Federal Records Management

AC 42.2024

Date: September 12, 2024  

Memorandum to Federal Records Management Contacts: Joint NARA OPM Bulletin on Official Personnel Folders and Employee Medical Folders

NARA and OPM have issued joint guidance on Official Personnel Folders and Employee Medical Folders (OPFs and EMFs). NARA OPM Bulletin 2024-01 authorizes a limited exception for agencies to continue sending paper OPFs and EMFs to NARA’s National Personnel Records Center (NPRC).

OPFs may continue to be sent through June 30, 2025
EMFs may continue to be sent through June 30, 2027.

This exception may be used by agencies still managing these records in paper or analog formats. NARA and OPM encourage agencies to continue transitioning fully to electronic OPFs and EMFs. Agencies interested in using OPM’s eOPF System may contact the eOPF Project Management Office at eOPFOversightManagers@opm.gov to begin the onboarding process. 

For questions about this guidance, please contact NARA at rmstandards@nara.gov or OPM at persdoc@opm.gov. Questions about the NPRC should be sent to  civiliantransfer&disposal@nara.gov 

This guidance will be discussed further at the upcoming BRIDG meeting on October 8, 2024.

William Fischer   
Acting Chief Records Officer 
for the U.S. Government
