AC 27.2014
July 21, 2014
MEMORANDUM TO FEDERAL AGENCY CONTACTS: Agency review of a new draft General Records Schedule for email managed under a Capstone approach
As many of you know, NARA has been developing a General Records Schedule (GRS) for email managed under a Capstone approach. This GRS is being developed to support those agencies wishing to implement a Capstone approach as described in NARA Bulletin 2013-02: Guidance on a New Approach to Managing Email Records (Capstone), released in August 2013. The bulletin may be found here:
This draft GRS is being sent to federal agencies prior to public review. We would like to hear from you first so that what is eventually published in the Federal Register incorporates your comments as our stakeholders. All federal agencies are invited to participate in the review process. Attached for your consideration is the schedule package, which contains three parts:
- Draft record schedule, GRS 6.1: Email Managed Under a Capstone Approach
- Draft FAQ
- Appraisal memorandum
We appreciate your time in reviewing this draft and providing comments. We particularly encourage you to share this draft with your agency’s FOIA, General Counsel, Information Technology, and other information management stakeholders that have an interest in effective email management. If possible, please share with your Senior Agency Official for records management as part of a discussion on email management strategy. Your agency’s feedback on the viability and usefulness of this schedule will be particularly valuable in refining it so it meets government-wide needs.
Please use the following questions to stimulate your analysis and commentary of the draft GRS:
- Is the "Definition and Designation of Capstone Officials" clear?
- Are records correctly and completely described?
- Are retention periods too long, too short, or just right?
- Are items missing that should be included?
- Are items present that should be deleted?
- Will the schedule be usable by / useful to your agency?
Please use the attached comment form to organize your comments. We will accept comment forms through August 20, 2014. Please submit your comment forms and any general questions to GRS
Chief Records Officer
for the U.S. Government
Attachment: GRS Schedule Review Comment Form