The Record - January 1998
Accessions and Openings
Declassification and Initial Processing Division
General Records of the U.S. Government (Record Group 11, 6 cubic feet). Enrolled Acts and Resolutions of Congress (104th Congress, 2d Session). Materials open. Contact Archives I Textual Reference Branch (202) 357-5395.
Post Office Department (RG 28, less than one cubic foot). Official Publications, 1961-71. Materials open. Contact Archives I Textual Reference Branch (202) 357-5395.
Bureau of the Census (RG 29, 4 cubic feet). Planning and management files relating to the industrial reports survey, 1960-77; records relating to the 1972 census of manufactures and minerals industries, 1971-75; records relating to the 1966 survey of manufactures, 1966-76; and correspondence relating to the 1966 survey of manufactures, 1966-68. Materials open. Contact Archives I Textual Reference Branch (202) 357-5395.
Department of State (RG 59, 176 cubic feet). Records maintained by the Executive Secretariat, including: Presidential Memorandums of Conversation, 1956-64; White House and Agency Files, 1963-67; Policy Correspondence Files, 1966; Country Files, 1963-66; Policy and History File, 1950-66; Records Relating to the Committee of Principals, 1964-66; Policy Guidelines, 1961-66; Accretions to the Daily Summary, 1944-64, and the Daily Staff Summary, 1944-71; Special Disarmament Summary, 1960; Middle East Crisis Files, 1967; Cyprus Crisis Files, 1967; Korean Pueblo Crisis Files, 1968; Czechoslovak Crisis Files, 1968; Historical Reports Relating to China and Sri Lanka, 1949-76; Special Correspondence Received by Secretary Henry Kissinger, 1974; Operations Center Watch Logs, 1961-75; Historical Reports Relating to Diplomacy during the Lyndon Johnson Administration, 1963-69; Briefing Books for the Secretary-Designate, 1968; Accretion to Conference Files, 1949-72; Records Relating to John B. Hollister's Trip to Southeast Asia, 1955; and Records Relating to the Vital Records Program for Emergency Planning, 1950-57.
Records of Under Secretary of State George W. Ball, 1961-66; Records of Under Secretary of State John N. Irwin, 1969-73; Records of the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, 1965-73; Subject Files of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Politico-Military Affairs, 1961-63; Records of Ambassador at Large Llewellyn E. Thompson, 1961-70; Subject Files of the Office of International Security Policy and Planning, 1969-71; Records of the Office of Soviet Union Affairs Relating to the RB-47 and U-2 Incidents, 1960-62; Records of Ambassador Joseph C. Satterthwaite, 1953-72; and Organization Files of the Office of the Inspector General, Foreign Assistance, 1961-62.
Records of the Bureau of Public Affairs including: Records Relating to the German Documents Projects, 1944-83; Record Set of American Foreign Policy: Current Documents, 1941-93; and Accretion to Current Foreign Relations, 1944-75. Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 837-3510.
Federal Bureau of Investigation (RG 65, 110 cubic feet). Class 176--Anti-Riot Law Case Files and Indexes. Materials declassified but files requested are subject to review for applicable FOIA exemptions. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 837-3510.
Bureau of Aeronautics (RG 72, 17 cubic feet). Formerly security classified handbooks 1943-60 and Contracts 1951-58. Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 837-3510.
Office of the Quartermaster General (RG 92, 1 cubic foot). Burial registers for the Marietta National Cemetery, 1866-67. Materials open. Contact Archives I Textual Reference Branch (202) 357-5385.
U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff (RG 218, 43 cubic feet). Joint Secretariat Central Files Unclassified Records, 1969. Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 837-3510.
Central Intelligence Agency (RG 263, 1 cubic foot). National Intelligence Estimates 1951-85. Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 837-3510.
Supreme Court of the United States (RG 267, 296 cubic feet). Original jurisdiction case files, 1985-92; Docket of applications for action by the U.S. Supreme Court, 1984-87; Applications for actions by the U.S. Supreme Court, 1994; Ex parte and miscellaneous case files, 1994; Microfilmed dockets, 1952-94; Case Files, 1994; and Transcripts of oral arguments, 1994-96. Materials open. Contact Archives I Textual Reference Branch (202) 357-5395.
National Archives Collection of Records of Inaugural Committees (RG 274, 2 cubic feet). Ceremonial events files, 1996-97, of the 1997 Presidential Inaugural Committee. Materials open. Contact Archives I Textual Reference Branch (202) 357-5395.
Army Staff (RG 319, 8 cubic feet). Records relating to Army Reserve Activities 1966-1973. Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 837-3510.
Office of the Secretary of the Army (RG 335, 150 cubic feet). Records Relating to the 50th Anniversary Commemoration of World War II. Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 837-3510.
Office of the Secretary of the Air Force (RG 340, 8 cubic feet). Formerly Top Secret General Correspondence 1956-64. Materials open. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 837-3510.
Defense Mapping Agency (RG 456, 85 cubic feet). Mapping, Charting, and Geodesy History Files 1958-66. Materials security classified. Contact Archives II Textual Reference Branch (301) 837-3510.
Nontextual Records Division: Motion Picture, Sound and Video Branch
CBS News Collection (4 cubic feet). An accretion of 30 videotapes to the existing series of videotaped morning, midday, and evening news programs and news specials beginning with broadcasts dated April 1, l974. The accreted material has not been processed.
Isaac Schlossbach Collection, ca. l930s (1 cubic foot). 15 reels of motion picture film documenting the polar and scientific expeditions in which Naval Commander Schlossbach participated. Materials are open and processed.
Bureau of Indian Affairs (RG 75). 2 items. A l6mm film in which Senator Lee Metcalf of Montana talks about the activities of the Job Corps Conservation Center at Kicking Horse, Montana, and an audio recording about Job Corps Centers. Materials are open and processed.
Bureau of Reclamation (RG 115, 15 cubic feet). 161 reels of motion picture film, l950-85, documenting the activities of the Bureau of Reclamation in the western United States and includes footage of projects on atmospheric water resources experimentation; fish and wildlife; archaeology projects; construction of the Glen Canyon and other dams; dam emergencies and repairs; flood control; Native Americans; and personalities like Congressman Ben "Night Horse" Campbell, Senator Frank Church, Arizona Governor Paul Fanin, Princess Margaret, and Lady Bird Johnson. Materials are open and processed.
National Institute of Standards and Technology (RG 167, 22 cubic feet). 59 reels of motion picture film, l937-87, documenting scientific tests and experiments conducted by NIST and includes footage relating to fire burnout, noise pollution, automobile tires, wind power, hydraulics, mattress fires, laser scans, and ultrasonic thermometers. Materials are open and processed.
Still Picture Branch
Weather Bureau (RG 27, 25 images). Photographic Prints and Negatives of Weather Bureau Activities in Washington, DC ca. 1957 (Series BA). Contact Still Picture Branch Reference Services at College Park, MD (301) 837-0561 ext. 234.
Internal Revenue Service (RG 58, 64 images). Photographic Negatives and Prints of Internal Revenue Service Officials, 1986 (Series SP). Contact Still Picture Branch Reference Services at College Park, MD (301) 837-0561 ext. 234.
Department of State (RG 59, 1,109 images). Photographic Prints and Negatives of Consular Service Personalities, ca. 1955 (Series HCP). Contact Still Picture Branch Reference Services at College Park, MD (301) 837-0561 ext. 234.
U.S. Secret Service (RG 87, 1,000 images). Training Slide Presentations for Secret Service Agents, 1973-1983 (Series TS). Contact Still Picture Branch Reference Services at College Park, MD (301) 837-0561 ext. 234.
U.S. Marine Corps (RG 127, 269 images). Photographic Prints of Marine Corps Activities and Personnel, ca. 1925-63 (Series M) and Photographic Prints of Marine Corps Aviators and Aircraft, ca. 1931-37 (Series MA). Contact Still Picture Branch Reference Services at College Park, MD (301) 837-0561 ext. 234.
Temporary Committees, Commission, and Boards (RG 220, 27 items). Photographs Relating to the Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Jubilee Commission, ca. 1992 (Series CQC) and Posters Relating to the Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Jubilee Commission, 1984-93 (Series CQP). Contact Still Picture Branch Reference Services at College Park, MD (301) 837-0561 ext. 234.
Department of Energy (RG 434, 356 images). Illustrated Reports Relating to the Construction History for the Eastern Leg of the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System, ca. 3/1983 (Series CH); Illustrated Report: Final Inspection of the Eastern Leg of the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System, 2/1984 (Series F); and Illustrated Reports Related to the Northern Border Pipeline Project, 3/1983 (Series R). Contact Still Picture Branch Reference Services at College Park, MD (301) 837-0561 ext. 234.
Records recently transferred from textual records units in the National Archives include:
Army Air Forces (RG 18, 239 images). Photographic Prints of Denver and of Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, 1925 (Series CD) and Photographic Prints of Glacier National Park, Montana, ca. 1925 (Series GP). Contact Still Picture Branch Reference Services at College Park, MD (301) 837-0561 ext. 234.
Army Staff (RG 319, 10 posters). Soviet "Motivational" Propaganda Posters, 1938-1962 (Series SP). Contact Still Picture Branch Reference Services at College Park, MD (301) 837-0561 ext. 234.
National Archives Donated Materials Group, Rear Admidral Robert E. Peary Family Collection: Lantern Slides Relating to the Arctic Expeditions of Robert E. Peary, ca. 1895-1916 (Series XPGS); and Photographs Relating to the Nicaragua Canal Surveys, 1884-88 (Series XPN). Contact Still Picture Branch Reference Services at College Park, MD (301) 837-0561, ext. 234.
Office of Regional Records Services
380 Trapelo Road
Waltham, Massachusetts 02452-6399
(617) 647-8104
District Courts of the United States (RG 21, 28 cubic feet). Criminal Dockets for the U. S. District Court for New Hampshire, 1944-71; selected transcripts for Civil and Admiralty Case Files for the U.S. District Court for Maine (Southern District), 1964-68; U.S. Commissioner's dockets for the U.S. District Court for Maine (Southern District), 1948-71; Civil Action Case files for the U.S. District Court for Maine (Southern District), 1967-70; Miscellaneous Case Files for the U.S. District Court for Maine (Southern District), 1953-68; and Journals for the U. S. District Court for Vermont, 1955-71. Accretions to current holdings. Materials open.
Fish and Wildlife Service (RG 22, 1 cubic foot). Monthly Statistical Bulletins and "Current Fishery Statistics" for the ports of Boston and Gloucester, MA, 1901-44, and Portland, ME, 1915-44. These reports show species, quantities, and values of fish landed; location of fishing grounds; size and nature of the fishing fleets; number of vessel sailings; and type of fishing gear (trawls, gill nets, etc.). Materials open.
Office of the Chief of Engineers (RG 77, 8 cubic feet). Survey Reports,
1914-1976. Documents relating to the preparation, processing, and submission
of reports to Congress pertaining to New England water supply feasibility studies,
stormwater modeling, and wastewater and treatment plants for Boston and the
Merrimack River basin. Accretions to current holdings. Materials open.
7358 South Pulaski Road
Chicago, Illinois 60629
(773) 581-7816
National Mediation Board (RG 13, 3 cubic feet). Records of the Railroad
Adjustment Board, Chicago, IL, Board Minutes, 1934-67. Materials open.
United States Army Commands, 1942- (RG 338, 5 cubic feet). Records
of the 5th Region, Air Defense Command, Fort Sheridan, IL, 1954-61; Records
of the Cincinnati Defense, Air Defense Command, Wilmington, OH, 1960-65; Records
of the Army Air Support Command, Chicago IL, 1957-66; Records of the U.S. Army
Recruiting Command, Fort Sheridan, IL, 1957-66. Materials open.
1000 Commodore Drive
San Bruno, CA 94066
(415) 876-9009
Bureau of Prisons (RG 129, 6 cubic feet). Administrative files and architectural
drawings, ca. 1934-1963, of the U.S. Penitentiary, Alcatraz Island, California.
Some materials may be restricted.
Naval Districts and Shore Establishments (RG 181, 11 cubic feet). General correspondence, 1966, of the San Francisco Naval Shipyard. Oak Knoll Naval Hospital photographs and related documentation, ca. 1940-1996, newspapers Oakleaf and Red Rover, 1945-96, selected publications relating to hospital history and base closure, 1946-96, and master floor plan, 1967. Tiburon Naval Net Depot files and related records, 1957-1962, of the Concord Naval Weapons Station. Trouble and failure summary reports, 1966-67, and ordnance reports, 1968, of the Lockheed-Sunnyvale defense plant representative. Some records may be restricted.
6125 Sand Point Way, NE
Seattle, Washington 98115-7999
(206) 336-5115
United States Fish and Wildlife Service (RG 22, 18 cubic feet). General Correspondence Files of the National Fishery Research Center 1934-88. Manuscript files 1940-69. Materials open.
Bureau of Land Management (RG 49, 39 cubic feet). Medford District Office, Medford, OR, Public Relations Files, 1968-73. Eugene District Office, Eugene, OR, Press Releases, 1974-75. Roseburg District Office, Roseburg OR, Publications, 1942-80. Vale District Office, Vale, OR, Wild Horse Files, 1959-82. Oregon State Office, Proposed Legislation and Regulation Files, 1934-58; Division of Research, Committee Files, 1937-79, Real Property Improvements and Development Files, Long Range Plans, 1968-74; Division of Engineering, Final Construction Project Files, 1960-70. Materials open.
United States Army Corps of Engineers (RG 77, 29 cubic feet). North Pacific Division, Portland District, Civil Works Project Files, 1939-76; Navigational Right of Way Files, 1976. Walla Walla Division, Civil Works Project Files, 1956-76. Materials open.
National Park Service (RG 79, 1 cubic foot). Crater Lake National Park, Subject Files, 1961-65. Materials open.
United States Forest Service (RG 95, 21 cubic feet). Siuslaw National Forest, Land Exchange Files, 1914-54. Deschutes National Forest, Special Use Permits, Suttle Lake Resort, 1971. Fremont National Forest, Directives, 1964-1971. Pacific Northwest Research Station, Publications, 1991. Records are open.
Bonneville Power Administration (RG 305, 43 cubic feet). Program Subject Files, 1957 - 1970; Hydraulic Studies, 1970-77; Environmental Impact Statements, 1985. Materials open.
24000 Avila Road, 1st Floor
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
(714) 360-2641
United States District Courts (RG 21, 166 cubic feet). Bankruptcy case files, 1951-1960 from the San Diego District Court. Materials open.
Naval Districts and Shore Establishments (RG 181, 156 cubic feet). Central subject files, 1960-71 from the Naval Base, San Diego; construction drawings, 1957-64 from the Naval Facilities Engineering Command, San Diego; and central subject files, 1959-64, from the Naval Station, China Lake, CA. Material open.
Presidential Library System
Columbia Point
Boston, MA 02125
(617) 929-4540
Personal Papers of David L. Hackett, Member, John F. Kennedy's and Robert F. Kennedy's Presidential campaign staffs (1960, 1968); and Robert Kennedy friend. Includes delegate cards for 1960 and 1968; Robert Kennedy 1968 campaign material, tally sheets, and information on Indiana; and correspondence with Robert Kennedy, 1943-55, 10 feet. Materials open.
An accretion to the Personal Papers of Kay Halle, columnist; radio broadcaster; author; campaigner for Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Kennedy; friend of the Churchill and Kennedy families; member, 1961 Inaugural Committee; member, Advisory Committee for the National Cultural Center and many other boards in Washington and Cleveland. Materials relating to redesign of Blair House's garden, Buckminster Fuller, and Winston Churchill, 11 feet. Material is closed pending processing.
An accretion to the Personal Papers of A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr., judge; lawyer; educator; Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission (1962-64); Judge, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania (1964-77); Vice Chairman, National Commission on the Cause and Prevention of Violence (1968-69); Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals, Philadelphia (1977-93); professor, University of Pennsylvania (1964-88), 1 foot. Material is closed pending processing.
Personal Papers of Kirby Jones, Peace Corps volunteer, Dominican Republic (1963-65); campaign worker, Robert F. Kennedy Presidential campaign (1968); press secretary, George McGovern's Presidential campaign (1971-72); author with Frank Mankiewicz, With Fidel: A Portrait of Castro and Cuba, a look at Cuban life 15 years after the revolution. Papers, 1963-74, include a diary Mr. Jones kept and materials he collected on the revolution in the Dominican Republic and film, audiotape, and English and Spanish transcripts of the interview with Fidel Castro which formed the basis of With Fidel, 6.25 feet of papers and 37 cans of original footage, 35 cans of work and print soundtrack, and 98 reels of audiotape. Materials open.
An accretion to the Personal Papers of Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Senator from Massachusetts, materials from his Boston office, 21 feet. Material is closed.
From Harvard University Archives, four handwritten letters from Robert Kennedy to his parents when he was in the Navy, 1946-47. Materials open.
Accretions to the Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Collection from 2 returned Peace Corps volunteers documenting their Peace Corps service in Botswana (1978-79) and Ghana (1961-63), .5 feet. Materials open.
An accretion to the Personal Papers of Adam Yarmolinsky, Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (1961-64); Director, President's antipoverty program (1964); Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Affairs(1965-66); Professor of Law, Harvard University (1966-72); author, The Military Establishment (1971), 3 feet. Material is closed pending processing.
Individual documents reviewed under appeals of donor restrictions were reviewed and opened from:
President's Office Files:
Countries: United Kindgom;
Robert F. Kennedy Papers: Attorney General Papers: General Correspondence: Personal Correspondence: Uganda; and
Roger Hilsman Papers: Memoranda of Telephone Calls.
Oral history interviews with the following people have been opened:
Floyd Boring, White House Secret Service Agent (1943-65), 29 pages.
Silvio Conte, Congressman from Massachusetts (1959-91), 12 pages.
Vega P. Fahey - Account of President Kennedy's visit to the Shrine of Guadalupe during his trip to Mexico, June 30-July 2, 1962, 11 pages.
Bryce N. Harlow, Special Assistant to White House Staff; Administrative Assistant; Special Assistant; Deputy Assistant to the President (1952-61), 4 pages.
Philip M. Stern, Director of Research, Democratic National Committee (1953-56); Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs (1961-62), 18 pages.
Maxwell D. Taylor, General, U. S. Army; Military Representative of the President (1961-62); Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff (1962-64); Ambassador to Vietnam (1964-65); Special Consultant to the President (1965-69); Robert Kennedy family friend, 87 pages. Interview conducted for the Robert F. Kennedy Oral History Project. Portions closed.
200 S.E. 4th
Abilene, KS 67410
(913) 263-4751
The Additional Papers of Earl D. Eisenhower, 1917-79 (two cubic feet). This accretion to the Earl Eisenhower Papers consists of Eisenhower family correspondence of Earl and Kathryn Eisenhower, and their children Earl Jr. and Kaye. The collection contains letters exchanged with other Eisenhower brothers, including Dwight D. Eisenhower and Milton Eisenhower. Also included are scrapbooks, photographs, and memorabilia. Materials are closed pending review.
The Papers of Arthur A. Kimball, 1891-1994 (one and one-half cubic feet). Mr. Kimball served as staff director of the President's Advisory Committee on Government Organization (PACGO). In addition to material relating to PACGO, the collection includes photographs, scrapbooks, early family correspondence, and files on Mr. Kimball's service in World War II. Materials closed pending review.
The Additional Papers of John W. Leonard, 1921-65 (less than one cubic foot). This accretion to the Papers of General John W. Leonard consists of letters General and Mrs. Leonard received from Dwight and Mamie Eisenhower, 1947-60; and photographs and printed material relating to reunions of the West Point class of 1915 to which Leonard and Eisenhower belonged. Materials closed pending review.
The Papers of Pat Loomis, 1952-90 (less than one cubic foot). The Papers of Pat Loomis consist of material pertaining to her work in Eisenhower's campaign headquarters during the 1952 election campaign. Included are correspondence, schedules, staff memoranda, newspaper articles, photographs and artifacts. The collection also contains a few newspaper and magazine articles collected by Mrs. Loomis on Eisenhower's later career. Materials closed pending review.
The Papers of David L. Osborn, 1947-94 (two cubic feet). The Papers of Ambassador David L. Osborn, high-ranking State Department official during the Eisenhower Administration, consist of correspondence, reports, appointment books, printed material, memorabilia and photographs concerning his diplomatic service in the Far East. Most of the material covers the period from 1967 to 1994 and pertains to U.S. conomic and cultural relations with Burma, China, and Japan. The collection also contains oral history interviews with Osborn in which he discussed his diplomatic career. Materials closed pending review.
The Eisenhower Library continues its nationwide solicitation of personal papers, diaries, printed material and photographs of World War II veterans and those who served on the homefront. The World War II Participants and Contemporaries Collection now totals 55 cubic feet and includes material received from 350 individuals. Materials open.
The Additional Papers of Eleanor Lansing Dulles, 1892-1984 (4 « cubic feet). This accretion to the papers of Eleanor Lansing Dulles covers the period from 1892 to 1984 although the bulk of the material is dated 1956 to 1984. The papers consist primarily of Miss Dulles' general correspondence; her diaries and research notebooks; drafts of her books and articles; information on her trips and speeches; and printed material such as articles and newspaper clippings. Much of the material covers Miss Dulles' interest in Germany and Berlin. The small quantity (less than 500 pages) of pre-1956 material consists of reviews of Miss Dulles' early publications; information on her work for the Social Security Board in the 1930s; letters she wrote to her parents from Europe in the early 1920s; and a notebook in which Robert Lansing recorded his impressions of the Bering Sea arbitration negotiations in 1892. Materials open.
The Papers of Mamie Doud Eisenhower (1968 Files Series) (11 cubic feet). This series of the Mamie Eisenhower papers consists of letters and memoranda, social correspondence with family and the general public. Also included are a few photographs. Materials open.
The Papers of Paul Sturman, 1938-89 (one cubic foot). The Papers of Paul Sturman pertain mostly to his work in the Foreign Language Division, Office of War Information, during 1942-45. The material consists of correspondence, reports and printed material concerning conditions in Eastern Europe, particularly Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia; and the work of Slavic refugee organizations and pressure groups in the United States. Sturman's papers also contain documents relating to the Holocaust andinformation on Jewish conditions in Axis-occupied territories. Materials open.
1000 Beal Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
(313) 741-2218
The Library accessioned the Saint Vincent College U.S.S. Monterey Collection: Collected Items, 1943-97, consisting of ship newsletters edited by Lt. Gerald R. Ford, a photocopy of a combat diary by crew member John Priolette, and other items associated with Mr. Priolette. The materials were collected by the Center for Northern Appalachian Studies Oral History Program at Saint Vincent College. Photocopies of the originals have been opened for research. (75 pages)
The Library accessioned an accretion to the President Ford Committee Records, 1977-78, consisting of materials related to the closing of PFC accounts and the settling of claims and audits, for both the primary and general campaigns.(120 pages)
The Library accessioned an accretion to the papers of Sidney L. Jones, economist and government official holding 8 presidential appointments under Presidents Nixon through Bush. The material consists of photocopies of documents from the Council of Economic Records, primarily memos written by Jones during his service on the Council of Economic Advisors, 1969-71. (300 pages)