AC 32.2023
Date: May 4, 2023
Memorandum to Senior Agency Officials For Records Management (SAORM): Release of Regulations with Digitization Standards for Permanent Records (SAORM)
Today, NARA published new federal regulations with standards for digitizing permanent federal records. The regulations are in 36 CFR 1236, Subpart E. The regulations will go into effect on June 5, 2023.
We have developed these regulations to meet our statutory requirements in the Federal Records Act to provide agencies with standards for reproducing records digitally “with a view to the disposal of the original records.” Furthermore, the OMB/NARA memos on transition to electronic records (M-19-21 and M-23-07 required NARA to issue regulations and clear policies that permit agencies to digitize permanent records created in analog formats and, where appropriate, dispose of analog originals.
We recognize that the comprehensive requirements in these regulations will have a significant impact on how agencies manage their records. In addition to the technical requirements for digitizing permanent records, the regulations include requirements for records management, documentation, quality management, and validation.
When agencies follow these standards, they may transfer the digitized records to NARA and destroy the source records. However, destruction is dependent on agencies having an approved records schedule to authorize disposition. This may be the General Records Schedule or an agency records schedule.
As SAORM, you have a key role to play in ensuring that your agency incorporates these new requirements into your agency’s records management practices. Please reach out to your agency records officer(s) to ensure that your agency understands how it will move forward in meeting these requirements in future digitization projects.
NARA will support you in this effort by developing additional guidance, training, and resources to help agencies transition to electronic records and digitize their permanent records. When these products are ready, we will post them to our new website on digitizing federal records, available at
In the meantime, if you need further information, please contact
Chief Records Officer
for the U.S. Government