AC 22. 2020
AC 22.2020
Date: July 27, 2020
MEMORANDUM TO FEDERAL AGENCY CONTACTS: General Record Schedule Status Updates
The Office of the Chief Records Officer is responsible for maintaining the General Records Schedules (GRS). As you may know, NARA completed a major revision to the GRS in 2017. However, work on the GRS continues as we modify and update schedules as needed. To keep the federal records management community informed about schedules under development, we created a new webpage This page will contain the latest information about schedules under development or under review. We will send out future AC memorandums to announce significant changes in the status of any GRS.
We are currently working on four GRS items:
- GRS 5.6, Security Records
- GRS 5.7, Agency Accountability Records (title will be changed to Administrative Management and Oversight Records)
- GRS 4.5, Digitizing Records (new)
- GRS 5.2, Transitory and Intermediary Records
No agency action is required at this time. If you have any questions or comments about these items or any other GRS questions, please email
Chief Records Officer
for the U.S. Government