Federal Records Management

Frequently Asked Questions about GRS 2.1, Employee Acquisition Records

Updated: April 2024


1.  Why is the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) excluded in some items?

Some activities covered by this schedule, such as position classification, are part of OPM’s mission. Agencies must schedule their mission-related records.


2.  Why do items 050 and 051 not authorize longer retention if required for business use?

Agencies must keep these records until OPM completes a formal program evaluation or for two years, whichever occurs first (5 CFR 335.103). We chose a blanket 2-year retention period for ease of implementation. There is nothing in the regulation allowing longer retention. Agencies may find that longer retention opens them to liability.


3.  Why does item 060 not authorize longer retention if required for business use?

Item 060 does not allow longer retention because the online site USAJobs deletes applications after one year. This retention also mitigates risk. It ensures agencies destroy job applications before job vacancy case files (items 050 and 051). Agencies must destroy job vacancy case files 2 years after final action.


4.  For records covered by item 090, how can I know when the clock starts ticking on destruction? When does the right to appeal a non-selection expire?

According to 5 CFR 300.104, each agency must set its own time limit for filing appeals. Check with your agency General Counsel.


5.  Why are Presidential appointment records excluded in items 100 through 102?

Researchers are often interested in Presidential appointment records. They are not included in the GRS because their value is not the same from agency to agency. Each agency must schedule these records themselves.

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