AC 14. 2022
January 19, 2022
MEMORANDUM TO FEDERAL AGENCY CONTACTS: Draft Bulletins for Comment: Revoked NARA Bulletins and Resubmission of Capstone Forms
We are requesting comments on the two draft NARA Bulletins, “Revoked NARA Bulletins” and “Resubmission of Capstone Forms”. Comments are due by February 4, 2022.
The Revocation Bulletin identifies four Bulletins NARA determined contain outdated content and should be revoked. The four bulletins to be revoked are:
- 2008-07: Endorsement of DoD Electronic Records Management Software Applications Design Criteria Standard, version 3
- 2009-03: Pre-accessioning Permanent Electronic Records
- 2010-02: Continuing Agency Responsibilities for Scheduling Electronic Records
- 2014-06: Guidance on Managing Email
The Capstone Bulletin requiries agencies that use the GRS Capstone form (NA-1005) to periodically update and resubmit the form. Our goal is to ensure that the schedules stay accurate as agencies change over time.
Please send any comments or questions on the draft Bulletins to We will review all the comments we receive and appreciate receiving your input.
Chief Records Officer
for the U.S. Government
2022-01-07-Revoked NARA Bulletins-for Agency review.pdf
2021-01-07-Resubmission of Capstone Forms-for Agency review.pdf