NARA Publications
NARA units sometimes enter into cooperative arrangements with other organizations to produce and sell publications. These partnership publications are available:
(Order from Jackdaw Publications, P.O. Box 503, Amawalk, NY 10501; telephone 1-800-789-0022.)
- Partners: University of Washington Press and the NARA Product Development Staff
- Publications:
- (Order from the NARA publications sales program.)
- Partners: White House Historical Society and the NARA Product Development Staff
- Publications:
- (Order from the NARA publications sales program.)
- Partners: ABC-CLIO and the NARA Education Staff
- Publications:
- (Order from ABC-CLIO: telephone: (toll-free) 800-368-6868, fax: 805-968-8899, or email:
- Partners: The Foundation for the National Archives and the Center for Legislative Archives
- Publications:
- Our Mothers Before Us: Women and Democracy, 1789-1920 teaching unit
- Publications:
- (Order from the NARA publications sales program.)
- Partners: Scholarly Resources, Inc. and the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC)
- (Order from SR Books, 104 Greenhill Avenue, Wilmington, DE 19805-1897; telephone: 800-772-8937, fax: 302-654-3871, outside the US, telephone: 302-654-7713, or email:
- Partners: Jackdaw Publications, A Division of Golden Owl Publishing Co., Inc. and the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC)
- Publications:
- The Emerging Nation: America 1783-1790
- Secession
- Publications: