Brown v. Board of Education

Prior Executive Branch Records

Federal Records Pertaining to
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954)

Part I: Records Prior to the Brown Decision, 1896-1953

Records of Executive Agencies

Records of the Office of Education, RG 12

National Archives at College Park, MD
Assistant Commissioner for Higher Education
Division of Higher Education

Materials Relating to Negro Higher Education Information, 1951-1953 (Finding Aid, A-1, Entry 48)
This series includes documents relating to court actions, an interracial news service, and the public schools of the District of Columbia that reference the Brown (1954) decision in legal documents and magazine articles.

Correspondence of Walter G. Daniel, Specialist for Higher Education for Negroes, 1951-1953 (Finding Aid, A-1, Entry 47)
This series includes publications that reference the Brown (1954) case in a supplemental article.

General Records of the Department of Justice, RG 60

National Archives at College Park, MD
Classified Subject Files, 1930-1987

Case Files: 144-16-147, 144-16-148
These two case files include correspondence relating to the racial integration suit in the District of Columbia case Walter M. Sabine et al. v. C. Melvin Sharpe et al. In this case, the plaintiffs sought an injunction against the effectuation of a plan for racial integration of the public school system in the District of Columbia. The case also cites the Supreme Court decision in Bolling et al. v. Sharpe et al., which found that segregation in the public schools in the District of Columbia was a denial of the due process guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment.
