NARA Bulletin 2000-01
ATTENTION! This Bulletin has expired and is no longer in effect. For NARA's current guidance please visit Please note that this page is available only as a technical and historical reference.
December 27, 1999
NARA Bulletin 2000-01
TO: Heads of Federal agencies
SUBJECT: Checklist of NARA bulletins
EXPIRATION DATE: September 30, 2000.
1. What is the purpose of this bulletin?
This bulletin lists National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) bulletins that are in effect.
2. What are NARA bulletins?
NARA bulletins contain guidance about records and information management subjects to help you comply with laws and regulations in these areas. You can find more information about NARA's records and information management regulations in Chapter XII of Title 36 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
3. How can I get more information about NARA bulletins? For more information about specific NARA bulletins, call the Modern Records Programs at 301-837-3570 or send your question to
4. How do I obtain copies of NARA bulletins?
a. Paper copies. We send paper copies of our bulletins to the heads of Federal agencies and to Federal agency records officer. You can obtain additional paper copies at a discount from the Government Printing Office (GPO) by submitting a requisition to the GPO at the beginning of each fiscal year.
b. Electronic copies. We post all NARA bulletins on the NARA web site at.
5. How do I correct any mistakes in the mailing address?
To correct the mailing address for the head of your Federal agency, call 301-837-1850.
Archivist of the United States
The following NARA bulletins remain in effect:
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