Federal Records Management

Frequently Asked Questions about GRS 5.4, Facility, Equipment, Vehicle, Property, and Supply Records

Updated: April 2024

1. Why does item 020 not cover records of real property disposition (Exclusion 2)?

This item only covers records about real property ownership, not real property disposition. Disposing of real property by sale and donation is often controversial. The records are not appropriate for the GRS because they do not have a consistent disposition and retention. Agencies must schedule these records themselves.


2. My agency has a schedule for real property disposition case files. Does item 020 supersede it?

No. This item does not cover real property disposition, only ownership. Agencies must schedule their real property disposition records.


3. My agency schedules real property disposition case files as a permanent record. My files include the abstract or certificate of title, which are temporary records in item 020. Can I transfer these records to NARA as part of the permanent files?

The abstract or certificate of title will usually transfer to the new owner of the property. Your agency may keep copies of these records in your real property disposition file. NARA does not expect agencies to remove records from within individual case files. You may transfer copies of these title records as part of your real property disposition case files.


4. Why isn't the vehicle title in the list of records covered by item 030?

Vehicle titles generally transfer to the new owner as part of the sales process. The GRS has no authority over disposition of vehicle titles.


5. For items 050 and 051, how can I tell if a building has historical or architectural significance?

The National Park Service provides guidance on determining the historical and architectural significance of a building. See National Register Bulletin 15.


6. Why are records of certain agencies excluded from items 100, 110, and 120?

The schedule excludes certain agencies from using items related to aircraft and heavy equipment. These agencies use aircraft and other specialized vehicles to carry out their mission. The GRS does not cover these records when they are mission-specific. Agencies must schedule their mission-related records.


7. How does item 140 relate to GRS 5.6, item 100, Accident and incident records?

This item schedules the records in offices responsible for managing the fleet. GRS 5.6, item 100, covers records in offices responsible for accident investigations. These offices may keep copies of the same records, but for different reasons. The records have different purposes.

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