Prologue: Winter 1998
The William Newby Case and the Legacy of the Civil War
Stuart McConnell
The Federal Hand in Urban Development: Chicago Harbor before the Civil War
Betsy Mendelsohn
The Black Civil War Soldiers of Illinois: The Story of the Twenty-Ninth U.S. Colored Infantry
Edward A. Miller, Jr.
African American Sailors and the Unvexing of the Mississippi River
Charles C. Brewer
"Ten Firkins of Butter and Other Traitorous Aid": Disloyalty Prosecutions in the Federal Civil Courts, 1861-1866
Kellee L. Blake
Liberty, Conscription, and Delusions of Grandeur: The Sons of Liberty Conspiracy of 1863-1864
Robert Churchill
Out at the Soldiers' Home: Union Veterans and Alcohol at the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers
James Marten
Prologue in Perspective: Whatever the War, We're Preserving "Private Ryan's" Records
John W. Carlin
Genealogy Notes:
The Shady Side of the Family Tree: Civil War Union Court-Martial Case Files
Trevor K. Plante