Federal Records Management

AC 31. 2022

April 20, 2022

Memorandum to Federal Records Management Contacts: Release of NARA Bulletins

Our office has recently issued two NARA Bulletins to all federal agencies. The bulletins are:

2022-01: Revoked NARA Bulletins
2022-02: Resubmission of Capstone Forms

Bulletin 2022-01 revokes four previously issued NARA Bulletins. During our periodic review of NARA Bulletins, we determined these Bulletins contained outdated content and should be revoked. The requirements contained in the revoked Bulletins have been subsumed by more recent NARA guidance.

Bulletin 2022-02 lays out new requirements for submitting Capstone forms.

If you have any questions about Bulletin 2022-01, please contact rm.standards@nara.gov. If you have any questions about Bulletin 2022-02, please contact your NARA appraisal archivist.

Chief Records Officer 
for the U.S. Government
