AC 02.2017
October 4, 2016
MEMORANDUM TO FEDERAL AGENCY CONTACTS:2017 Annual Move of Permanent Records
I am pleased to report that Transfer Requests for the 2017 Annual Move have now been loaded into the Electronic Records Archives (ERA) and you may now start reviewing and taking action on them!
In order to ensure timely transfer of permanent records agencies must log into ERA, propose, and submit the drafted Transfer Requests to NARA by December 1, 2016. This will allow for the eligible permanent records to be moved during the January through March 2017 timeframe. Remember to return all temporarily withdrawn records to the appropriate Federal Records Center (FRC) by January 1, 2017 to be included in the January-March move.
Agencies must complete the Classified Records Transfer Checklist (NA form 14130) for all new legal transfers of classified or declassified records into the National Archives. This checklist provides NARA with basic declassification review information as required under Executive Order 13526. More information about the checklist may be found at This checklist must be attached to the ERA Transfer Request (TR) by your agency prior to submission to NARA.
The ERA Agency User Manual is posted at: The manual is a great resource for step-by-step instructions, ERA field definitions, system information, and also includes a crosswalk between SF 258 and ERA data fields. The online training, especially Lessons 1 and 2, are important resources. It is at
In addition, here is a YouTube link to the Annual Move training webinar conducted in October, 2015. Even though this webinar is from last year, the instructions and guidance remain the same. Attached with this memorandum are the presentation slides from the webinar and a walkthrough with a fully time-stamped table of contents. You may also find the agency tips for reviewing transfer requests useful.
If you have questions about getting started using ERA and establishing user accounts, please contact NARA at or by phone to (877) 372-9594. If you have any questions about a particular FRC transfer, or general questions about the Annual Move, please send an email to
We look forward to working with you on the 2017 Annual Move. We especially appreciate your support in preserving the historically valuable records of your agency and of this Nation in the National Archives of the United States.
Chief Records Officer
for the U.S. Government
AC 02.2017 -
Using ERA for FRC Annual Move 2016 Webinar Slides.pdf
AC 02.2017 -
Using ERA for FRC Annual Move 2016 Table of Contents.pdf