Federal Records Management

AC 04.2017

October 6, 2016

MEMORANDUM TO FEDERAL AGENCY CONTACTS: Subject Matter Experts Needed in Reviewing a Draft GRS for Mission-Related Information Technology Records

NARA’s General Records Schedule (GRS) Team is developing a new GRS to cover the following:

  • Information Technology Program Planning Records
  • Enterprise Architecture Records
  • Information Technology Capital Investment Records
  • CIO Committee Records

We are seeking subject matter experts to work with us on shaping this new GRS by answering questions and providing feedback.

The expected time commitment is anticipated to be no more than 8 hours, starting the week of November 14.The rest of the time will be spent reviewing and providing comments on the draft schedule.

This schedule is in the early stages of development. There will be an opportunity for comment later in FY 2017 during government-wide review. This schedule is anticipated to be published in November/December 2017 as part of GRS Transmittal 29.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Laura McHale, GRS Team, at Laura.McHale@nara.gov no later than November 7, 2016. We would really appreciate your expertise and assistance!

Chief Records Officer
for the U.S. Government  

Director, Federal Records Centers Program




