Federal Records Management

AC 28.2015

July 13, 2015

MEMORANDUM TO FEDERAL AGENCY CONTACTS: Subject Matter Experts Needed in Public Affairs and Customer Service

NARA’s General Records Schedule (GRS) Team is in the process of developing a new GRS to cover public affairs and customer service records. We are looking for subject matter experts in these areas to work with us on developing these records schedules by answering questions and providing feedback.

We are asking for records management staff to contact the public affairs or customer service staff in their agencies to help us out -- or, if you or one of your team is knowledgeable in this area, we would appreciate your help as well. The expected time commitment is anticipated to be no more than 20 hours, meeting every other week for two months starting in August.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Andrea Riley, Supervisor, GRS Team, at Andrea.Riley@nara.gov no later than July 24, 2015. These schedules have new content, so we would really appreciate your expertise and assistance!

Chief Records Officer
for the U.S. Government
