Prologue Magazine

Prologue | Summer 2008

Vol. 40, No. 2

President Lyndon B. Johnson LBJ's Long Shadow
The legacies of the Great Society and the Vietnam War buildup shape history's assessment of the nation's 36th President.
Image from German War Film Battlefilm
Thousands of scenes of World War I action exist today in NARA's trove of images from motion pictures of the Great War.
Capt. Zacharias testifies Sage Prophet or Loose Cannon?
A skilled intelligence officer in World War II foresaw Japan's plans, but annoyed Navy brass as a colorful and controversial figure.

Table of Contents

Prologue in Perspective: Finding Out Who You Are
Allen Weinstein

The Sandbar: Nantucket's 1803 Petition to Congress
Alison M. Gavin

Sage Prophet or Loose Cannon? Skilled Intelligence Officer in World War II Foresaw Japan's Plans, but Annoyed Navy Brass
David Pfeiffer

Battlefilm: Motion Pictures of the Great War
Phillip W. Stewart

For Pity's Sake: Civil War Nurses and the Pension System
Mercedes Graf

LBJ: Still Casting a Long Shadow
Harry Middleton

Spotlight on NARA: Attacking the Backlog: NARA Archivists Mobilize to Make Unprocessed Records Available to the Public
Ashley Bucciferro

Genealogy Notes: Exodus to Kansas: The 1880 Senate Investigation of the Beginnings of the African American Migration from the South
Damani Davis

Authors on the Record: Hail to the Doodler in Chief

Foundation for the National Archives

Pieces of History: Minot's Ledge Lighthouse

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Articles published in Prologue do not necessarily represent the views of NARA or of any other agency of the United States Government.

