Federal Records Management

Frequently Asked Questions about GRS 5.7, Administrative Management and Oversight Records

Updated: April 2024

1. Does item 040 cover records created while processing and submitting reports?

No. This item only covers records about why the report exists and its structure. This item does not cover the final submitted report. Nor does it cover any background records used in creating the report. Use GRS 5.7, item 050, for the final reports and background materials.


2. Why are records created and held by the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) and the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) excluded from item 060?

The MSPB and the OSC handle cases described by this item as part of their mission. Agencies must schedule their mission-related records.


3. Why are records of internal whistleblowing cases excluded from item 060?

The significance of these types of allegations can vary. The retention needs may also vary from agency to agency. Each agency must schedule these records themselves.


4. Why are records received by certain agencies excluded from item 080?

All agencies are responsible for preparing input for the Unified Agenda. Three agencies actually prepare and publish the Unified Agenda:

  • General Services Administration
  • Office of Management and Budget
  • National Archives and Records Administration, The Office of the Federal Register

Records related to the Unified Agenda are mission-related records at these three agencies. Agencies must schedule their mission-related records.

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