Prologue Magazine

Prologue | Spring 2001

Spring 2001 Prologue coverEssays

LBJ Fights the White Backlash: The Racial Politics of the 1964 Presidential Campaign
Jeremy D. Mayer

Return to Sender: U.S. Censorship of Enemy Alien Mail in World War II
Louis Fiset

"Fix Bayonets": The Attack on Hill 180 in the Korean War
Albert Kapikian


Prologue in Perspective: Preserved in Full, for Future Generations
John W. Carlin

Our Heritage in Documents: Mutual Admiration and a Few Jokes: The Correspondence of Harry Truman with Groucho and Harpo Marx
Raymond H. Geselbracht

Spotlight on NARA: Building NARA's "Archives of the Future"

Genealogy Notes: Researching African Americans in the U.S. Army, 1866 - 1890: Buffalo Soldiers and Black Infantrymen
Trevor K. Plante



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Articles published in Prologue do not necessarily represent the views of NARA or of any other agency of the United States Government.