Federal Records Management

Frequently Asked Questions about GRS 1.3, Budgeting Records

Updated: April 2024

1. Why does item 010 only cover records after Fiscal Year 2017?

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) collects final budget submissions from most federal agencies. In 2017, the Archivist approved OMB schedule DAA-0051-2015-0001 making the OMB collection permanent. That allowed us to include budget records in agencies that submit budgets to OMB in the GRS. The GRS only covers records after FY 2017 because OMB could not confirm it had a complete set of agency budget submissions before that time.


2. My agency already scheduled its budget formulation, estimate, justification, and submission records. Does this schedule supersede my agency’s schedule?

Yes and no. This schedule supersedes your agency schedule for records FY 2017 and forward. Continue to use your approved schedule for records FY 2016 and prior.


3. My agency has not scheduled these records. Can this GRS cover my records for before FY2017?

No. Your agency must have an agency-specific schedule for these records before FY 2017.


4. Why can’t some agencies use item 010?

A few agencies submit their budget requests to Congress rather than OMB. These agencies must schedule their budget submissions as NARA will not get the records from OMB. These agencies cannot use the GRS. Consult your general counsel and chief financial officer if you do not know to whom your agency submits budget requests.

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