Federal Records Management

AC 29.2024

Date: June 5, 2024

Memorandum to Federal Agency Contacts: June 11, 2024 BRIDG Meeting Reminder

The next Agency Services Bi-monthly Records and Information Discussion Group (BRIDG) meeting will be live-streamed on: 

            Tuesday, June 11, 2024  1:30 - 3:00 pm Eastern

(Please note that due to scheduling conflicts, we have changed the date from our previously announced schedule.)

Attendees can view the BRIDG live stream via the National Archives YouTube Channel using the following link:


Attendees can ask questions throughout the program by using the YouTube chat function or by emailing rm.communications@nara.gov.

The main agenda topics will be:

If you have any additional topics that you would like to see added to future BRIDG agendas, please email us at rm.communications@nara.gov. In addition, NARA encourages agencies to participate in BRIDG by presenting best practices or lessons learned that would be helpful to other attendees. If you wish to make a presentation or lead a discussion, please email rmpolicy@nara.gov.

If you have any questions about BRIDG, please email rm.communications@nara.gov or visit our BRIDG page at https://www.archives.gov/records-mgmt/meetings/index.html.

Thank you for your participation in BRIDG.

Chief Records Officer 
for the U.S. Government

Tasha Ford
Federal Records Centers Program
