Federal Records Management

Federal Records Management Council (FRMC)

About the FRMC

The Archivist of the United States established a Federal Records Management Council to provide input, advice and recommendations to the Archivist and to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and other Federal agencies on all aspects of records management, with particular emphasis on electronic records management and emerging records and information management (RIM) challenges. The Council provides a formal ongoing forum through which leading Federal practitioners and stakeholders share information, and identify common issues and experiences regarding shared RIM challenges facing Federal agencies.

FRMC Mission Statement

The mission of the Council is to identify critical issues and to provide recommendations on recordkeeping solutions and acceptable practices to the Archivist of the United States.  

FRMC Charter

Federal Records Management Council Charter

FRMC Working Group Products


FRMC IT Tiered Requirements

The IT Tiered Requirements for Records Management were developed as a product to help agency records staff communicate requirements to contracting and IT staff when procuring systems.


FRMC Digitization Cost-benefit Analysis Working Group

The FRMC working group created a cost-benefit analysis to provide practical support for the business decision of when or when not to digitize Federal records. The pricing chart summarizes price ranges observed on various vendors’ GSA Schedule 36 for Special Item Number 51 506 - Document Conversion. The sample calculation tools will enable an agency to determine estimated costs for digitizing Federal records.
