Federal Records Management

AC 38.2015

September 15, 2015

MEMORANDUM TO FEDERAL AGENCY CONTACTS: Release of NARA Bulletin 2015-04: Metadata Guidance for the Transfer of Permanent Electronic Records

I am happy to announce that NARA has issued new guidance for Federal agencies on the minimum metadata elements for the transfer of permanent electronic records to the National Archives.

NARA Bulletin 2015-04: Metadata Guidance for the Transfer of Permanent Electronic Records, describes the minimum set of metadata elements that must accompany permanent electronic records transferred to NARA. Appendix A gives agencies a minimum list of metadata terms with examples. Appendix B provides agencies with recommended file and folder naming conventions that are platform-independent.

This Bulletin was written with feedback from a wide variety of stakeholders, including OMB, the Federal Records Council, Federal agencies, and the public.

NARA will provide briefings on this new guidance and post a series of FAQs on Records Express.

Chief Records Officer
for the U.S. Government
