AC 05. 2022
Date: November 04, 2021
Memorandum To Federal Records Management Contacts: General Records Schedule (GRS) Status Update, November 2021
This notice is to inform agencies that the GRS Status Update page has been updated.
We are currently working on three transmittals:
GRS Transmittal 32: Additions to GRS 2.7, Employee Health & Safety Records, for vaccine attestation, proof of vaccination and testing records for federal employees, contractors, and visitors were posted on for public comment on October 31. To view the docket, click on NARA-21-0016. We expect these additions, as well as the other General Records Schedules ready for issuance, will be transmitted in early 2022.
GRS Transmittal 33: We recently started working on revisions to GRS 3.2, Information Security Records, to include cybersecurity log records and revisions to GRS 4.2, Information Access and Protection Records, related to guidance changes. This transmittal will also include GRS 4.5, Digitizing Records, GRS 5.2 Transitory and Intermediary Records, and other additions and revisions to GRS 2.7, which are still in progress. We expect these schedules to be issued later in 2022.
GRS Transmittal 34: This will include revisions to ensure all GRS authorities are machine implementable. We have not yet determined the time frame for this issuance.
No agency action is required at this time. If you have any questions or comments about these schedules or any other GRS questions, please email
Chief Records Officer
for the U.S. Government