Federal Records Management

Frequently Asked Questions about GRS 6.4, Public Affairs Records

Updated: April 2024

1. What are “routine complaints or commendations” in item 020?

Routine complaints and commendations come from the public on an ad-hoc basis. They are not solicited and do not need further action from the agency.


2. Item 020 includes content on social media accounts. How can an agency dispose of these records on platforms it does not control?

This item applies only if the agency has control of records or captures them in some manner. NARA does not expect agencies to destroy social media records that they do not control. For additional information on your responsibilities for managing social media records see NARA Bulletin 2014-02.


3. Why does item 030 exclude speeches, publications, and agency histories?

Public affairs records vary in value from agency to agency. Many are often scheduled as permanent records. Each agency must schedule these records themselves. See Scheduling Public Affairs Records for more guidance.

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