Federal Records Management

AC 14.2017

December 2, 2016

MEMORANDUM TO FEDERAL AGENCY CONTACTS:  Agency Records Management Training Requirements

I am pleased to announce the release of  NARA Bulletin 2017-01 on Agency Records Management Training Requirements. The Bulletin specifies how often agencies must administer records records management training, who must complete the training, and what content areas are mandatory. The Bulletin provides promising practices intended to address the learning needs of personnel based on their position, role, or responsibility.

The Bulletin provides new and clarifying training guidance in response to:

  • The 2011  Presidential Memorandum - Managing Government Records, which states agency heads must take specific steps to reform records management policies and practices;
  • The 2012  Managing Government Records Directive (M-12-18), which requires agencies to develop suitable training to make employees aware of their records management responsibilities; and
  • The 2016 revised  OMB Circular No. A-130 - Managing Information as a Strategic Resource, which requires agencies to provide training and guidance to all agency personnel regarding their Federal records management responsibilities.

A follow-on briefing of this Bulletin will be provided at the  December 13, 2016, Agency Services Bimonthly Records and Information Discussion Group (BRIDG) meeting.

If you have any questions about this Bulletin, please contact NARA’s Records Management Training program at  RMT1@nara.gov.

Chief Records Officer
for the U.S. Government
