Federal Records Management

AC 17. 2022


Date: February 09, 2022  

Memorandum to Federal Records Management Contacts: Finding Aid Requirements 

NARA recently revised its Finding Aid Requirements webpage. This updated web page provides information federal agencies need to know when transferring permanent records to NARA. The web page consolidates all finding aid requirements found in NARA regulations (36 CFR Chapter 12) and organizes them by media type. Agencies must include finding aid documentation during the transfer process to support management of, and access to, all records accessioned into the National Archives.

In addition to the finding aid requirements, more information about transferring permanent records to NARA can be found on our accessioning and transferring web pages. 

Please direct questions regarding NARA’s transfer requirements to the appropriate custodial unit as identified on the finding aid requirements web page.

Chief Records Officer 
for the U.S. Government






