The Record - January 1998
National Archives
Washington, DC Area
General Records of the Department of State (Record Group 59, 352 cubic feet). Records maintained by the Executive Secretariat, including: Presidential Memorandums of Conversation, 1956-64; White House and Agency Files, 1963-67; Policy Correspondence Files, 1966; Country Files, 1963-66; Policy and History File, 1950-66; Records Relating to the Committee of Principals, 1964-66; Policy Guidelines, 1961-66; Accretions to the Daily Summary, 1944-64, and the Daily Staff Summary, 1944-71; Special Disarmament Summary, 1960; Middle East Crisis Files, 1967; Cyprus Crisis Files, 1967; Korean Pueblo Crisis Files, 1968; Czechoslovak Crisis Files, 1968; Historical Reports Relating to China and Sri Lanka, 1949-76; Special Correspondence Received by Secretary Henry Kissinger, 1974; Operations Center Watch Logs, 1961-75; Historical Reports Relating to Diplomacy during the Lyndon Johnson Administration, 1963-69; Briefing Books for the Secretary-Designate, 1968; Accretion to Conference Files, 1949-72; Records Relating to John B. Hollister's Trip to Southeast Asia, 1955; and Records Relating to the Vital Records Program for Emergency Planning, 1950-57.
Records of Under Secretary of State George W. Ball, 1961-66; Records of Under Secretary of State John N. Irwin, 1969-73; Records of the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, 1965-73; Subject Files of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Politico-Military Affairs, 1961-63; Records of Ambassador at Large Llewellyn E. Thompson, 1961-70; Subject Files of the Office of International Security Policy and Planning, 1969-71; Records of the Office of Soviet Union Affairs Relating to the RB-47 and U-2 Incidents, 1960-62; Records of Ambassador Joseph C. Satterthwaite, 1953-72; and Organization Files of the Office of the Inspector General, Foreign Assistance, 1961-62.
Records of the Bureau of Public Affairs including: Records Relating to the German Documents Projects, 1944-83; Record Set of American Foreign Policy: Current Documents, 1941-93; and accretion to Current Foreign Relations, 1944-75. Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 837-3510.
Bureau of Administration, Classified General Budget, Fiscal Files, 1950-55; Office of the Assistant Secretary, Controller, Area General and Foreign Service Files, 1955-58; Bureau of Cultural Affairs. Records of the Chief of the Office of African Programs, 1962-63; Bureau of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs. Vietnam Prisoner of War and Missing in Action (MIA/POW) Files, 1966-76.
Bureau of International Organization Affairs. Office of Economic and Social Affairs, Narcotics Country Files Pertaining to the United Nations Economic and Social Council's Committees and Commissions, 1908-56; Office of International Conferences Conference Files, 1940-59; Office of Development Assistance, Caribbean Commission Subject Files, 1945-60; Office of Refugee Assistance, Refugee Relief Program Correspondence With Foreign Service Posts Files, 1942-59; Foreign Service Institute, Office of the Dean Subject Files, 1946-56; Foreign Service Inspection Corps, Foreign Service Inspection Reports, 1950-59; Office of Inspector General, Foreign Assistance, Bureau of the Budget and Inspector General and Controller Evaluations Policy and Organizational Material, Evaluation Reports and Backup Material, 1959-64; Office of the Legal Advisor; Files relating to Germany and the USSR; Administrative Matters; and Miscellaneous Files, 1950-62.
Federal Bureau of Investigation (RG 65, 110 cubic feet). Class 176--Anti-Riot Law Case Files and Indexes. Materials declassified but files requested are subject to review for applicable FOIA exemptions. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 837-3510.
Bureau of Aeronautics (RG 72, 25 cubic feet). Formerly Security-Classified handbooks, 1943-60, and Contracts, 1951-58. Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 837-3510.
Foreign Service Posts of the Department of State (RG 84, 68 cubic feet). U.S. Mission to the United Nations. General Subject Files, 1945-63; International Organizations Subject Files, 1950-60. Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 837-3510.
U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff s (RG 218, 43 cubic feet). Joint Secretariat Central Files, 1969. Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 837-3510.
Office of Strategic Services (RG 226, 3 cubic feet). Shanghai Municipal Police Files, F.R. Frazee Papers, and other OSS records. Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 837-3510.
Central Intelligence Agency (RG 263, 16 cubic feet). National Intelligence Estimates and Analyses and Reports on the Soviet Union and the Sino-Soviet Bloc, 1946-75. Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 837-3510.
Agency for International Development (RG 286, 37 cubic feet). Washington Headquarters Files: Sierra Leone Desk, Subject Files, 1961-63; Office of Technical Cooperation and Research. Near East South Asia Housing Country Files, 1956-63; Office of Development Planning. Records Relating to Far East Program Development and Evaluation, 1961-65; General Counsel Legal Files, 1953-71; Assistant Administrator For Program, Program Review and Coordination Staff, Subject File, 1960-62; Office of Tech Cooperation & Research Education Files, 1958-63.
USOM ARGENTINA. Executive Office Classified Central Subject File, 1960-1962; USOM CHILE, Office of the Development Loan Fund (DLF) Liaison Officer, Loan Files, 1959-66; USOM HAITI, Health and Welfare Division, Correspondence, 1961-62; USOM HAITI, Public Works Division, Subject Files, 1956-62; USOM INDIA, Office Of The Assistant to the Indian Minister for Economic Affairs and Assistant to the TCM/India Director, Subject Files of Roger Ernst, 1959-61; USOM NIGERIA, Office of the Director, Classified Subject Files, 1964-65, Subject Files, 1958-62. Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 837-3510.
Army Staff (RG 319, 2 cubic feet). Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301)837-3510.
Office of the Secretary of the Air Force (RG 340, 68 cubic feet). Administrative Assistant Correspondence, 1958; Correspondence 1956 & 1964; SAFAA Correspondence, 1957-60. Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 837-3510.
U.S. Foreign Assistance Agencies, 1948-61 (RG 469, 73 cubic feet). Washington Headquarters Files: European Country and Regional Files, 1954-62; Africa and European Program Staff, Office of the Chief, Subject Files, 1957-61; West Africa Division, Subject Files, 1957-61 ; Somalia Desk, Subject Files, 1958-60; Libya Desk, Program Files, 1955-59; U.S. Mission to NATO and European Regional Organizations, Office of the Special Representative, Productivity and Technical Records Relating to the European Productivity Agency (EPA), 1954-59, Productivity and Technical Project Case Files, 1956-59; Productivity and Technical Subject Files, 1958-59; Congressional Liaison Staff, Congressional Committee and Miscellaneous Files, 1954-61.
Congressional Correspondence, 1954-62; Burma Desk, Subject Files, 1950-61; Laos Desk, Project Case Files, 1955-60; Subject Files, 1956-61; Office of Industrial Resources, Industrial Engineering Division, Subject Files, 1948-55, Industrial Specialists Division, Minerals and Processing Industries Branch, Subject Files, 1948-56; Office of the Director of Industrial Resources, Subject Files, 1948-59; Office of Labor Affairs, Country Labor Program Files, 1955-62; Near East and South Asia Communication Media Staff, Country Files, 1953-61; Iran Desk, Decimal Subject Files, 1957-61; Near East Division, Regional Projects Program Files, 1953-58; Egypt/UAR Desk Subject Files, 1955-61; Near East and South Asia, Industrial Resources Country Files, 1953-61, Country Public Health Files, 1952-60, Public Health Subject Files, 1954-60, Public Administration Branch, Community Development Country Files, 1960-62 and Subject Files, 1952-60.
Pakistan Desk, Subject Files, 1954-61, Miscellaneous Country Projects Files Relating to Industry and Agriculture, 1954-61. Deputy Director for Program and Planning. Technical Cooperation Division, Subject Files, 1958-59; Office Manager of the Development Loan Fund Congressional Presentation Documents, 1957-59, Country Program Books, 1958-61, Country Loan Files, 1957-61, and Chronological Files, 1957-61.
USOM ARGENTINA Central Subject Files, 1955-60 and Classified Central Subject File, 1957-60. USOM CHILE Central Subject Files, 1949-61. USOM CHINA Central Subject Files, 1954-59. USOM EL SALVADOR Office of The Director, Subject Files, 1957-61; Agricultural Subject Files, 1954-56. USOM HAITI Central Subject Files, 1952-58; Food and Agriculture Subject Files, 1952-57; Health and Welfare Subject Files, 1948-61; Office of the Controller, Audit Reports, 1958. USOM INDIA Community Development Division Classified Subject Files, 1951-60 and Subject Files, 1952-59; Industry and Investment Subject Files, 1953-60; Information Office Public Affairs Subject Files, 1953-60; Office of The Assistant to the Indian Minister for Economic Affairs and Assistant to the TCM/India Director, Subject Files of Roger Ernst, 1959-61; Office of the Director, Classified Central Subject Files, 1953-60; South Asia Country Files Pertaining to Technical Cooperation Training and Procurement, 1956-59; General Correspondence, 1953-56; Program Division, Classified Subject Files, 1952-59; Social Welfare Classified Subject Files, 1953-56; Classified Civil Aviation Records, 1957-60. USOM ISRAEL Agriculture Subject Files, 1953-61; Controller Fiscal Subject Files, 1952-61; Executive Office Classified Files, 1955-58; Central Subject Files, 1961; Records Relating to Industrial Loans and Industries, 1957- 60; Office of the Director, Subject Files, 1951-61; Program Office Subject Files, 1952-61. USOM KOREA Combined Economic Board Charter, List of Subjects of CEB Papers and Numerical Logs of CEB Papers, 1952-57, Minutes of Combined Economic Board (CEB) Meetings, 1957-60. USOM LEBANON Classified Program Subject File, 1957-61. USOM LIBYA Central Subject Files, 1957-59; Food and Agriculture Project Files, 1953-59; Health and Sanitation Division, Office of The Chief, Subject Files, 1953-57; Office of The Director, Subject Files, 1953-59. USOM SPAIN Office of the Director Correspondence with the Direccion General de la Cooperaction Economica, Susecretaria de Exonomica Exterior. USOM TURKEY Central Subject Files, 1960-61.
Presidential Library System
Columbia Point
Boston, MA 02125
(617) 929-4540
After review for declassification under the provisions of Executive Order 12598, the following materials have been opened:
14,450 pages from the Papers of John F. Kennedy: Presidential Papers: National Security Files: Countries: Italy, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kashmir, Jordan, Kenya, Korea, Kuwait, Laos.
The Library submitted 109 new mandatory review cases totaling 4,187 pages. Washington agencies returned 4,083 pages of reviewed material. Of these, 3,013 pages were declassified, 1,007 pages were released with excisions, and 63 pages were exempted from declassification. One hundred cases were closed.
200 S.E. 4th
Abilene, KS 67410
(913) 263-4751
For the period July-November 1997, the Eisenhower Library forwarded to Washington 1,262 pages of security classified material under provisions of the mandatory review program. Most of the documents were from the papers of Dwight D. Eisenhower as President (Ann Whitman File); the papers of the White House Office, National Security Council Staff; the records of the White House Office, Office of the Special Assistant for National Security Affairs OSANSA; and the White House Office, Office of the Staff Secretary.
During the period the agencies returned 1,300 pages of declassified material, 1,156 pages of material declassified in part and 29 pages of exempted material through the mandatory review program. Openings of interest through mandatory review included twenty NSC Summary of Discussion, various dates, totaling 307 pages from the Ann Whitman File, NSC Series; one report "A Program for the Development of New Cold War Instruments," 3 March 1953 totaling 24 pages from the C.D. Jackson Papers; several reports on "Outline Plan of Operations" for Cambodia (Southeast Asia) from November 1956 to April 1957 totaling 90 pages and an analysis of "Internal Situation in Cambodia and Recommended Action, 16 November 1955 totaling 12 pages from the NSC Staff Papers (OCB Central Files Series); four reports on "Stalin's Death," from 9 March to 20 April 1953 totaling 104 pages from the NSC Staff Papers (PSB Central Files Series); seven NSC policy papers on Japan (no date, 31 pages), Exploitation of Soviet and European Satellite Vulnerabilities (14 December 1954, 28 pages and 31 January 1955, 18 pages), Mainland Southeast Asia (6 November 1947, 31 pages and 28 May 1958, 39 pages), U.S. Policy toward Soviet Satellites in Eastern Europe (18 July 1956, 9 pages), and U.S. Policy on France (3 August 1959, 46 pages) from OSANSA, NSC- Policy Papers Series. Other items of interest include Volumes I and II of the Technological Capabilities Report (Killian Report) dated 14 February 1955, 194 pages; the Intelligence Section was released in full and had previously been denied in full each time it was reviewed. Also released were Task Force C, Project Solarium (n.d., 27 pages) from OSANSA, NSC Series, Subject Subseries; Report, Communications Methods of Communists Party, USA (11/54, 75 pages) from OSANSA, FBI Series; two PSB reports on National Psychological Effort (dated 1952 and 1953, 110 pages) from NSC Staff Papers, NSC Registry Series; Reports No. 30 & 48 of ICBM and IRBM Programs (31 May 1958 and April-June 1960, 157 pages) from OSANSA, NSC Series, Briefing Notes Subseries; miscellaneous memoranda re meetings of D-38 Working Group, "A National Psychological Strategy Plan for Western Europe," (1954, 96 pages) from NSC Staff Papers, OCB Central Files); NSC 161, Part 3 and Annex to Part 3 (August 1953, 130 pages) from OSANSA, NSC - Status of Projects Series); miscellaneous messages, King Saud to President Eisenhower (1956-1958, 72 pages) from Ann Whitman File, International Series; and handwritten notes re Conference on Mutual Security (12 June 1956, 44 pages) from Staff Secretary, Legislative Meetings Series.
The Library staff applied systematic declassification review guidelines furnished by the Department of State and other agencies to mandatory review requests before submitting such requests to agencies. As a result of onsite systematic review, the staff declassified 20,133 pages during this period relating to such topics as President Eisenhower's trips to Europe, Latin America, and the Far East; Vice President Nixon's trip to U.S.S.R.; Nikita Khrushchev's visit to the U.S.; heads of government meetings; NATO meetings; the 1957 Bermuda Conference; the 1955 Geneva Conference; issues relating to disarmament; France; Berlin and Germany; US-UK relations and Harold Macmillan correspondence; World War II materials on German concentration camps in Poland; Bricker Amendment; Suez; Korea; Germany; Indochina; Western Europe; UN Disarmament Subcommittee meetings in 1956 and 1957; nuclear test limitations and arms control talks; Soviet involvement in WWII in Pacific against Japan; India; Iran, Africa; China; Buddhism; Canadian boundary water problems; Columbia River Development US-Canada Treaty; and heads of state correspondence re foreign relations and national security issues.