher Machines and Communications Security in the Early Cold War, 1944-1965". Intelligence and National Security 39, no.4 (June 2024): 620-635.

  29. Ehrenfreund, Max. "Essential Business: The Flu, the War, and the Economy". Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 22, no.3 (July 2023): 319-346.

  30. Erskine, Kristopher C. "American Public Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics: The Genesis of the China Lobby in the United States, and how Missionaries Shifted American Foreign Policy between 1938 and 1941". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 25, no.1 (2018): 33-59.

  31. Feurer, Rosemary. "Contesting the 'Insatiable Maw of Capital': Mine Workers' Struggles in the Civil War Era". Civil War History 70, no.3 (September 2024): 17-42.

  32. Finkelman, Paul and Candace Jackson Gray. "Justice John McLean: Politician, Anti-Slavery Jurist, Emancipator of Slaves, and...Slaveowner?". Journal of Supreme Court History 49, no.2 (2024): 105-137.

  33. Fishback, Price V., Jessica LaVoice, Allison Shertzer, and Randall P. Walsh. "The HOLC Maps: How Race and Poverty Influenced Real Estate Professionals' Evaluation of Lending Risk in the 1930s". Journal of Economic History 83, no.4 (December 2023): 1019-1056.

  34. Flynn, John. "Summit Diplomacy: US-Soviet Mountaineering Exchanges, 1974-1989". International Journal of the History of Sport 41, no.2-3 (2024): 137-164.
    RR Library

  35. Funk, Kellen R. and Sandra G. Mayson. "Bail at the Founding". Harvard Law Review 137, no.7 (November 2023): 1816-1904.

  36. Gilbert, Randal B. "'Unwhipped of Justice': The Conflict between John Bankhead Magruder and the Texas Supreme Court, Part 1 of 2". Journal of the Texas Supreme Court Historical Society 13, no.3 (Spring 2024): 9-26.

  37. Gorenfeld, Will. "Phil Kearney's Glorious Charge at Churubusco". Military Collector & Historian 75, no.3 (Fall 2023): 195-205.
    RG407/NARA photos

  38. Grischkan, Jamie. "Regulating Bank Mergers: Past and Present". University of Illinois Law Review 2024, no.2 (2024): 557-612.

  39. Grunden, Walter E. "Physicists and 'Fellow Travelers': Nuclear Fear, the Red Scare, and Science Policy in Occupied Japan". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 25, no.4 (2018): 343-383.

  40. Hahamovitch, Cindy. "The 'Profane Margins' of the State: Florida Sheriff Walter R. Clark and the Local History of Crime, Policing, and Incarceration". Journal of American History 110, no.4 (March 2024): 643-666.

  41. Hale, Jon N. "Private Schools for the Public Good: Historically Black High Schools in the South from Reconstruction through the Progressive Era, 1877-1930". Journal of African American History 109, no.3 (Summer 2024): 392-416.

  42. Hall, Brian N. "'An Inferior Technician'? African American Signallers in the First World War". Historical Research 97, no.275 (February 2024): 129-146.

  43. Hatfield, Philip. "Capt. William Chambers Cougenhour, Company K, 4th North Carolina State Troops, The Rowan Rifle Guards, 1857-1865". Military Collector & Historian 75, no.3 (Fall 2023): 227-229.

  44. Hayashi, Brian Masaru. "Frank Knox's Fifth Column in Hawai'i: The U.S. Navy, the Japanese, and the Pearl Harbor Attack". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 27, no.2 (2020): 142-168.
    RG038/FDR Library

  45. Heinz, Leonard R. "Night Fight at Kula Gulf". Naval History 38, no.4 (August 2024): 38-43.

  46. Heiss, Mary Ann. "Presidential Cold War Doctrines: What Are They Good For?". Diplomatic History 48, no.1 (January 2024): 1-19.
    HST Library

  47. Hornbeck, Richard. "Dust Bowl Migrants: Environmental Refugees and Economic Adaptation". Journal of Economic History 83, no.3 (September 2023): 645-675.

  48. Horne, William. "White Supremacy and Fraud: The 'Abolitionist' Work of Henry Frisbie". Civil War History 70, no.3 (September 2024): 69-86.

  49. Hyun, Jun Suk and William Stueck. "The U.S.-ROK Relationship into Full Bloom: From 'Little Strategic Interest' to Alliance Partner, 1947-1966". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 26, no.2 (2019): 103-140.
    RG059/RG218/DDE Library

  50. Irwin, Jenny Rizzo. "Generations of Familial Ties Identify Parents for Nathaniel Atwell of New York". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 112, no.2 (June 2024): 121-134.

  51. Jones, Thomas W. "Mitochondrial DNA and an Inferred Conclusion: Revisiting Eleanor (-?-) Tureman Crow Overton in Culpeper and Madison Counties, Virginia". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 112, no.2 (June 2024): 85-101.

  52. Jung, Ji Hee. "The Self-Rehabilitation of Homeless Children, Reeducation Programs in the Transwar Pacific, and the Emergence of Post-Colonial Imperialism". International History Review 46, no.3 (June 2024): 351-367.

  53. Kaufman, Sarah Beth. "Higher Education on the Texas Blackland Prairie: Trinity University's Civil War Era". Journal of Southern History 90, no.3 (August 2024): 503-538.

  54. Kinney, Brandon. "'Poor Devils': German Contributions to American Flood Relief and the Early Cold War". Cold War History 24, no.2 (May 2024): 257-275.

  55. Kraus, Charles. "Failure to Change the Status Quo: Jimmy Carter, the Two Koreas, and the International Pursuit of Dialogue, 1977-1979". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 26, no.2 (2019): 141-164.
    GRF Library/JC Library

  56. Leeman, William P. "Fortress of American Empire: Building the Modern U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, 1895-1913". Journal of America's Military Past 49, no.2 (Spring/Summer 2024): 5-35.

  57. Li, Rong (Aries). "Wartime Storytelling and Mythmaking: Interpreting and Remembering the Flying Tigers in the United States, 1941-1945". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 27, no.4 (2020): 347-373.

  58. Long, Stephen, and Francesco Cacciatore. "One Size Does Not Fit All: Rollback Orthodoxy and Anglo-American Covert Action in Albania and Ukraine in the Early Cold War". Intelligence and National Security 39, no.4 (June 2024): 599-619.
    RG263/DDE Library

  59. Long, Stephen. "'Inexpensive to us and yet very valuable to the impoverished Albanian people': Covert Foreign Aid and the Anglo-American Subversion of Albania, 1951-55". Cold War History 24, no.2 (May 2024): 277-297.
    RG059/RG263/HST Library/DDE Library

  60. Luebke, Peter C. "U.S. Navy Aeronautic Detachment No. 1: The First American Unit Overseas in World War I". Military Collector & Historian 75, no.3 (Fall 2023): 234-236.

  61. Lukasik, Sebastian H. "'Boys, Don't Be Conscripted!': Military Service and Cultural Perceptions of the Draftee in America, 1917-1918". War in History 30, no.4 (2023): 374-390.

  62. Marino, Katherine M. "Rosa Rayside and Domestic Workers in the Fight against War and Fascism". Pacific Historical Review 93, no.3 (Summer 2024): 332-360.

  63. Marshall, Jonathan. "The United Fruit Lobby: Revisiting Truman's Guatemala Policy". Diplomatic History 48, no.1 (January 2024): 102-126.
    RG059/HST Library/DDE Library/LBJ Library

  64. McKinnon, Garrett. "The 1960 U-2 Crisis Reconsidered: Technology, Masculinity, and U.S. Airpower's 'Unmanning'". Diplomatic History 48, no.4 (September 2024): 520-548.
    DDE Library/LBJ Library

  65. Michel, Eddie. "'I Have Concluded That the US Government Will Adopt a New Focus in Its Policies Towards the Government of South Africa': President Jimmy Carter and Apartheid South Africa". Diplomacy & Statecraft 35, no.2 (June 2024): 363-387.
    HST Library/JFK Library/LBJ Library/GRF Library/JC Library

  66. Moneyhon, Carl H. "Emancipation Day to Juneteenth: The Origins of a Texas Celebration". Southwestern Historical Quarterly 78, no.1 (July 2024): 1-22.

  67. Moore, Colin. "Soldiers of a Forgotten Empire: American Memory and the Battle for Filipino Veterans' Benefits". War & Society 42, no.4 (2023): 366-380.
    WJC Library

  68. Murphy, Ann M. "The Chamber of Secrets: The Death of Judiial Review of State Secrets". Columbia Human Rights Law Review 55, no.1 (2024): 331-405.
    RG460/GWB Library

  69. Nassif, Hicham Bou. "The Lubrani Connection: Revisiting Israeli-Druze Relations in Lebanon's 1983 War of the Mountain". Journal of the Middle East and Africa 15, no.2 (2024): 119-149.
    RR Library

  70. Nedved, Gregory J. "Herbert O. Yardley: Eyewitnessing a Legacy". Journal of Intelligence History 23, no.2 (June 2024): 120-131.

  71. Nichols, Christopher McKnight, E. Thomas Ewing, Maddalena Marinari, Alan Lessoff, and David Huyssen. "What Came Next?: Reflections on the Aftermath(s) of the 1918-19 Flu Pandemic in the Age of COVID". Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 21, no.2 (April 2022): 111-149.

  72. Pardo, Rafael I. "Rethinking Antebellum Bankruptcy". University of Colorado Law Review 95, no.4 (2024): 995-1087.

  73. Patrick, Andrew. "Standard Oil and the Battle for the Ottoman Market, 1864-1914". Diplomacy & Statecraft 34, no.2 (June 2023): 180-207.

  74. Pechlivanis, Paschalis. "'Duty? Ambition? Mistake?': A Greek Diplomat's Politics under Authoritarian Rule". Diplomacy & Statecraft 34, no.2 (June 2023): 296-324.

  75. Reed, David C. "'My Brave Lieutenant': The Life of Patrick Alden Farrelly". Chronicles of Oklahoma 102, no.2 (Summer 2024): 126-146.

  76. Sen, Arijit. "Landscapes of Hope: Anachronic Histories of a Single Urban Block in Milwaukee, Wisconsin". Public Historian 46, no.3 (August 2024): 38-62.

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