Prologue Magazine

Prologue: 2008 Index

20,000 women volunteered in military hospitals during the Civil War.

Index to Prologue, Volume 40: 2008

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"1783: Subject or Citizen?" by Michael Eamon and Lisa Royse, 3-30-35; exhibit, 3-30-35, 4-65

Abrams, Gen. Creighton, photo, 2-45

Access to Archival Databases (AAD), 2-5

Adams, Ansel, 3-64

Adams, Henry, 2-55-56

Adjutant General’s Office, 1-39-40, 42

African Americans, in baseball, 1-58-59; exodus to Kansas, 2-52-58; genealogical research regarding, 2-52-58; migration from the South in the 1870s, 2-52-58; mob violence against, 3-20-29; nurses in the Civil War, 2-31; and segregation in the military, 1-37-43; treatment of Union dead during the Civil War, 3-61; and World War II, 1-37-43

Agricultural schedules, 3-56, 58

Alabama, 2-54, 55-56

Albee, George, 4-21

Alcott, Louisa May, 3-72; port., 3-72

Aldrin, Edwin "Buzz," photo, 4-35

Alexandria, Virginia, 1-52

Alexandria County, Virginia, 1-52

Alito, Samuel A., Jr., 1-44

Alsobrook, David, 1-62

Alter, Jonathan, 1-27-28

America and Americans, by John Steinbeck, 4-22

American Expeditionary Force, 2-23-24

American Relief Administration, 1-18

American Revolution, 3-31-35, 4-65; veterans’ pensions, 4-46-57, 2-4, 3-64

Anderson, Carlyle E., 3-18

Anderson, Patricia, 2-49

Antilynching movement, 3-23, 3-28

Archangel, Russia, 1-16, 1-17, 1-20-21

Archibald, Sasha, 2-60-61

Architecture and Franklin D. Roosevelt, 4-6-10

Archival Research Catalog (ARC), 2-5, 2-49-50, 51, 3-8

"Archival Vintages for The Grapes of Wrath," by Daniel Nealand, 4-18-27

Archives, accessibility for people with disabilities, 2-68

Archives and Records Centers Information System (ARCIS), 1-48

Archivists of the United States, and presidential elections, 3-47, 3-49, 3-53; and presidential records, 4-40, 4-41

Arkansas, 2-55-56

Armstrong, Neil, photo, 4-35

Army Nurses’ Pension Act of 1892, 2-30, 2-35

Army of the Potomac, 1-67-68, 2-50

Army War College, War Plans Division, 2-24

Articles of Confederation, 4-12

Arvin (Weedpatch) federal Migratory Labor Camp, California, 4-19-27

Atlantic Charter, 2-16, 2-17

"Attacking the Backlog," by Ashley Bucciferro, 2-46-51

"Audio Archives" series, 3-68

Audio recordings, 3-68

Australian Army (World War I), 4-58-59

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Baker, Frazier, 3-21-29

Baker, Julia, 3-21, 3-23, 3-26, 3-28

Baker, Lavinia, 3-23, 3-25, 3-26, 3-27, 3-28; photo, 3-28

Ball, George, 2-43

Baric, Nick, photo, 2-48

Barker, Josiah, 2-6

Barrett, John Q., 1-27

Barry, David F., 3-44-45

Baseball, 1-58-59

Bates, Lt. Col. Paul, 1-40-41; photo, 1-40

"Battlefilm: Motion Pictures of the Great War," by Phillip W. Stewart, 2-20-27

Battlefilm: U.S. Army Signal Corps Motion Pictures of the Great War, by Phillip W. Stewart, 2-26

Batum, Russia, 1-17, 1-20, 1-21

Bauer, K. Jack, 2-24

Bear, Capt. Gerald, 1-41

Beers, Lloyd, photo, 2-50

Begin, Menachem, photo, 4-33

Behind Closed Doors, by Ellis M. Zacharias and Ladislas Farago, 2-18

Bell, B.W., 3-26-27

Bell (Stubbs), Annie, 2-34

Bellardo, Lewis, 1-62

Bellinger, Rear Adm. Patrick, 2-14

Bennett, David, 2-38

Benson, Jackson J., 4-21-22, 4-25

Bernard, Shubael, 2-6

Bernard, William, 2-57

Berryman, Clifford, 1-6-13, 1-66, 1-70; cartoons by, 1-6-13

Beschloss, Michael, 2-70; Presidential Courage: Brave Leaders and How They Changed America, 1789-1989, 1-71

"Beyond the Moon: NASA’s Continuing Mission," exhibit, 4-37

"BIG! Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the National Archives," by Stacey Bredhoff, 4-12-17

Big Head, 3-42, 3-43

Bill of Rights, 3-64

Birth records, 3-64

Blair, Henry W., 2-54

Blanchard, James, 4-65; photo, 4-65

Bliss, Gen. Tasker H., photo, 3-15

Boeing Company, 3-70, 4-4

Bolshevik revolution, 1917, 1-15-16

Bonitz, Julius A., 2-56-57

Booker, Miranda, photo, 2-48

Boone, Esther J., 2-31

Borrowed Soldiers, by Mitchell A. Yockelson, 4-58-59

Bosanko, William J., 2-65; photo, 2-65

Bounty-land warrants, 4-47, 4-54

Boyd, Julian, 3-16

Boylan, Richard, 2-66

Brady, Mathew, photographs on the Internet, 2-4

Brant, Joseph, port., 3-32

Bredhoff, Stacey, "BIG! Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the National Archives," 4-12-17; photo, 4-17

Brinkley, Alan, 1-28

Brinkley, Douglas, 1-27-28; photo, 1-27

British Army (World War I), 4-58-59

Brooklyn Dodgers, 1-58-59

Brown, Stanley, 4-7

Brownell, Kady, 2-34-35

Bryan, William Jennings, 1-8, 1-13

Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 1-67

Bucciferro, Ashley, "Attacking the Backlog," 2-46-51; photo, 2-51

Buckles, Frank Woodruff, 2-66

"Bull Moose" Party, 1-10

Bulla, John W., 3-25-26

Bullard, Arthur, 1-17; photo, 1-18

Bunch, Lonnie, 2-71

Bundle, A’Lelia, 1-71

Bureau of Labor Statistics, 3-65

Burns, Ken, 1-71

Burnside, Maj. Gen. Ambrose E., 1-68

Burton, Shirley, 3-65

Bush, George H. W., 1-25, 1-26; photos, 1-26, 4-33, 4-37, 4-45; records, 4-44-45

Bush, George W., 3-51, 3-53, 3-65, 4-4, 4-16; records, 4-38

Bush v. Gore, 3-51-53

Bustard, Bruce, 3-70

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Califano, Joseph, 2-38

California, 4-18-27, 4-72

"Camp David," 4-28-33

Camp Hood, Texas, 1-37-43

Camp Sibert, Alabama, 1-40

Canada, 2-22, 3-30-35, 4-65; Lakotas in, 3-39

Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2-6, 2-9

Carlin, John, 4-64

Carmichael, W. C., photo by, 1-31

Carter, Jimmy, photos, 4-33, 4-44; records, 4-43-44

Carter, Rosalynn, photo, 4-44

Cartoons, 1-6-13, 1-66, 1-70

Casey, William, 4-63

Census records, 2-4, 2-57-58, 2-68, 3-54-59, 3-64; 1885, 3-54-59

Cerf, Bennett, 3-17

Cerf, Vinton G., 2-71

Champagne, Duane, 3-45

Chapman-Smith, V., 3-65; photo, 3-66

Charles Guggenheim Center for the Documentary Film, 2-71

Charleston News and Courier, 3-21-22, 3-23

Chavez, Anna, photo, 2-71

Cheney, Richard, 1-63; photo, 3-46

Chestnut, Trichita M., "Lynching," 3-20-29

Chevy Chase Bank, 2-71

Chicago Defender, 1-40, 1-41

Child, Julia, 4-63

"Chinese Exclusion Act Coaching Book," 1-72

Chinn, Paul, 2-4

Chita, Siberia, 1-16, 1-17-18, 1-21

Civic literacy, 1-26, 1-70, 4-4-5

Civil Rights, audio recordings, 3-68

Civil rights, legislation, 2-40-42; series of programs on, 2-71

Civil service personnel records, 1-45

Civil War, 1-67-68; deaths due to, 3-60-61; and the District of Columbia, 1-52; exhibit on, 2-70; history of, 3-70; map of the Gettysburg battlefield, 4-12-13; nurses, 2-28-35, 3-72; pension files, 2-4, 2-28-35, 3-64; photographs, 3-64; records relating to microfilmed, 2-50; records relating to on the Internet, 2-4; social history of, 3-60-61; widow’s pensions, 1-64, 2-4, 2-29, 2-33-34; and women, 2-28-35

Civil War Conservation Corps, 2-70

Civil War Round Tables, 2-70

Clapp, Sarah Chadwick, 2-34

Clark, Alexander, 3-16

Clark, J. Reuben, 3-15

Clark, James Beauchamp "Champ," 1-7, 1-8, 1-13

Clark, Susannah D., 2-35

Classified records, 4-38

Clemenceau, Georges, photo, 3-14

Cleveland, Grover, 1-54, 3-41

Cleveland, William J., 3-41

Clifford, Clark, 2-43

Cline, Capt. William A., 1-41

Clinton, Chelsea, photo, 4-33

Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 2-66; photo, 4-33

Clinton, William J., 1-63; photos, 4-33, 4-45; records, 4-44, 4-45

Coffin, Isaac, 2-8

Coffin, James, 2-8

"Cold War: An Eyewitness Perspective, The," symposium, 2-70

Cole, Felix, 1-17

Collins, Thomas E., 4-18-27; photos, 4-21, 4-22

Colorado, 3-56, 3-58

Colored Citizens of Chicago, 3-25

Colored Men’s Protective Union, 2-55

Colot, Thora, photo, 4-65

Committee on Public Information, 2-27

Congressional Joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack, 2-13-14

"Conserving Food at Home During World War I," 4-72

Constance, John, 4-62

Constitutional Convention, 3-4-5

Continental Congress papers on the Internet, 2-4

Cook, Betsy, 2-32

Correspondence and Issuances, Headquarters of the Army of the Potomac, 1861-1865, microfilm publication, 1-67-68

Court of Indian Offenses, 3-39-40, 3-45

Courts-martial, 1-36-43, 1-58

Coxe, Lemuel, 2-8

Coxey’s Army, 1-54

Crawford, Rebecca, "The Forgotten Federal Census of 1885," 3-54-59; photo, 3-59

Criminals, records of, 1-54-57

Crook, Maj. Gen. George, 3-42

Crook Commission, 3-42

Cross, Isabella, 2-31

Crowninshield, Jacob, 2-9; port., 2-9

Cryptography, 2-12

Cummings, Ann, 2-50

Cummins, Albert Baird, 1-10

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Dada (Emens), Harriet A., 2-33; photo, 2-33

Dakota Territory, 3-56, 3-58

Dame, Harriet P., 2-32

Danfort, Ruth, 2-32

Davis, Gen. Benjamin O., Sr., 1-40

Davis, Damani, "Exodus to Kansas," 2-52-58

Dawes, Henry, 3-23

Dawes, Henry L., 3-40-41

Dawes General Allotment Act, 3-41

De Mott, Robert, 4-21

Dean, John, 1-26-27; photo, 1-27

Death records, 3-64

Declaration of Independence, 3-64, 4-16

Declassified records, 4-5

Deeben, John P., "To Protect and To Serve: The Records of the D.C. Metropolitan Police, 1861-1930," 1-50-57

Delaware, 4-51

Democratic Party, 1-7-8, 1-10, 1-12-13

Dependent Pension Act, 1890, 2-29

DeSmet, Pierre-Jean, 3-38

Dietrich, Marlene, 4-63

Digital Vaults, online exhibit, 1-70, 3-6-11, 4-4-5, 4-64

Digitized records, 3-64

Dirksen, Everett, 2-41; photo, 2-42

Disaster planning and recovery, 1-46

"Discovering the Civil War," exhibit, 2-70

District of Columbia, Board of Commissioners, 1-52, 1-56; Metropolitan Police, 1-50-57; Metropolitan Police Board, 1-52, 1-56

Dix, Dorothea, 2-30, 2-31, 2-32, 2-33, 3-72

DLA Piper, 4-65

Documentary films, 2-70, 2-71

Doerner, Diane, photo, 2-49

Dominguez, Adrienne, photo, 2-71

Doodles by presidents, 2-60-61

Dorf, Michael C., 1-27-28

Dorsen, Norman, 1-27-28; photo, 1-25

Douglass, Frederick, 2-54

Doyle, Patti Solis, 2-66

Draft registration cards, 3-64

Drake, David, 3-65; photo, 3-65

Dunbar, Jane, 2-30

Dunlap, John, 4-16

Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, 2-60, 2-64-65, 4-42

Dyer, Carol, 4-62

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Eamon, Michael, and Lisa Royse, "1783: Subject or Citizen?" 3-30-35; photo, 3-35

Earth imagery records, 3-65

Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center, 3-65

Eastom, Sherman E., 4-26-27

Edmunds, Newton, 3-40

Edmunds Commission, 3-40

Edsel, Robert, 1-64

Education, and Lyndon B. Johnson, 2-38-40, 2-41

Edwards, Steven, 3-65

Eidenberg, Gene, photo, 2-71

Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg, 1-64-65

Einstein, Albert, photo, 3-64

Eisenhower, David, 2-65, 4-28; photo, 4-29

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 2-60-61, 4-28; photos, 4-30, 4-40, 4-42; records, 4-42

"Electoral College: A Message from the 'Dean,' The," by Michael White, 3-46-53

Electronic Records Archives, 1-5, 1-48, 3-65, 4-4

Electronic records management, 1-48, 3-65, 4-4, 4-38, 4-44-45

Emancipation Proclamation, 3-64

Energy efficiency, 1-63

England, 2-64

Environmental protection, 2-40

"Escorting a Presidency into History," by Nancy Kegan Smith, 4-38-45

Evans, Max, 2-65

Events That Changed the World, audio recordings, 3-68

Evert, Chris, photo, 4-33

Excellence in Genealogy Scholarship, 4-62

Executive Office of the President records, 4-4

Exhibits, 1-6-13, 1-66, 1-70, 2-64, 2-70, 3-4-5, 3-6-11, 3-30-35, 4-12-17, 4-34-37

"Exodus to Kansas," by Damani Davis, 2-52-58

"Exoduster" movement, 2-52-58

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FamilySearch, 1-64

Farago, Ladislas, and Ellis M. Zacharias, Behind Closed Doors, 2-18

Faribault, George, 3-39

Farm laborers, 4-18-27

Farm Security Administration, 4-20-27

Faust, Drew Gilpin, 2-70; photo, 3-60; This Republic of Suffering: Death and the American Civil War, 3-60-61

"FDR: The President and the High School," by Keith W. Olson, 4-6-10

Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2-50; records on the Internet, 2-4

Federal Communications Commission, 2-16

Federal court records, 1-45-46

Federal Records Act, 1-47

Federal records centers, 1-44-48

Federal Records Centers Program, 1-45, 1-47

Felt, Mark, 1-63

Final Revolutionary War Pension Payment Vouchers: Delaware, microfilm publication, 4-51; Georgia, microfilm publication, 4-51

Finding aids, 4-58; creation of, 2-49, 2-51; motion pictures, 2-23-27; World War I records, 2-23-27

First Federal Congress, 2-72

First Lady, files of the, 4-38

"First Time Around, The," 4-58-59

Fletcher, Zachary T., 2-57-58

Florida, 3-51-53, 3-56, 3-58

Foerster, Mary, photo, 4-65

"Follow the Money: Tracking Revolutionary War Pension Payments," by Claire Prechtel-Kluskens, 4-46-57, 1-64, 2-4, 2-65-66, 3-64

"For Pity’s Sake: Civil War Nurses and the Pension System," by Mercedes Graf, 2-28-35

Ford, Gerald, photo, 4-44; photo with family, 4-32; records, 4-43

Ford, John, 4-21, 4-27, 4-63

Foreign Service post records, 1-14-23

"Forgotten Federal Census of 1885, The," by Rebecca Crawford, 3-54-59

Forrestal, James, 2-15

Fort Buford, North Dakota, 3-37, 3-39

Fort Riley, Kansas, 1-38

Fortas, Abe, photo, 2-40

Foundation for the National Archives, 1-25, 1-70-71, 2-70-71, 3-70-71, 4-64-65; and the Digital Vaults, 3-6, 4-4-5; Promise of America breakfast, 3-71; Records of Achievement Award, 3-70, 4-64

France, 2-8, 2-22

Francis, David R., 1-16; photos, 1-14, 1-15

Franklin, Benjamin, 3-5

Franklin, John Hope, 2-71

Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute, 1-25

Franklin D. Roosevelt High School, Hyde Park, New York, 4-8-10

Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, 1-5, 1-67, 4-7, 4-41; audit of presidential artifacts at, 1-64; symposium on the Supreme Court, 1-24-28, 4-5

Freedmen’s Bureau records, 2-5

French and Indian War, 3-33

"Fresh Look at a Remarkable Year: Author Examines Jackie Robinson’s Rookie Season, A," by Ellen Fried, 1-58-59

Fried, Ellen, "A Fresh Look at a Remarkable Year: Author Examines Jackie Robinson’s Rookie Season," 1-58-59; "Hail to the Doodler in Chief," 2-60-61; "The Work of Death," 3-60-61

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Galbraith, Capt. William, 2-12

Gall, Chief, 3-36-45; photos, 3-36, 3-38, 3-41

Gallagher, Jim, 3-71

Gallatin, Albert, 2-8

Galpin, Perrin, 3-16-17

Gardner, Gideon, 2-6

Garfield, James A., assassination of, 1-52, 1-55

Garner, Terri, 1-62-63; photo, 1-62

Gavin, Alison M., photo, 2-9; "The Sandbar: Nantucket’s 1803 Petition to Congress," 2-6-9

Genealogical research, 1-50-57, 1-64, 1-65, 2-4-5, 2-52-58, 2-68, 3-64, 4-46-57

Genealogical Society of Utah, 1-64, 2-4, 3-64

Genealogy Fair, 2-4-5

General Land Office, 4-54

Generations Network, 2-4, 3-64

George III, 3-33; port., 3-32

George Bush Library, 4-44-45; audit of presidential artifacts at, 1-64; exhibit, 4-37

George W. Bush Library, 4-5, 4-38

Georgia, 2-54, 4-51

Geospatial One Stop, 1-63

Gerald R. Ford Library, 1-67, 4-43; audit of presidential artifacts at, 1-64

Gerken, Heather, 1-28

Germany, and looting of Jewish art, 1-64-65; motion pictures of World War I, 2-22, 2-26; and U.S.-Russian diplomatic records, 1-17, 1-20, 1-21, 1-23; and World War I, 3-16

Gettysburg, map of the battlefield at, 4-12-13

Ghost Dance, 3-43-44

Gibson, Truman K., 1-38, 1-39, 1-40, 1-41; photo, 1-38

Gilbert Islands, 2-14-15

Goldberg, Arthur, 4-63

Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 2-70

Gore, Albert, 3-51, 3-53

Graf, Mercedes, "For Pity’s Sake: Civil War Nurses and the Pension System," 2-28-35; photo, 2-35

Graham, Robert R., 4-8

Grant, Maj. Gen. Ulysses S., 1-68

Grants, 3-66, 4-4

Grapes of Wrath, The, by John Steinbeck, 4-18-27

Grass, John, 3-39, 3-40, 3-41, 3-42-43, 3-44; photo, 3-42

Gray, C. Boyden, 1-26-27; photos, 1-27

Great Britain, 2-6, 2-7, 2-8, 2-22; and the 1783 Treaty of Paris, 3-31-35

Great Depression, 1-31-35, 4-18-27

Great Sioux Reservation, 3-37, 3-39, 3-40-41, 3-42

Great Sioux War, 3-39

Great Society, 2-38-42

Green, Ernest, 2-71

Green Building ratings, 1-63

Greenberg, David, 2-60-61

Gregory, James, 4-19

Griggs, John William, 3-25

Grove, Martha, "Primaries, Politics, and Political Cartoons: The 1912 Election," 1-6-13

Guggenheim, Charles, 2-71, 4-64

Guggenheim, Davis, 2-71

Guggenheim, Grace, 2-71

Guild, James H., 4-14

Guiteau, Charles, 1-52, 1-55

Gunning, Kathryn McPhersen, 4-51

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Hackworth, Green H., 1-23

"Hail to the Doodler in Chief," by Ellen Fried, 2-60-61

"Half-Century of America in Space, A," 4-34-37

Hamilton, John, 4-62; photo, 4-62

Handly, Jim, 3-71

Hanson, George, 1-20, 1-21

Harbin, Manchuria, 1-18, 1-19, 1-20, 1-21

Hardie, Robert, 4-27

Harper’s Magazine, 3-15

Harris, Ernest L., 1-17-18, 1-23

Harris, Katherine, 3-51-52

Harrison, Benjamin, 3-42, 3-43

Harrison, William Henry, 1-11

Harry S. Truman Library, 4-41-42

"Harvest Gypsies," newspaper series by John Steinbeck, 4-20

Hassett, William D., photo, 4-31

Hastings, James, 2-46, 2-49

Hatfield, Mark, 3-13

Haviland, Benjamin, 4-8; port., 4-6

Hawaii, 2-14

Hayden, Sterling, 4-63

Hayes, Rutherford B., 2-55

Heimert, Lara, 2-60-61

Hemingway, John, 4-63

Hengstler, Herbert, 1-19-20

Higgs (Nichols), Lucy, 2-31

Hill, John, photo, 4-65

Hill, Marilynn Wood, 2-71; photo, 4-65

Hine, Lewis, 3-64; photos by, 1-33

Hitler, Adolf, 1-64

Hoge (Patton), Jane C., 2-32

Holt, Dan, 2-64

Honolulu Advertiser, 2-14

Hooker, Maj. Gen. Joseph, 1-68

Hoover, Herbert, 2-61, 4-41, 4-72; biography of Woodrow Wilson, 3-12-19; memoirs, 3-12, 3-15; photos, 3-12, 3-14, 3-18

Hoover, J. Edgar, 2-61

Hope, Bob, 1-63; photo, 4-32

House, Col. Edward M., 3-16; photo, 3-15

House Journal, 2-8

Howe, Fisher, photo, 4-63

Hufstedler, Shirley Mount, 1-28; photo, 1-25

Huger, Benjamin, 2-8

Hughes, Sarah T., photo, 2-39

Hull, Cordell, 1-23

Hunkpapa tribe, 3-37-45

Hunt, Elizabeth, 2-30-31

Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, 1-46

Husband, Mary Morris, 2-33; photo, 2-33

Hyde Park, New York, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, 4-6-10; post office, 4-6, 4-7; schools, 4-7-10

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iArchives (, 2-4

Ida B. Wells Woman’s Club of Chicago, 3-23, 3-25

Immigration, from China, 1-72; records, 3-64; records on the Internet, 2-5

Immigration and Naturalization Service, 2-4-5

Indian reservations, opened to white settlers, 3-41-42; treaties regarding, 3-38-39, 3-40-41

Indiana, 2-54

Inouye, Kiyoshi, 2-17

"Insider’s Guide to the Digital Vaults, The," by Suzanne Isaacs, 3-6-11

Intelligence operations, against Japan in World War II, 2-10-18

Inter-Allied Railway Committee, 1-18

International Harvester Company, 1-16-17, 1-18

Internet, forum on, 2-71; and the interactive Vietnam War Memorial, 2-65-66; and posters and photographic prints, 2-66; records available on, 2-5, 3-64-65, 4-4, 4-5


Isaacs, Suzanne, "The Insider’s Guide to the Digital Vaults," 3-6-11; photo, 3-11

Istanbul, Turkey, 1-20-21

Italy, 2-22

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Jackson (Payne), Mary, 2-31

Japan, attack on Pearl Harbor, 2-10-11, 2-14-18; psychological warfare against, 2-15-17; status of the emperor of, 2-15-16, 2-18; U.S. intelligence operations against, 2-10-18; and World War II, 2-10-18

Jefferson, Thomas, 1-25, 4-7

Jewett, Lillian Clayton, 3-28

Jewish art collections, 1-64-65

"Jim Crow, Meet Lieutenant Robinson: A 1944 Court-Martial," by John Vernon, 1-36-43

Jimmy Carter Library, 1-67, 4-43-44

Joad, Tom (fictional character), 4-18, 4-25, 4-26-27

John F. Kennedy Library, 1-5, 2-60, 4-5, 4-42; audit of presidential artifacts at, 1-64

John Hancock Financial Services, 3-71

Johnson, Hiram, 1-10

Johnson, Jennifer, 3-70

Johnson, Lady Bird, 2-40, 2-45; photos, 2-41, 2-43, 2-45

Johnson, Lyndon B., centennial celebration of, 2-36-45; legislation promoted by, 2-38-42; papers opened, 2-44-45; photos, 2-36-45, 4-31, 4-43; records, 4-42; and the space program, 4-36-37; and the Vietnam War, 2-42-44

Jonas, Gilbert, 1-59

Jones, Stephanie Tubbs, photo, 3-48

Jordan, Barbara, 2-38

Juckett, Edwin A., 4-8, 4-10

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Kahn, Robert E., 2-71

Kalman, Laura, 1-28; photo, 1-27

Kansas, exodus of African Americans to, 2-52-58

Kaye, Judith S., 1-27; photo, 1-28

Keating, Cathy, photo, 3-71

Keating, Frank, photo, 3-71

Keating, Frank, 1-71

Kelley, Robert F., 1-18-20, 1-21

Kennan, George, "Long Telegram" by, 4-13

Kennedy, Caroline, photo, 4-31

Kennedy, Jacqueline, photos, 2-39

Kennedy, John F., 2-38, 2-40, 2-42, 4-36; doodles by, 2-60, 2-61; photos, 4-31, 4-42; records, 4-38, 4-42

Kennedy, John F., Jr., photo, 4-31

Kennedy, Robert, 4-42

Kennedy, W. H., 4-8

Kenneth E. Behring Center, Smithsonian Institute, 2-71

Khrushchev, Nikita, photo, 4-30

Kiev, Russia, 1-17

Kim, Yeonjoo, photo, 4-43

Kimmel, Adm. Husband E., 2-13-14

King, Martin Luther, Jr., photo, 2-41

Kissinger, Henry A., 1-67; records released, 1-63

Klarman, Michael, 2-71

"Know Your Records" outreach program, 2-5

Koch, Cynthia, "The President and the Justices," 1-24-28; photo, 1-28

Kramer, Alan, 1-46

Kratz, Jessie, and Martha Grove, "Primaries, Politics, and Political Cartoons: The 1912 Election," 1-6-13

Kurtz, Michael, 1-63

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La Follette, Robert, Sr., 1-9

Lake City, South Carolina, 3-21-23, 3-25, 3-26-27

Lake City Times, 3-22

Lakota tribe, 3-37-45

Land case files, 2-57-58

Langbart, David A., "'No Little Historic Value': The Records of Department of State Posts in Revolutionary Russia," 1-14-23; photo, 1-23

Lange, Dorothea, 3-64

LaNier, Carlotta Walls, 2-71

Lansing, Robert, photo, 3-15

Larson, John, photo, 3-71

Larson, Robert W., photo, 3-45; "A Victor in Defeat," 3-36-45

Lathrop, Abial, 3-25-28

"LBJ: Still Casting a Long Shadow," by Harry Middleton, 2-36-45

Ledgers of Payments, 1818-1872, to U.S. Pensioners Under Acts of 1818 Through 1858, from Records of the Office of the Third Auditor of the Treasury, microfilm publication, 4-49

Lee, Early, 3-27

Lee, Robert E., 1-67, 1-68

Lehrs, John A., 1-18

Lein-Hayes, Candace, 3-65; photo, 3-65

Leonard, J. William, 2-65

Leuchtenburg, William E., 1-26

Lewis, Anthony, 1-27; photo, 1-27

Lewis, John, 2-71

Lexington (Kentucky) Standard, 3-23

Library and Archives Canada, 3-31, 4-65

Library of Congress, 1-58, 1-59, 1-63, 3-64-65

Lighthouse Board, 2-72

Lighthouses, plans for, 2-72

Lilienthal, David, 1-34

Lincoln, Abraham, 1-25, 1-67, 1-68, 1-71, 2-28, 3-4, 4-13-14; assassination of, 1-51-52, 1-55

Little Rock, Arkansas, 2-71

Livingston, Walter, 3-16

Lloyd George, David, photo, 3-14

Lockheed Martin, 4-4

London, England, U.S.-Russian diplomatic records taken to, 1-16, 1-20

Lore, Ken, 4-64; photo, 2-71, 4-64

Lorimer, William E., 3-25

Louis, Joe, 1-38, 1-40; photo, 1-38

Louisiana, 2-54, 2-55-56

Low Dog, photo, 3-38

Lynch, Charles, 3-21

"Lynching," by Trichita M. Chestnut, 3-20-29

Lyndon B. Johnson Library, 1-5, 2-44-45, 4-42; exhibit, 4-34-37

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MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 4-14-15; photo, 4-14

Macgowan, David B., 1-18

MacNeill, Neil, 3-17-18

Macon, Nathaniel, 2-8, 2-9

MacVeagh, Charles, 1-19

Macy, Obed, 2-6

Macy, William 2-6

Mad Bear, 3-42, 3-43

Madison, James, 3-4-5

Magna Carta, 2-64

Mahan (Osborn), Margaret, 2-32

Mahle, Elizabeth, 2-34

Maine, 1-11-12

Making Archives Accessible for People with Disabilities, by Frank Serene, 2-68

Mansfield, Mike, 2-43

Manufactures schedules, 3-56, 3-58

Maps, 1-63

Marblehead, USS, 2-12

Marbury v. Madison, 1-25

Mariana Islands, 2-15

Marriage records, 3-64

Marshall, John, 1-25

Marshall, Thomas, 1-8

Marshall, Thurgood, 1-59

Marshall Islands, 2-14-15

Martenis, Kerry, 3-71; photo, 3-71

Martin, Maj. Gen. Frederick, 2-14

Maryland, 1-52

Marysville migrant camp, 4-22, 4-26

Massachusetts, 2-6-9

Mayer, Leslie, 1-20

McClellan, Maj. Gen. George B., 1-68

McClure, Phyllis, photo, 2-50

McConnell, Michael W., 1-28

McCullar, Chloe, 4-46-55, 4-57

McCullar, William, 4-46-56

McCullough, David, photo, 2-71

McGraw, Harold, 3-17

McGraw-Hill, 3-17-19

McIntosh, Elizabeth, 4-63; photo, 4-63

McKenna, Cecilia C., 2-29

McKinley, William, 3-23, 3-25

McLaughlin, Maj. James, 3-37, 3-39, 3-40, 3-41, 3-42-43, 3-44; photo, 3-37

McLaughlin, Marie Louise, 3-39; photo, 3-37

McLoughlin, Tara E. C., "Ready Access," 1-44-48

McMillen, David, 4-62

McNair, Caroline C., 2-35

McNamara, Robert S., 2-43; photos, 2-44, 4-31

McPherson, James, 3-70; photos, 3-70, 4-65

McPherson, Patricia, photo, 4-65

McWilliams, Carey, 4-19

Meade, Maj. Gen. George Gordon, 1-68

Medicare, 2-40

Mellon, Paul, 4-63

Microfilm publications, 1-67-68, 2-4, 2-5, 2-50, 2-68-69, 3-69; Adjutant General's Office, 3-69; alien arrivals, 1-68, 2-68; Army of the Potomac, 1-67-68; Baker Roll, 1-68; California, 3-69; census records, 2-4, 2-68; Cherokee enrollments, 1-68; Civil War, 1-67-68, 3-69; crew lists, 3-69; district courts, 1-68; Hawaii, 3-69; Idaho, 2-68; Illinois, 3-69; Indiana, 3-69; Louisiana, 3-69; Mexico, 3-69; Native Americans, 1-68; New Jersey, 2-68; New York, 2-68; nonpopulation census schedules, 2-68, 3-56-58; passenger lists, 3-69; Pennsylvania, 3-69; pension records, 4-47, 4-49, 4-51, 4-53; population censuses, 3-56-57; General Winfield Scott, 3-69; slave manifests, 3-69; Texas, 1-68; U.S. Colored Troops (Civil War), 3-68; United States Military Academy, 3-69; U.S. Supreme Court, 2-68; War with Mexico, 3-69

Microfilmed records, 3-64

Middleton, Harry, "LBJ: Still Casting a Long Shadow," 2-36-45

Migratory labor camps, 4-18-27

Military service personnel records, 1-45, 1-65, 2-66, 3-64

Miller, Harrison D., photo, 2-15

Minot’s Ledge Lighthouse, 2-72

Missing in action, 1-66-67

Mississippi, 2-54, 2-55-56

Missouri, 2-54

Monash, Gen. John, 4-59

Montana, 3-37, 3-39

Morgan, Arthur, 1-34

Mortality schedules, 3-56, 3-58

Moscow, Russia, 1-16, 1-17, 1-18, 1-19, 1-21, 1-22-23

Motion pictures, 2-20-27, 3-68

Moye, H. T. B., 3-25-26

Mulligan, Timothy P., compiler, World War II: Guide to Records Relating to U.S. Military Participation, 3-68

Munson, Curtis B., 2-14

Murmansk, Russia, 1-17, 1-20-21

Muscle Shoals, Alabama, 1-34

Musick, Mike, 3-61

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Najafi, Sina, 2-60-61

Nantucket Island, Massachusetts, 2-6-9; illus., 2-8

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 4-34-37

National Archives and Records Administration, 75th anniversary, 4-12-17, 4-62; budget, 1-4-5, 1-47, 1-62; Center for Legislative Archives, 1-6; Civil War records, 3-60-61; collection of World War I films, 2-22-27; educational programs, 4-4-5; exhibits, 1-6-13, 1-66, 1-70, 2-64, 3-4-5, 3-6-11, 3-30-35, 4-12-17; Federal Records Center Program, 1-44-48; Information Security Oversight Office, 2-65, 4-5; inspector general, 1-64; and interactive Vietnam War Memorial, 2-65-66; microfilm publications, 1-67-68, 2-68-69, 3-69; News and Notices, 1-62-65, 2-64-66, 3-64-66, 4-62-63; Office of Presidential Libraries, 4-41, 4-42; Office of Records Services, 2-46; Office of the Federal Register, 3-46-53; Old Military and Civil Records Branch, 1-57; Presidential Materials Staff, 4-40; and presidential records and artifacts, 4-38-45; processing initiative, 2-46-51, 4-4; publications, 1-66-68, 2-68-69, 3-68-69; reference services, 2-46, 2-48-49, 2-50, 2-51; research rooms, 1-62, 1-64; role in presidential elections, 3-46-53; staff, 1-4-5, 2-46, 2-48-51; strategic plan, 2-46, 2-48; symposia, 2-70; web site, 1-70, 2-4, 2-49, 3-50, 4-62

National Archives Experience, 1-70, 2-70, 3-6-11, 4-64

National Archives Federal Records Center, Laguna Niguel, California, 4-44

National Archives Regional Archives System, 3-8; Northeast Region, 1-72; Pacific-Alaska Region, 3-65; Pacific Region, 3-65, 4-18, 4-21, 4-72; Southeast Region, 1-34

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 1-39, 1-41, 1-59

National Historical Publications and Records Commission, 1-5, 2-65, 3-66, 4-4

National History Day, 3-65-66, 4-62

National Nuclear Security Administration, 3-65

National Personnel Records Center, 1-45, 1-46, 1-65, 4-14, 4-62-63

National Security Council, 4-38, 4-40, 4-43, 4-44

Native Americans, assimilation of, 3-39-45; land allotments for, 3-41-42, 3-43; moved to reservations, 3-37-45

Natural Disasters, DVD set, 3-68

Naturalization records, 3-64

Naval Intelligence, Office of, 2-12, 2-13, 2-18; Far East Division, 2-12

Naval Oceanographic Office, 3-65

Nazi Germany, and looting of Jewish art, 1-64-65

Nealand, Daniel, "Archival Vintages for The Grapes of Wrath," 4-18-27

Nebraska, 3-55-56, 3-58

Nevada, 4-13-14

Neville, Edwin, 1-20

New Bedford, Massachusetts, 2-9

New Deal, 4-9, 4-10

New Jersey, 2-68

New Mexico, USS, 2-15

New Mexico Territory, 3-56, 3-58

New York, 4-47-54

New-York Historical Society, 2-66

New York Life Foundation, 1-71

New York Times, 3-18-19, 4-10

Newham, Joseph, 3-26, 3-27

Nichols, David A., 1-28; photo, 1-25

Nielsen, Orson, 1-16-17

Nine from Little Rock, film, 2-71

Nixon, Richard M., 2-60, 4-16; photos, 4-32, 4-43; and POWs, 1-67; records, 1-5, 4-38, 4-42-43

"'No Little Historic Value': The Records of Department of State Posts in Revolutionary Russia," by David A. Langbart, 1-14-23

Nolan, Beth, 1-26-27; photo, 1-27

Nomura, Adm. Kichisaburo, 2-13

Nonpopulation census schedules, 2-68, 3-54-59

Norris, George, 1-34

North Carolina, 2-54, 2-56, 2-57

North Carolina, USS, 4-15

North Dakota, 3-36-45, 3-56, 3-58

Norway, and U.S. diplomatic records in Russia, 1-16, 1-17

Nova Scotia, 3-34

Nurses, Civil War, 2-28-35, 3-72

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O’Brien, Larry, 4-64

O’Connell, Libby, photo, 3-66

O’Connor, Sandra Day, 1-24, 1-25-26; photos, 1-24, 1-28

Odessa, Russia, 1-17, 1-20

O’Donnell, Margaret, 2-31

Office of Strategic Services, 2-50, 4-63

Official Military Personnel files, 1-65

Ohio, 4-47, 4-48

O’Kelly, John, 2-56

Oklahoma, migrants from, 4-18-27

Olsen, Paul, 4-16

Olson, Keith W., "FDR: The President and the High School," 4-6-10; photo, 4-10

Omsk, Siberia, 1-17, 1-18

O’Neal, Shaquille, 4-16

"Ordeal of a Biographer, The," by Timothy Walch, 3-12-19

Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson, The, by Herbert Hoover, 3-13-19

Orlando, Vittorio Emanuele, photo, 3-14

Osborn, Patrick, 2-48

Oslo, Sweden, 1-20-21

Our Planet Earth, DVD series, 3-68

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Packer, Earl L., 1-19

Passenger lists, 3-64

Patent and Trademark Office, 3-65

Pathway Challenge, 3-11

Peachey, James, watercolor by, illus., 3-30-31

Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, attack on, 2-10-11; photos of, 2-10-11; warnings regarding an attack on, 2-13-18

Pelosi, Nancy, photo, 2-71

Pendleton, George H., 2-54

Pension Bureau, 2-30, 2-31, 2-34-35

Pension Committee, 2-31, 2-32

Pension files, 1-64; African Americans, 2-58; Civil War, 2-28-35, 2-58, 3-64; on the Internet, 2-4; nurses, 2-28-35; Revolutionary War, 4-46-57; widows’ files, 2-4, 4-46-57

Perot Foundation, 2-64

Pershing, Gen. John J. "Black Jack," 2-23, 2-26, 2-27, 4-59; photo, 2-24

Persia, and U.S.-Russian diplomatic records, 1-18-19, 1-21

Petitions to Congress, 2-6-9

Petrograd, Russia, U.S. embassy in, 1-16, 1-17, 1-18, 1-19, 1-21, 1-23

Peuser, Rick, 2-51

Pfeiffer, David A., photo, 2-18; "Sage Prophet or Loose Cannon," 2-10-18

Photographs, Civil War, 3-64; on the Internet, 2-4-5, 2-66, 3-64

Picket, Joel, 3-70; photo, 3-71

Picket, Matthew, 3-70; photo, 3-71

Pierce, Alycon Trubey, 4-51

Pine Ridge Reservation, 3-40, 3-42, 3-44

Pittsburgh Courier, 1-39-40

Plante, Trevor, 3-61

Podoski, Barbara, photo, 4-63

Political cartoons, 1-6-13, 1-66, 1-70

Post Office Inspector, Office of, 3-25

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, 2-35

Postmasters, 3-21-23

Poverty, war on, 2-38-39

Pratt, Capt. Richard H., 3-41

Pratt Commission, 3-41, 3-42

Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire, "Follow the Money: Tracking Revolutionary War Army Pension Payments," 4-46-57; photo, 4-55

"President and the Justices, The," by Cynthia M. Koch, 1-24-28

Presidential artifacts, audit of, 1-64

Presidential Doodles: Two Centuries of Scribbles, Scratches, Squiggles, and Scrawls from the Oval Office, by David Greenberg, 2-60-61

Presidential elections, 1912, 1-6-13, 1-66; cartoons about, 1-6-13, 1-66, 1-70; and the Electoral College, 3-46-53

Presidential libraries, 4-5, 4-38, 4-41; audit of presidential artifacts, 1-64; construction projects, 1-5; and doodles by presidents, 2-60-61; and records relating to prisoners of war and missing in action, 1-66-67; symposia, 1-25

Presidential Libraries Act, 4-41

Presidential Libraries Holdings Relating to Prisoners of War and Missing in Action, Reference Information Paper, 1-66-67

Presidential Moments, audio recordings, 3-68

Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act, 4-42

Presidential records, 4-38-45

Presidential Records Act, 4-41, 4-44

Presidential Timeline, 4-5

Presidents, relationship with the Supreme Court, 1-24-28

"Primaries, Politics, and Political Cartoons: The 1912 Election," by Jessie Kratz and Martha Grove, 1-6-13

Prisoners of war, 1-66-67

Progressive Party, 1-10

Propaganda, World War I films, 2-27

Psychological warfare, 2-18; against Japan, 2-15-17

Public Vaults, 3-6, 4-64

Public Works Administration, 4-8

Publications of the U.S. Government, Record Group 287, 4-54

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Racial discrimination, 1-58-59; in the military in World War II, 1-37-43, 1-58, 1-59

Racial violence, 3-20-29

Radio communication intercept units, 2-12

Radio Tokyo, 2-15

Rain in the Face, photo, 3-38

Ramsay, Allan, 3-33; port. by, 3-32

"Ready Access," by Tara E. C. McLoughlin, 1-44-48

Reagan, Nancy, photo, 4-44

Reagan, Ronald, 1-63, 2-60, 2-61, 4-41; photos, 4-32, 4-44; records, 4-44

Records management, 1-44-48, 2-46-51, 4-38-45

Records of the Accounting Officers of the Department of the Treasury, Inventory 14 (Revised), comp. by William F. Sherman, 4-49

Records preservation, 2-48, 2-51, 3-65

Records processing, 2-46-51, 4-4, 4-5

Reese, Pee Wee, 1-58, 1-59

Reneger, Milton, 1-38-39

Republican Party, 1-9-11, 1-12-13, 2-55

Resettlement Administration, 4-18-27

Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, microfilm publication, 4-47, 4-51

Revolutionary War pension payments, 4-46-57

Richard M. Nixon Library, 1-5, 1-63, 1-67, 4-5, 4-16, 4-42-43; photo, 1-5; web site, 1-63

Rickenbacker, First Lt. "Eddie," 2-20; photo, 2-23

Rickey, Branch, 1-58-59

Riga, Latvia, 1-18, 1-20, 1-21

Riordan, Richard, 4-16

Roberts, Cokie, 1-71; photo, 4-65

Robinson, Lt. Jack (Jackie) Roosevelt, 1-36-43, 1-58-59; photos, 1-36, 1-59

Robinson, Rachel, 1-58

Robinson, "Sugar Ray," 1-40

Rockefeller, Nelson, 2-61

Ronald Reagan Library, 1-67, 4-44; audit of presidential artifacts at, 1-64

Roosevelt, Anna Eleanor, photos, 1-28, 4-65

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1-25-26, 4-7, 4-10

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1-25, 2-38, 2-42, 4-28; and architecture, 4-6-10; and FDR High School in Hyde Park, 4-6-10; photos, 4-9, 4-28; port., 4-6; records, 4-41; and the Tennessee Valley Authority, 1-31-33, 1-34, 1-35

Roosevelt, Kermit, 4-63

Roosevelt, Quentin, 4-63

Roosevelt, Theodore, 1-9-10, 1-11-13, 4-63

Roosevelt, Col. Theodore, Jr., 2-26, 2-27

Rosenberg, Alfred, 1-64-65

Rosenfeld, Patti and Ronald, photo, 4-65

Royse, Lisa, "1783: Subject or Citizen?," 3-30-35; photo, 3-35

Rubenstein, David M., 2-64; photo, 2-64

Running Antelope, 3-40; photo, 3-38

Running for Office: Candidates, Campaigns, and the Cartoons of Clifford Berryman, catalog, 1-66, 1-70

"Running for Office: Candidates, Campaigns, and the Cartoons of Clifford Berryman," exhibit, 1-6, 1-66

Rush, James, photo, 2-49

Rusk, Dean, 2-43; photo, 4-31

Russia, U.S. diplomatic relations with, 1-14-23

Russian Revolution, 1917, 1-14-23

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Sadat, Anwar, photo, 4-33

"Sage Prophet or Loose Cannon?," by David A. Pfeiffer, 2-10-18

Salt Lake City, USS, 1-14-15

Samara, Russia, 1-16-17, 1-18

Samolak, Tom, photo, 3-71

San Francisco News, 4-20

San Joaquin Valley, California, 4-20-21

"Sandbar: Nantucket’s 1803 Petition to Congress, The," by Alison M. Gavin, 2-6-9

Schlesinger, Arthur, 2-61, 4-63

Schwarz, Joseph, 2-51

Scotland, 4-58

Scowcroft, Brent, 1-67

Second Aviation Instruction Center, Tours, France, 2-26

Second Story Interactive Studios, 3-7

Secret Missions, by Ellis M. Zacharias, 2-17-18

Segal, Ted, 4-65

Segregation, in the military in World War II, 1-37-43

Separation of powers, 1-24-28

Serene, Frank, Making Archives Accessible for People with Disabilities, 2-68

"Shangri-La" (Camp David), 4-28

Sherman, Dawn, photo, 2-49

Short, Gen. Walter, 2-14

Siberia, Russia, U.S. diplomatic posts in, 1-17-18, 1-23

Simmons, Calvin, 2-56-57

Singleton, Benjamin "Pap," 2-55; port., 2-55

Sioux Act of 1889, 3-43

Sioux Nation, 3-37-45

Sitting Bull, 3-37-38, 3-39, 3-40, 3-41, 3-43, 3-44; photo, 3-44

Smith, Nancy Kegan, "Escorting a Presidency into History," 4-38-45; photo, 4-45

Smith, Samuel, 2-8

Smith, Capt. W. W. "Poco," 2-14

Smith-Hutton, Henri, 2-13

South Carolina, 3-21-23, 3-25, 3-28

South Dakota, 3-38-39, 3-56, 3-58

Space exploration, 4-34-37

Standing Rock Agency, 3-37, 3-39

Standing Rock Reservation, 3-36-45

Stark, Adm. Harold, 2-14

Stein, Walter, 4-26

Steinbeck, John, and The Grapes of Wrath, 4-18-27; photo, 4-21

Stewart, Henry, 2-57

Stewart, Phillip W., "Battlefilm: Motion Pictures of the Great War," 2-20-27

Stinson (Pond), Harriet W., 2-33

Stobbe, Doctor G., 1-20

Stokes, Henry, 3-26

Stow (Beebe), Helen A., 2-35

Summers, Maddin, 1-16-17

Suzuki, Adm. Kantaro, 2-15, 2-16

Sweden, and U.S.-Russian diplomatic records, 1-17

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Taft, William Howard, 1-9-10, 1-11-13; bathtub for, 4-15; photo, 4-15

Taney, Roger, 1-25

Tank Battalion, 761st, 1-38-39, 1-40-41, 1-42

Taylor, John, photo, 4-63

Temple, Riley, 3-71

Tennessee, 2-55

Tennessee Real Estate & Homestead Association, 2-55

Tennessee Valley Authority, 1-31-35

Terrorism against blacks in the South in the 1870s, 2-56

Texas, 1-37, 1-38-39, 1-40, 2-54, 2-55-56

Thayendanegea, port., 3-32

This Republic of Suffering: Death and the American Civil War, by Drew Gilpin Faust, 3-60-61

Thomas, Adrienne, 1-62; photo, 1-62

Thomsen, Eric, 4-23

Thurston, Lorrin, 2-14

Tiflis, Russia, 1-17, 1-18, 1-20, 1-21

Tillman, Benjamin R., 3-21

Time magazine, 2-17, 4-10

"To Protect and To Serve: The Records of the D.C. Metropolitan Police, 1861-1930," by John P. Deeben, 1-50-57

"To the Moon: The American Space Program in the 1960s," exhibit, 4-34-37

Togo, Shigenori, 2-17

Tokyo, Japan, and U.S.-Russian diplomatic records, 1-18, 1-19, 1-20

Tomlin, Mary Evelyn, "The TVA at 75," 1-31-35

Topics Entertainment, 3-68

Totenberg, Nina, 1-27; photos, 1-25, 1-27

Treaty of Fort Laramie (1868), 3-38-39, 3-40-41

Treaty of Paris (1783), 3-30-35, 4-65

Truman, Harry S., 1-25, 1-59, 2-15, 2-16, 2-17, 2-40, 3-5; photos, 4-31, 4-40; records, 4-41-42

Tubman (Davis), Harriet, 2-29, 2-30

Tuck, S. Pinkney, 1-18

Turchin, Col. John B., 2-33

Turchin, Nadine, 2-33-34

"TVA at 75, The," by Mary Evelyn Tomlin, 1-31-35

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Union Army nurses, 2-29-35

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, telegram regarding, 4-13

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 3-64-65

U.S. Army II Corps, 4-58

U.S. Army Signal Corps, Photographic Section, 2-23-24; and World War I films, 2-22, 2-23

U.S. Colored Troops, records microfilmed, 2-50

U.S. Congress, and Indian affairs, 3-40-41, 3-43; and lighthouses, 2-72; and Lyndon B. Johnson, 2-38, 2-40-41; and pensions for Revolutionary War veterans, 4-53-54; petitions to, 2-6-9; and presidential records, 4-41, 4-42; private laws, 2-8; special pensions for Civil War nurses, 2-29-30, 2-33-34; and the Washington (D.C.) Metropolitan Police, 1-52, 1-56

U.S. Congressional Serial Set, 1-56, 1-57

U.S. Constitution, 3-4-5, 3-64; and presidential elections, 3-47-48, 3-52-53

U.S. Department of Defense, and presidential records, 4-40, 4-45

U.S. Department of Justice, 3-21, 3-23, 3-25, 3-26-28; records processed, 2-50

U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Accounts, 1-17; diplomatic records processed, 2-50; diplomatic telegram, 4-13; Division of Eastern European Affairs, 1-18-19, 1-20; Division of Foreign Service Administration, 1-20; Division of Russian Affairs, 1-17; post records, 1-14-23; and Russia, 1-14-23

U.S. District Court for South Carolina, 3-25

U.S. Food Administration, 4-72

U.S. Geological Survey, 3-65

U.S. Green Building Council, 1-63

U.S. House of Representatives, Committee of Commerce and Manufactures, 2-8-9; Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads, 3-25; petitions to, 2-8; and presidential elections, 3-49, 3-53

U.S. Navy, intelligence operations, 2-10-18; technical reports processed, 2-50

U.S. Pacific Fleet, Japanese attack on, 2-13-18

U.S. Senate, committee to investigate causes of black migration from the South, 2-52-58; and Indian affairs, 3-40-41; and Lyndon B. Johnson, 2-38, 2-41; and presidential elections, 3-49, 3-51

U.S. Supreme Court, 3-5; and the 2000 presidential election, 3-51-53; and presidential records, 4-43; relationship with the President, 1-24-28

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Vance, Zebulon B., 2-54

vanden Heuvel, William, 1-28

Vermont, 3-35, 4-47-54

Vernon, John, 1-58; "Jim Crow, Meet Lieutenant Robinson: A 1944 Court-Martial," 1-36-43

Veterans, of the Revolutionary War, 4-46-54; of World War I, 2-66

Vice presidential records, 4-38-45

"Victor in Defeat, A," by Robert W. Larson, 3-36-45

Vietnam War, and Lyndon B. Johnson, 2-42-44; records, 1-63

Vietnam War Memorial, online, 2-65-66

Vilas, William F., 3-41-42

Vinson, Fred, 1-25

Virginia, 1-52

Virginia Half Pay and Other Related Revolutionary War Pension Application Files, microfilm publication, 4-53

Vladivostok, Siberia, 1-16, 1-17-18, 1-19, 1-20, 1-21, 1-23

Voelbel, Frederick, 1-53-54

Volkman, Henry C., 1-53, 1-55

Vologda, Russia, 1-16

Voorhees, Daniel W., 2-54

Voting rights legislation, 2-41

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Wadsworth, George, 1-21

Waggoner, Josephine, 3-40

Walch, Timothy, "The Ordeal of a Biographer," 3-12-19

Walker, Dixie, 1-59

War and Conflict, audio recordings, 3-68

War Department, and the Civil War, 1-67-68; and Revolutionary War pension records, 4-47, 4-49; and segregation, 1-37-43; and service records for nurses, 2-31; Surgeon General’s Office, 2-32

War Information, Office of, 1-15, 1-16

Ward, Angus, 1-21-23; photo, 1-22

Washington, George, 3-15, 4-41; port., 4-46

Washington (D.C.) Metropolitan Police, 1-50-57

Washington Evening Star, 1-6, 1-11, 1-66

Washington National Records Center, 1-46

Washington Post, 1-6, 1-66, 2-16

Watergate tapes, 4-42-43

Watson, Capt. Edward, 2-11

Wavoka, 3-43-44

Way, Amanda, 2-32

Weedpatch migrant labor camp, 4-19-27

Weinberg, David, 1-45, 1-47

Weinstein, Allen, 1-26, 1-47, 1-62, 1-71, 2-48, 2-64-65, 3-65-66, 4-62, 4-64; "Challenges: Those We Met, Those We Face," 4-4-5; "The Constitution: A Treasure Worth the Wait in Line," 3-4-5; "Finding Out Who You Are: First Stop, National Archives," 2-4-5; photos, 1-26, 1-27, 1-28, 2-64, 2-71, 4-65; "A Word About the Archives’ Budget-And the Quality of Our Staff," 1-4-5

Weinstein, Grigori, 1-21-22

Weissenbach, Karl, 2-64-65; photo, 2-65

Wells-Barnett, Ida B., 3-20-21, 3-23-29; photos, 3-20, 3-28

Westmoreland, Gen. William, photo, 2-44

Whaling industry, 2-6-9

Wheeler, Tom, 1-70, 1-71, 2-70, 2-71, 3-70, 4-4-5, 4-64, 4-65; Mr. Lincoln’s T-Mails, 1-71; photos, 4-64, 4-65

White, G. Edward, 1-28

White, George Henry, 3-25

White, Henry, photo, 3-15

White, Michael, "The Electoral College: A Message from the 'Dean'," 3-46-53

White House files, 3-65, 4-38-45

Whitman, Edmund, 3-61

William G. McGowan Forum, 2-71

William J. Clinton Library, 1-62-63, 4-45; audit of presidential artifacts at, 1-64; First Lady’s schedules opened, 2-66; Green Building rating, 1-63

Williams, George W., 1-18

Williams, John Foster, 2-8

Williams, Juan, 1-28; photo, 1-25

Williams, Kathleen M., 2-65; photo, 2-65

Williams, Lemuel, 2-8

Wilson, Woodrow, 1-7, 1-8, 1-11, 1-12, 1-13, 4-72; biography of by Herbert Hoover, 3-12-19; photos, 3-12-17

Windom, William, 2-54

Wittenmyer, Annie, 2-32

Women, Civil War pensions for, 2-28-35; and deaths during the Civil War, 3-60-61

Wood, Irving W., 4-23

Woodhead, A. James, 3-55

"Work of Death, The," by Ellen Fried, 3-60-61

Works Progress Administration, 4-28

World Digital Library, 3-64-65

World War I, 4-58-59; draft registration cards, 3-64; food conservation during, 3-16, 4-72; last living veteran of honored, 2-66; motion pictures about, 2-20-27; and U.S. diplomatic relations with Russia, 1-16, 1-17; and Woodrow Wilson, 3-15-19

World War II, and African Americans, 1-37-43; draft registration cards, 3-64; guide to records relating to, 3-68; intelligence regarding the Japanese, 2-10-18; and looting of Jewish art, 1-64-65; psychological warfare against Japan, 2-15-17

World War II: Guide to Records Relating to U.S. Military Participation, compiled by Timothy P. Mulligan, 3-68

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Yamaguchi, Capt. Tamon, 2-12-13

Yamamoto, Isoroku, 2-10, 2-12; photo, 2-13

Yockelson, Mitchell A., 2-66; Borrowed Soldiers, 4-58-59

Yokohama, Japan, response to earthquake in, 2-11-12

Young, Whitney, photo, 2-41

Younger, Beverly, 1-39

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Zacharias, Ellis M., 2-10-18; photos, 2-11, 2-12, 2-14, 2-15, 2-16

Zentay, John, 4-65; photo with wife Diana, 4-65
