AC 25.2013
June 27, 2013
MEMORANDUM TO FEDERAL AGENCY CONTACTS:Vendor Presentations of Automated Electronic Records Solutions
One of NARA's activities under the Managing Government Records Directive is encouraging development and use of economically viable automated solutions for managing electronic records as called for by goal A3.1.
As part of this project, the Electronic Records Management Automation Working Group, a group of Federal agency staff interested in this issue, is inviting vendors to offer presentations explaining how their solutions address elements of goal A3.1.
Vendors will provide the presentations via webinar and will answer a series of standard questions so they all address the concerns of agencies under the Directive. Any vendor that wants to offer a presentation addressing our questions is welcome; NARA is not selecting or endorsing vendors who offer presentations.
NARA will distribute all invitations received from vendors to any agency staff member who is interested in receiving them. We are establishing a new mailing list for this purpose to avoid sending vendor information to people who do not want to receive it. NARA will not share your names with vendors.
If you or your colleagues are interested in receiving invitations to these vendor presentations, send an email to with the email addresses of anyone we should add to the new distribution list.
Please email Meg Phillips at if you have any questions or need assistance.
Chief Records Officer
for the U.S. Government