Bankruptcy Records
The Bankruptcy Act of 1800 was the first federal legislation governing bankruptcy procedures. A result of the depression of 1797, the act provided only for creditor-initiated proceedings and applied only to traders, merchants, and brokers. After receiving petitions from two creditors concerning debts of $1,000, a district court judge could appoint a commission to decide the case. The main provisions of the act allowed the sale of the bankrupt's assets to satisfy creditors, permitted the bankrupt to keep a percentage of his assets, and established that the consent of two-thirds of the creditors could discharge the bankrupt from any unsatisfied indebtedness. Though enacted as a 5-year measure, prosperity and public dissatisfaction with the act prompted its repeal in 1803.
The records of bankruptcy cases include petitions of bankruptcy filed by creditors against debtors; proofs of publication of bankruptcy notices; creditors' bonds and affidavits; qualifications of commissioners of bankruptcy; warrants of seizure of bankrupts' property; surrenders of bankrupts and proofs of service of notices of surrender; proofs of debts owed to creditors; schedules of bankrupts' property and of debts owed to and by bankrupts; summonses; depositions; examinations, discoveries, and disclosures of bankrupts; final examinations; transcripts of commissioners' meetings; certificates of bankruptcy; choices of assignees; assignments of bankrupts' property; notices to assignees to show cause why certain acts were not performed; and appointments of arbitrators to settle disputes between assignees and bankrupts' creditors and claimants. Bankruptcy records also appear on M969, under "Law and Appellate Records." Act of 1800 Bankruptcy Case Files of the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, 1800-1803. M1031. 2 rolls. DP. Most of these case files are in chronological order by the date of the creditors' petition. No creditors' petition was located in five files, which have been arranged alphabetically by the surname of the alleged bankrupt and filmed at the end of roll 2. The inclusive dates of this microfilm publication are those of the filing of cases with the court. Some individual documents are dated as early as 1798 or as late as 1838. The arrangement of documents within each case file is chronological by the court filing date or by the date of the document if no filing date is listed. The creditors' petition usually appears first.
Roll Name of Bankrupt
1 William Robb
James Greenleaf
Benjamin Grayson Orr
John and Henry Anderson
Paul Bentalou
Alexander Mitchell and James Burke
Aquilla Brown
Richard Barry
Robert Charles Boislandry
Samuel Jago
John E. Konecke and John Stevenson
Bernard Salenave
John Gill
David Geddes
Joseph Long
George Kellenberger
John and Samuel Arnold
Ephraim Whitney and Lloyd Norris
Joseph B. Leibert
Isaiah Mankin
Joseph Scott, Jr.
James Dimmitts
Edward Denison
Lewis Benner and Daniel Keighler
John A. Jolly
Augustine Bougham
John B. Sayre
Harman Henry Hackeman
John Ernest Christian Schultze
John Johnston
George W. Murray
Jonas Marean
Joshua Harvey
George Baxley
Richard Caton
Frederick Kast
2 Abraham G. Hammond
Thomas Fisher
Owen Roberts
Elijah Warfield
Frederick M. Amelung
Alexander Turnival
Peter D. Goverts
Joseph Smith
John E. Smith
Joseph Williams
Thomas Barklie
Peter Stewart
John Stewart
Francis Charles Berthean
Robert Cornthwait
Peter Vache
Thomas Yates
John McFadon
William Bedford and Nathaniel Morton
John Wray
Undated cases:
John H. Behm and Frederick Schaffer
Samuel Harris
John L. Kingsmore
Robert and George McCandless
James Ray
Act of 1800 Bankruptcy Records of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, 1800-1809. M933. 11 rolls. DP.
These records are arranged in two series. The principal series, case files, 1801-3, are arranged alphabetically by surname of bankrupt (the first-named bankrupt when there is more than one) and thereunder by date of filing or date of the document. Many of the files contain numbered exhibits in chronological order at the end of the file.
The second series, certificates of discharge, October 28, 1800-March 29, 1809, consists of a volume containing recorded copies of certificates of discharge granted by the district court. These certified that the bankrupt has complied with all the requisites of the bankruptcy act, were signed by an appropriate number of creditors testifying their consent to the allowance of a certificate of discharge, and were allowed and confirmed by the district judge.
The inclusive dates of this microfilm publication are the dates cases were filed and certificates of discharge were recorded, although there are individual documents dated as early as 1795 and as late as 1846.
Roll Case Name of Bankrupt
1 1 Samuel Adriance
2 William Armstrong and John Smith
3 David Auchinvale
4 Oliver Barber
5 Francis Barretto
6 Samuel Beeman
7 James Bissett
8 Edward Blackford
9 John Blagge
10 John Bogert and Robert Thurston
11 Peter Boult
12 Samuel Bowne
13 David Brooks and James Grier
14 Theophilus Brower
15 Archibald Bryson
16 Thomas B. Campbell
2 17 Henry Castro
18 John Chapman
19 James Conover
20 John Cook
21 Samuel Cox
22 Robert Crommelin and John Betts
23 Fortescue Cuming
24 William and David Cumming
25 James Cummings
26 Jacob Cuyler
27 Samuel Deremer
28 David Dickson and Andrew Stockholm
29 Israel Durfee
3 30 Daniel Durning
31 Nathaniel Earll
32 Alexander Ewing
33 Jonathan Fitch
34 Patrick Foley
35 John and Ralph Forbes
36 Matthew Gallalee
37 James Gillespie
38 David Gordon
39 Stephen Gorham
40 John Halsey
41 Jacob Harman and Samuel Davies
42 Abijah Hart
43 Robert Henry
44 Thomas Hicks
45 Michael Hodgkiss (Hodgekiss)
46 Jacob Huistis
47 Henry Hunt
48 John Hurtin
4 49 Nathaniel Ingraham
50 William Irving, Jr.
51 Alexander Jackson and Nathan Perkins
52 Chalkley James
53 James Johnston
54 Naphtali Judah
55 Thomas Kean
56 Alexander Kirkpatrick
57 Jacob Klein
58 John Lee
59 Sylvester L'Hommedieu
60 Peter Livingston
61 Schuyler Livingston
5 62 John and Robert Lyle
63 Joseph Lyon
64 James Maitland
65 Samuel March
66 White Matlack
67 Thaddeus Mayhew
68 William McCready
69 James McIntosh
70 Bartholomew McKean
71 John McPhie and John Murdock
72 Joseph Metzler
73 James Morison
74 William Mumford
75 Robert Murray
76 John Noble
77 Henry O'Hara
6 78 Nathaniel Olcott
79 William Oliver
80 John Palmer
81 John Pintard
82 John Marsden Pintard
83 Richard Platt
84 Carlile Pollock
85 George Pollock
7 86 Hugh Pollock
87 Jonas Prentice, Jr.
88 Edmund Prior
89 Charles Ramsay
90 Thomas Randall
91 George Richards
92 William and George Ricketts
93 John Rodman
94 William Rodman
95 Aaron Rogers
96 Joseph Rose, Jr.
8 97 Comfort Sands
98 Joseph Sands
99 Thomas Satterthwaite
100 John Saunders
101 Mathew Scott
102 Walter Seaman
103 Benjamin Seixas
104 William Seton
9 105 John Shackerly
106 William Shaw
107 William Sing
108 Bonaventure Sire
109 Paul and Gamaliel Skidmore
110 Charles Smith (Smyth)
111 David Smith
112 Thomas Smith
113 John Speyer and Jacob Mark
114 Daniel Stansbury and William Lawrence
115 James Stewart and Richard Manly
116 Strong Sturges and Peter DeMill
117 James Thomson (Thompson)
118 Robert Thurston and John Bogert (Bogart)
10 119 Stephen Tillinghast and Libbens Loomis
120 Smith Valentine
121 William Vandervoort (Vandewoort), Peter
Vandervoort, and Joseph Lee
122 Thomas Vermilya
123 Richard Ward
124 John Wardell
125 Henry Watkeys
126 James and Alexander Watson
11 127 John Wheaton
128 Jonas Wilder, Jr.
129 Daniel Wiswell
130 Jesse Woodhull
131 Richard Yates
Certificates of discharge
Oct. 28, 1800-Mar. 29, 1809
Act of 1800 Bankruptcy Records of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 1800-1806. M993. 24 rolls. DP.
The records in this microfilm publication are arranged in four series. The first and main series--numbered and unnumbered case files, 1800-1803--consists of petitions, warrants, depositions, and other related papers filed in bankruptcy proceedings. The numbered case files are arranged by case number and are followed by two unnumbered files. Within each case file, documents are arranged as follows: the earliest petition, the bond of creditor(s), commissioners' qualifications, and papers predating the act of 1800 that were not attached to principal documents as either enclosures or exhibits. Other documents are then arranged chronologically by date of filing in court or by date of document. Bound papers have been kept intact and entered in chronological order whenever the filing date is given, or placed at the end of the file folder when undated. "Unproved Claims of Debts," those creditors' demands against a bankrupt party that the bankruptcy ruled invalid, also appear at the end of some case files. The inclusive dates of this series are those of the filing of cases with the court, although some individual documents are dated as early as 1783 and as late as 1908.
The remaining three series are reproduced on roll 24. The second series consists principally of copies of commissions, 1802-5, arranged by filing date, that were issued to commissioners in bankruptcy proceedings. The third series, bonds of costs, 1803, are arranged alphabetically by surname of the bankrupt. The fourth series, certificates of discharge, August 16, 1800-July 4, 1806, consists of two volumes--Books A and B. They contain copies of certificates by commissioners to the district judge confirming that the named bankrupt had met the requirements of the bankruptcy act. Entries appear chronologically by date of filing.
Roll Case Name of Bankrupt
1 1 William McDonough
2 Francis Coppinger (Copinger)
3 Richard Johnson
4 William M. Biddle
5 Richard Johnson
6 Samuel Emery
7 William Massey
8 William Williams
9 Nicholas Jones
10 John Ross, Jr.
2 11 Godfrey Gebler, Sr. (the Elder)
12 Ignatius Palyart
13 Samuel West
14 Norton Pryor
15 Ezekiel Hall
16 James Reid
17 Samuel Clarkson
18 (Missing)
19 George Eddy
20 Burgess Allison
21 Robert McKean
3 22 George Meade
23 Anthony Butler
4 24 Kearny Wharton
25 Charles Young, Jr.
26 John Melbeck
27 Peter Blight
5 27 "
6 27 "
28 Benjamin F. West
29 (Missing)
30 John J. Hawkins
31 Elisha B. Hopkins
32 Joseph R. Tatem
33 James McCurach
7 34 William McLaws
35 Thomas P. Pearce
36 Samuel Weston
37 George B. Dawson
38 William Eaton
39 William Brown
40 Thomas Ruston
41 Daniel E. King
42 Robert Morris
8 43 Francis West
44 Soloman Marks, Jr.
45 William Holdernesse
46 Thomas Newman
47 Edward Fox
48 Seth Willis
49 Thomas Wignell and Alexander Reinagle
50 Andrew Hodge
51 Samuel Anderson
9 52 John Munday
53 Joshua Sutcliff
54 (Missing)
55 John Donnaldson
56 Samuel Rutter
57 Garret Cottringer
58 Joseph Parker
59 James Hibberd
60 John N. Hagenau
61 George Howell
62 Adam Mendenhall
63 Jacob Warren, Jr. (the Younger)
10 64 Samuel Burgess Shaw
65 James Yard
66 David Maffet
67 James Oldden
68 William J. Jones
11 69 Leonard Sayre
70 Robert Ross
71 Ambrose Vasse
72 John Brooks
73 Jesse Dickerson
74 Thomas W. Britten
75 Robert Shewell, Jr.
76 Phillips Kollock
77 John Omensetter
12 78 Thomas M. Corby (contains case file 93)
79 Peter Le Baibier Du Plessis
80 Robert Dennison, Jr. (the Younger)
81 Samuel Broome
82 Richard Cole
83 Samuel Alexander
84 John Crosby
85 Thomas Murgtroyd and Sons
13 86 John Davis and Company Richard Maris (Mars)
87 Peter Walter
88 George McCauley
89 Levett Harris
90 William Nichols
91 Lawrence Allwine
92 Edward Stow
93 Case file 93 interfiled with case file 78
14 94 James Cummings
95 Cadwallader Evans
96 William Shippen
97 John Field, Jr.
98 Joseph Boucher
99 John Van Reed
100 (Missing)
101 Joseph Karrick and Joshua Percival
102 Benjamin Hancock
103 Charles Eddy
104 Richard Tittermary and Son (Robert
105 (Missing)
106 William Wray
107 William Hustler
15 108 John Pinkerton, Sr.
109 Thomas Hawthorn
110 Thomas Shoemaker
111 Willet Smith
112 Thomas Robinson, Jr.
113 (Missing)
114 Thomas Greeves
115 (Missing)
116 Charles Ross and Jon Simson
117 John McGaugy
118 Thomas Mifflin
119 (Missing)
16 120 John Gullen
121 Richard Edwards
122 John Slesman (Slessman)
123 Isaac Howland
124 Charles Hudghes
125 George McCallmont and Samuel Boys
126 Moore Wharton
127 Blair McCleanachan
128 James Greenleaf
129 Gideon Hill Wells
130 John Palmer
17 131 James Caldwell
132 Mark Prager & Company (John Prager)
133 Edward Canes
134 Abraham Laughridge
135 William Hudson
136 Thomas Rodman
137 William Haines (Hains)
138 Soloman Wheeler
139 George Rundle and Thomas Leach
18 140 James Phillips (Philips) and John Lewis
141 John Riley
142 John Hopkins
143 Justus Erick Bollman and Lewis Bollman
144 Simon Walker
145 Robert McAdams
146 Frederick Stall
147 Thomas and Peter Mackie
148 Joseph Donaldson, Jr.
149 Evan Lloyd
150 William Sterrett
19 151 Daniel Thunn
152 Levinus Clarkson
153 (Missing)
154 Samuel Bennett
155 Robert C. Martin and Abel Holme
156 (Missing)
157 Amos Wickersham
158 John Pourjon
159 (Missing)
20 160 Felix Imbert
161 Peter Dobell
162 George Peter
163 Benjamin F. Garrigues
164 Thomas Clarke
165 John Morris
166 Lot Merkel
167 Richard W. Meade
21 168 Conrad Schuetz
169 Thomas Passmore
170 Henry Barrington
171 Henry Sweitzer
172 George McGuffin
173 John Hyde
174 (Missing)
175 Alexander J. Miller
176 Robert M. Graham
177 (Missing)
22 178 Samuel Hurry and Jacob Witney Lawerswyler
179 John Lamberton
180 Arthur Miller
181 William F. Stokes
182 Stephen Sayre
183 John Hodgkinson
184 John Vaughau
185 John C. Foster
23 186 Samuel Blythe
187 William Bond
188 Richard Palmer
189 John D. Blanchard
190 Adolph Eringhaus
191 Samuel Williams
192 Israel Whelen
193 Phineas Daniel
194 Charles Reinhold Forster
195 John Field
196 Richard Hall
197 Peter Conway
198 George Rowe
199 John Miller
24 200 Thomas and William Kelly
201 Matthew Randall
202 John W. Godfrey
203 William Parker
204 Stephen Austin
205 John E. Caldwell
206 Alexander Scott
207 George Sibbald
208 Thomas Shaw
Unnumbered case John Miller, Jr.
Unnumbered case William C. Simonton
Commissioners' commissions, 1802-5
Bonds for costs, 1803
Certificates of discharge, Aug. 16, 1800-July 4, 1806
Book A
Book B
Records of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania Containing Statements of Facts in Forfeiture
Cases, 1792-1918. T819. 1 roll.
This microfilm publication reproduces 7 volumes containing copies of petitions filed by claimants for the review and remission of forfeiture cases. The petitions were addressed to the district court judge, who forwarded them to the Secretary of the Treasury. Volume 7 contains an alphabetical index by surname of claimant. Included are statements of facts and depositions supporting claims for remission, transcripts of testimony taken before the revenue commissioner, pertinent correspondence between the collector of customs and the U.S. attorney, statements by the government showing why penalties should not be remitted, and notations indicating the dates petitions were transmitted to the Secretary of the Treasury and the final disposition of the case. Entries are chronological by date of filing of petition.
Naturalization Records
On March 26, 1790, Congress passed an act (1 Stat. 103) that allowed any individual seeking citizenship to apply to any common law court of record in a state where he or she had lived for 1 year. Over the years the residency requirement changed several times, and a second step--filing a declaration of intention--was added.
Records of naturalization proceedings in federal courts are usually among the records of the district court in which the proceedings took place. Before 1900, however, an alien could seek citizenship through any court--federal, state, or local. A few of the publications concerning naturalizations in the state of Washington include some state court records as well as federal records. A federal naturalization record may consist of a declaration of intention, petitions, depositions, and a record of naturalization.
From 1790 until 1906, except for the swearing-in ceremony, the clerk of the court administered the naturalization laws and kept the accompanying records. An alien with 2 years of residence went to the clerk, who provided the assistance needed to fill out the declaration of intention. The clerk then filed a copy with the court and recorded the action in the court register. Later, the clerk of the court assisted the applicant in completing the petition for naturalization, by which the alien renounced allegiance to his or her country of origin and swore allegiance to the United States. The clerk filed the petition with the court, after having it signed by the applicant and two witnesses (no copy of this was made). Next, the clerk attested to the fact of citizenship (no copy of this was made, either). The entries in the appropriate register and index were also made by the clerk.
In June 1906 Congress passed legislation that created the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization and established standard naturalization forms. Federal and state courts still held the power to grant or deny naturalizations, but they now had to file a duplicate of every form with the bureau. On May 9, 1918, Congress passed an act permitting any alien who had been a member of the armed forces for 3 or more years to file a petition for naturalization without proof of the 5-year residency requirement. Furthermore, applicants who had served during World War I did not have to file a declaration of intention.
Early declarations of intention usually show the applicant's name, country of birth or allegiance, date of the application, and signature.
Information on naturalization petitions includes name, residence, occupation, date and place of birth, citizenship, and personal description of the applicant; date of emigration; ports of embarkation and arrival; marital status; names, dates, places of birth, and residence of applicant's children; date at which U.S. residence commenced; time of residence in the state; name changes; and signature.
Most of the microfilm publications in the following section reproduce only indexes or lists of persons admitted to citizenship. One publication, M1208, reproduces registers as well as their indexes from the district and circuit courts for the western district of Pennsylvania, 1820-1906. The indexes refer to records held by the National Archives regional archives, but some indexes give a significant amount of information on their own. To guard against any possible ommission or inaccuracy in the consolidated indexes, many of these microfilm publications also reproduce the prefatory indexes to individual volumes of naturalization records.
Indexes to the Naturalization Records of the U.S. District Court for the District and Territory of Alaska, 1900-1929.
M1241. 1 roll. DP.
This publication reproduces the prefatory indexes to nine bound volumes of declarations of intention filed in Skagway, 1901-17, and in Juneau, 1900-29. Each index consists of the surnames of aliens, alphabetically arranged, with references to the page numbers of the declarations.
The volumes containing these indexes are in the custody of the National Archives-Alaska Region. The petitions for naturalization corresponding to these declarations remain in the custody of the clerk of the district court at Juneau. Naturalization records filed in other cities during the pre-state period are in the custody of the clerk of the U.S. district court at Anchorage. No earlier records have been discovered, nor have U.S. circuit court naturalization records for this period been found.
Selected Indexes to Naturalization Records of the U.S. Circuit and District Courts, Northern District of California,
1852-1928. T1220. 3 rolls.
There are several types of indexes on this microfilm publication. The first, indexes to applications for naturalization, 1879-1903, contains the date the person applied; name, place of residence, and place of birth of the applicant; and the names and residences of the witnesses. Starting in March 1897, the column headings "residence of witness" and "where registered" were changed to "class" and "order of the court." "Class" tells when and where the declaration of intention was made; "order of the court" notes whether the applicant was admitted and when.
The index to certificates of citizenship for the U.S. circuit court, 1855-1912, gives the date, name, and place of birth of the applicant as well as a citation to the book and page number where the certificate is recorded. The lists are alphabetical by initial letter of surname. The index to declarations of intent, 1851-1904, gives the name of the applicant, the date, and a citation to the book and page where it is recorded. The names are listed alphabetically by initial letter of surname.
The index to naturalizations, 1853-67, shows the applicant's name and place of birth, the date of naturalization, and the court. The index also has a space for remarks such as "Dec. of Int." and "Minor." The index to certificates of naturalization, 1854-1906, has recorded minutes, the record number, and the book and page number where it can be found. These two indexes are listed alphabetically by initial letter of surname, as are two other indexes to declarations of intent and petitions for naturalization, 1906-19 and 1920-28. The applicant's surname and given name, and the volumes and page numbers for both the declaration and petition, are given.
Roll Description Dates
Circuit court:
1 Index to applications for naturalization 1879-1903
Index to certificates of citizenship 1855-1912
District court:
Index to declarations of intent 1851-1904
Index to naturalizations 1853-67
Index to certificates of naturalization 1854-1906
Index to declarations of intent and 1906-19
petitions for naturalization A-B
2 C-Z
3 Index to declarations of intent and 1920-28
petitions for naturalization
Naturalization Records Created by the U.S. District Courts in Colorado, 1877-1952. M1192. 79 rolls. DP.
These naturalization records were created by U.S. district courts in Denver and Pueblo, CO. They include declarations of intention, naturalization dockets, petitions for naturalization, and miscellaneous documents. All but the miscellaneous documents are in bound volumes and are arranged by location of the court, thereunder by type of record, and thereunder chronologically by the filing date. The Denver records date from 1877 to 1952; those from Pueblo date from 1883 to 1949.
Each volume of the declarations of intention is indexed alphabetically by the applicant's surname. Declarations in volume 1 of the Denver records list the applicant's name, name of the clerk of the court, name and title of the head of state the applicant renounced allegiance to, and the date of the declaration. All other volumes for both Denver and Pueblo list the applicant's name, age, occupation, physical description, place of birth, previous residence, intended U.S. residence, point of departure, date and port of arrival, manner of arrival, and name of transporting ship or railroad. After 1912, declarations of intention included the name of the applicant's spouse and the name, date and place of birth, and residence of the applicant's children.
This publication also reproduces 4 volumes of naturalization dockets from Denver (Oct. 1, 1906-Aug. 15, 1916), which are chronological records of actions taken by applicants to meet citizenship requirements. Dockets are numbered consecutively, and each volume is indexed alphabetically by the applicant's surname.
Each docket lists the applicant's name and address, the declaration number, and, if the proceedings were completed, the petition and certificate number and names of witnesses. The docket also records all fees paid by the applicant and gives the dates for the filing of the declaration, the petition for naturalization, the submission of facts for the proceedings, and, if applicable, the issuance of the certificate.
The volumes from the Denver and Pueblo courts labeled "Petition and Record" contain consecutively numbered petitions for naturalization. Each volume contains an alphabetical index of the applicants' surnames. A petition entry consists of the petition itself, affidavits of the petitioner and witnesses, oath of allegiance, and order of the court admitting the petitioner to citizenship.
Pueblo records also include two volumes of military petitions for naturalization. In addition to the information given on regular petitions, a statement of military service is usually attached to soldiers' petitions.
The miscellaneous records are arranged alphabetically by surname of the applicant. They include copies of declarations, petitions, depositions of witnesses, reports relating to investigations, and motions to dismiss or postpone a petition.
Roll Declarations of intention Description Dates Case Nos.
U.S. District Court: Denver
Declarations of intention
1 Vols. 1-3 Apr. 17, 1877-Aug. 23, 1910 1-894
2 Vols. 4, 5 Aug. 25, 1910-Apr. 13, 1914 895-1889
3 Vols. 6, 7 Apr. 13, 1914-June 26, 1916 1890-2883
4 Vols. 8, 9 June 27, 1916-Dec. 18, 1917 2884-3873
5 Vols. 10, 11 Dec. 19, 1917-Jan. 28, 1919 3874-4873
6 Vols. 12, 13 Jan. 28-Aug. 15, 1919 4874-5885
7 Vols. 14, 15 Aug. 15, 1919-Nov. 6, 1920 5886-6885
8 Vols. 16, 17 Nov. 6, 1921-June 6, 1922 6886-7893
9 Vols. 18, 19 June 6, 1922-Feb. 22, 1924 7894-8893
10 Vols. 20, 21 Feb. 23, 1924-Dec. 28, 1925 8894-9893
11 Vols. 22, 23 Dec. 29, 1925-Dec. 27, 1928 9894-10893
12 Vols. 24-26 Dec. 28, 1928-Dec. 17, 1934 10894-11767
13 Vols. 27, 28 Dec. 17, 1934-May 13, 1936 11768-12369
14 Vols. 29, 30 May 13, 1936-May 18, 1940 12370-13573
15 Vols. 31, 32 May 18, 1940-Apr. 18, 1947 13574-14773
16 Vols. 33, 34 Apr. 18, 1947-Jan. 14, 1952 14774-15873
Naturalization dockets
17 Vols. 1, 2 Oct. 1, 1906-Dec. 12, 1912 1-2000
18 Vols. 3, 4 Dec. 12, 1912-Aug. 15, 1916 2001-4000
Petition and record
19 Vols. 1, 2 Nov. 15, 1906-Mar. 9, 1911 1-297
20 Vol. 3 Mar. 10, 1911-Aug. 23, 1912 298-541
21 Vol. 4 Aug. 28, 1912-Sept. 4, 1913 542-787
22 Vol. 5 Sept. 5, 1913-Dec. 2, 1914 788-1031
23 Vol. 6 Dec. 3, 1914-Jan. 19, 1916 1032-1277
24 Vol. 7 Jan. 21-Dec. 29, 1916 1278-1520
25 Vol. 8 Jan. 5-July 26, 1917 1521-1767
26 Vol. 9 July 31, 1917-Oct. 14, 1918 1768-2015
27 Vol. 10 Oct. 18, 1918-July 15, 1919 2016-2262
28 Vol. 11 July 16, 1919-Mar. 2, 1920 2263-2512
29 Vol. 12 Mar. 2-Oct. 8, 1920 2513-2762
30 Vol. 13 Oct. 9, 1920-Mar. 14, 1921 2763-3012
31 Vol. 14 Mar. 15-Sept. 22, 1921 3013-3262
32 Vol. 15 Sept. 22, 1921-June 20, 1922 3263-3512
33 Vol. 16 June 21-Dec. 14, 1922 3513-3762
34 Vol. 17 Dec. 15, 1922-July 3, 1923 3763-4012
35 Vol. 18 July 3, 1923-Feb. 5, 1924 4013-4262
36 Vol. 19 Feb. 7-Nov. 8, 1924 4263-4512
37 Vol. 20 Nov. 10, 1924-Oct. 17, 1925 4513-4762
38 Vol. 21 Oct. 19, 1925-Apr. 26, 1926 4763-5012
39 Vol. 22 Apr. 26-Nov. 6, 1926 5013-5262
40 Vol. 23 Nov. 10, 1926-Jan. 27, 1928 5263-5662
41 Vol. 24 Jan. 27-Nov. 28, 1928 5663-5937
42 Vols. 24-26 Dec. 4, 1928-July 8, 1930 5938-6250
43 Vol. 27 July 9, 1930-June 9, 1932 6251-6550
44 Vol. 28 June 9, 1932-Oct. 19, 1934 6551-6850
45 Vol. 29 Oct. 19, 1934-Jan. 24, 1936 6851-7150
46 Vol. 30 Jan. 24, 1936-Feb. 4, 1937 7151-7450
47 Vol. 31 Feb. 4-Oct. 26, 1937 7451-7750
48 Vol. 32 Oct. 26, 1937-June 2, 1938 7751-8050
49 Vol. 33 June 2, 1938-Feb. 23, 1939 8051-8300
50 Vol. 34 Feb. 23-Aug. 4, 1939 8301-8600
51 Vol. 35 Aug. 4, 1939-Mar. 19, 1940 8601-8850
52 Vol. 36 Mar. 19-Oct. 7, 1940 8851-9150
53 Vol. 37 Oct. 7, 1940-Mar. 21, 1941 9151-9450
54 Vol. 38 Mar. 21-Nov. 26, 1941 9451-9750
55 Vol. 39 Nov. 26, 1941-Apr. 29, 1942 9751-10000
56 Vol. 40 Apr. 29, 1942-Feb. 5, 1943 10001-10250
57 Vol. 41 Feb. 5-Feb. 24, 1943 10251-10500
58 Vol. 42 Feb. 24-Sept. 16, 1943 10501-10800
59 Vol. 43 Sept. 16, 1943-Apr. 24, 1944 10801-11100
60 Vols. 44, 45 Apr. 25, 1944-Jan. 18, 1945 11101-11400
61 Vol. 46 Jan. 18, 1945-Apr. 25, 1946 11401-11700
62 Vol. 47 June 6, 1946-July 16, 1947 11701-11823
63 Vol. 47 Aug. 8, 1947-Sept. 8, 1948 11824-11950
64 Vol. 48 Sept. 15, 1948-Apr. 6, 1950 11951-12150
U.S. District Court: Pueblo
Declarations of intention
65 Vols. 1-4 Oct. 1, 1906-Mar. 10, 1920 1-1200
66 Vols. 5-9 Mar. 13, 1920-May 9, 1949 1201-2621
Petition and record
67 Vols. 1-3 Dec. 2, 1912-Nov. 16, 1916 1-250
68 Vol. 4 Dec. 5, 1916-Apr. 17, 1919 251-500
69 Vol. 5 Dec. 12, 1919-Aug. 25, 1922 501-750
70 Vol. 6 Aug. 26, 1922-Nov. 10, 1926 751-1000
71 Vols. 7, 8 Nov. 10, 1926-June 7, 1932 1001-1193
72 Vols. 9, 10 Dec. 7, 1932-May 22, 1937 1194-1446
73 Vols. 11, 12 Sept. 8, 1937-Jan. 21, 1939 1447-1626
74 Vols. 13-15 Apr. 7, 1939-Feb. 11, 1942 1627-1850
75 Vol. 16 Feb. 11, 1942-Dec. 23, 1943 1851-2014
76 Vols. 17, 18 Mar. 14, 1944-May 25, 1949 2015-2138
Soldiers' petition and record
77 Vols. 1, 2 June 8, 1918-May 3, 1928 1-198
Miscellaneous naturalization records
78 A-L 1883-1922
79 M-Z 1883-1922
Indexes to Naturalization Petitions to the U.S. Circuit and District Courts for Maryland, 1797-1951. M1168. 25 rolls. DP.
These indexes to naturalization petitions to the U.S. circuit and district courts for Maryland, 1797-1951, contain the names of only those persons naturalized in the federal courts, not all those naturalized in the state of Maryland.
The clerk of the U.S. district court in Maryland established six different alphabetical indexes to naturalization petitions covering 1797-1951. The first index, for 1797-1906, is an alphabetical name index on cards to chronological entries in bound registers for both the circuit and district court naturalization petitions. On each card is the name of the alien, the country of birth, the date of the declaration of intention or petition for naturalization, the court (circuit or district) to which the alien applied, and the volume and page number of the register in which the alien's name and the other information indicated above is recorded. The Maryland courts have no surviving individual declarations of intention or petitions for naturalization for either the circuit or district courts for this period. Therefore, the information on the index cards, which is the same as that in the bound registers, constitutes the entire record for the years 1797-1906.
The second (Oct. 1906-Apr. 1915), third (Apr. 1915-Apr. 1920), and fourth (Apr. 1920-Oct. 1925) indexes record only the name of the alien and his or her naturalization petition number.
The fifth index covers November 1925 through December 1951. Arranged by strict alphabetical order on cards, the index shows the name, residence, age, date of order of admission, date of certificate of naturalization, petition number, and certificate number. Some of the cards also contain the signature, date, and court where the declaration of intention was filed; registration number; and any name change by the petitioner.
The sixth and final index is to the records of aliens who joined the armed forces of the United States and filed for naturalization while in the service between May 1918 and April 1923. This alphabetical index shows only the name of the soldier, the petition number, and the volume in which the petition is recorded. In some instances, the military unit to which he was assigned and the camp at which he was stationed are also shown.
Roll Names Dates
1 Aansen, Christian Frederick-
Bercoff, Harry 1797-1906
2 Berlein, John-Buckheidt, Peter "
3 Buckheimer, John-Cunningham, Arthur B. "
4 Cunningham, Arthur B.-Emer, Antone "
5 Emerick, Andrew-Garrett, Joseph "
6 Garrett, Robert-Hanitsch, Adam A. "
7 Hanitsch, Werner-Holmes, Guyllyn Robert "
8 Holmes, Guyllyn Robert-Kerr, William "
9 Kerr, William-Lauster, George "
10 Lauster, George-McAllister, George "
11 McAllister, James-Monpat, Antonio "
12 Monpatt, Antonie-Passano, Joseph "
13 Passano, Joseph-Rinderle, Franz "
14 Rindsberg, Abraham-Schmidt, George "
15 Schmidt, George-Smith, Samuel "
16 Smith, Samuel-Troje, John "
17 Trombelta, Pasquale-White, Joseph "
18 White, Joseph-Zyliez, Frank "
A-Z Oct. 1906-Apr. 1915
A-Z Apr. 1915-Apr. 1920
A-Z Apr. 1920-Oct. 1925
Aaberg, Anders Evold-
Azzolini, Isabella Nov. 1925-Dec. 1951
19 Baars, Charlotte Elizabeth-
Dhotre, Damoo Gagaram 1925-51
20 Diachenko, Polly-Helmis,
George Nicholas 1925-51
21 Holzner, Anne-Lukitsch, Mathias "
22 Lukitsch, John-Pozzuoli, Maria "
23 Pradich, Veronica Mary-Steinberg, Henry "
24 Steinberg, Irvin-Yuskewicz, "
Vicenta (Sister Mary Vincetta)
Abato, Nicola-Cuzzolin, Angelo 1918-23
25 Dachino, Leonardo-Zwalerwosky, Walter "
Indexes to Naturalization Records of the Montana Territorial and Federal Courts, 1868-1929. M1236. 1 roll. DP.
This microfilm publication reproduces consolidated and prefatory indexes to naturalization records from the Montana territorial court system and the federal court system. As a territory (1864-89), Montana had four judicial districts. The prefatory indexes (1868-89) are from court journals for each district and are arranged alphabetically by initial letter of surname. Each of these indexes contains references to the page numbers in the journal volumes. The actual declarations of intention and petitions for naturalization were apparently not retained by the territorial courts.
The federal court records (1891-1929) in this publication include both consolidated and prefatory indexes to volumes of declarations of intention and petitions for naturalization. When Montana was admitted as a state in 1889, the district court for the one federal judicial district met in Helena. In 1892, an additional district court was established in Butte, and in 1904 a third court was established in Great Falls. The consolidated indexes are from only the circuit court (1891-98) and the district court (1894-1906) at Helena and the district court at Butte (1894-1903). They list aliens' surnames alphabetically and give the number of the volume in which petitions or declarations are located, the filing date of the papers, and the applicant's country of birth. Prefatory indexes are from the Helena circuit court (1891-93) and district court (1892-1927), the Butte district court (1910-29), and the Great Falls district court (1924 and 1926). The prefatory indexes list aliens' names in alphabetical order and cite the page numbers within that volume where the papers are located.
The "Index to Record of Citizenship" from the federal district court at Butte is in two volumes covering petitions made between 1894 and 1903. The volume additionally labeled "Circuit Court" is primarily a continuation of the district court index for 1901-3, although it also contains some circuit court records from 1894 to 1896.
The National Archives-Pacific Northwest Region holds the original indexes; the district court at Butte has post-1919 declarations of intention and post-1929 petitions.
Indexes to the Naturalization Records of the U.S. District Court for Oregon, 1859-1956. M1242. 3 rolls. DP.
The records to which these indexes refer cover both U.S. district and circuit courts for Oregon.
There are seven volumes of consolidated name indexes as well as prefatory indexes to several sets of volumes of naturalization records. Volumes 1-3 index unbound records. The index to circuit court records in volume 3 duplicates the index to circuit court records in volume 2 but stops at 1906 instead of 1907. All three volumes cite the date of filing. Entries in volumes 4-7 cite the volumes and page numbers of the declarations and petitions. Volume 5 duplicates the circuit court's index to admissions to citizenship in volume 4 and also includes the index to four district court journals. Journals A and B cover admissions made between 1859 and 1877; journals D and 1 cover the years 1877 through 1906. The indexes in volumes 1, 2, 4, and 5 are arranged alphabetically by the first letter of the surname; volumes 3, 6, and 7 are arranged alphabetically by the first two letters of the surname.
This publication also includes prefatory indexes to 27 volumes of declarations of intention (1906-27), 2 volumes of journals of admissions to citizenship (1903-6), and 26 volumes of petitions and record books (1906-27). Volumes 9-11 of the petition and record books are 1918 military naturalizations and are indexed only in the consolidated indexes. The prefatory indexes are arranged alphabetically by surname, with each entry citing the page number in the same volume where the documents will be found.
Roll Description Dates
Consolidated indexes:
1 Vol. 1, Declarations of intention,
U.S. District Court 1859-92
Vol. 2, Declarations of intention
and admission to citizenship,
U.S. Circuit Court 1870-1907
Vol. 3, Declarations of intention
and admission to citizenship,
U.S. Circuit and District Courts 1859-1907
Vol. 4, Admission to citizenship,
U.S. Circuit Court 1870-1906
Vol. 5, Admission to citizenship,
U.S. Circuit and District Courts 1859-1906
Vol. 6, Declarations of intention
and petitions for naturalization,
U.S. Circuit and District Courts 1906-35
2 Vol. 7, Declarations of intention
and petitions for naturalization,
U.S. District Court 1935-56
Prefatory indexes:
Declarations of intention
U.S. Circuit Court, vols. 1-2 1906-11
U.S. District Court, vols. 1-25 1906-27
3 Journal of admission to citizenship
U.S. Circuit Court, vol. 1 1903-6
U.S. District Court, vol.1 1904-6
Petition and record
U.S. Circuit Court, vols. 1-3 1906-11
U.S. District Court, vols. 1-8 1906-19
vols. 12-29 1919-27
Indexes to Naturalization Petitions to the U.S. Circuit and District Courts for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 1795-1951. M1248. 60 rolls. DP.
Naturalization petitions submitted to both circuit and district courts in the eastern district of Pennsylvania were filed by petition number. Each court had its own numbered sequence. There are three alphabetically arranged card indexes. The first (1795-1906) and second (1906-26) indexes contain much the same information. Each card gives the name of the alien, the country of birth, the date of the petition, and the court (circuit or district) to which the alien applied. In some instances the names of witnesses are included. The second index also contains the number of the certificate of naturalization.
The third index (1926-51) gives the alien's name, age, address, date of the petition, the petition number, and the signature of the petitioner. The index card also shows any name change and the date of loss of citizenship, if applicable. Some of the cards for 1926-30 also indicate the alien's declaration of intention number and date, as well as the names and ages of the alien's minor children.
Until 1930, aliens could also seek citizenship through state courts. Therefore, although the indexes here contain the names of all aliens naturalized in the county of Philadelphia since 1930, they do not contain the names of those naturalized by the county or commonwealth courts in Philadelphia before 1930.
The original indexes are housed in the office of the naturalization clerk of the U.S. district court in Philadelphia.
Roll Description
1 Aab, William, Jr.-Byron, Maurice S.
2 Cabale, Louis-Eyre, John
3 Faber, Charles-Hazlett, Robert
4 Healey, John T.-Lenz, John
5 Leo, Joseph-Morowitz, Edward
6 Moscariello, Diego-Rozniakowski, Frank J.
7 Ruan, John-Tozer, John
8 Traband, Phillip-Zywialowski, Stanislaus
Aarnio, Arvo Axel-Amtos, John
9 Anachino, Bilerdi-Bekofsky, Louis
10 Belack, Benjamin-Bralow, Phillip
11 Bram, Jules Perre-Carlucetti, Vincenzo
12 Carmaetro, Agostino-Cohen, Wolf
13 Cohn, Abraham-Deksnis, Mateuszas
14 Delahanty, Daniel-Dorywalski, Marion
15 Dosch, John James-Feiwesowitz, Samuel
16 Fekay, David Hessen-Fzirlin, Joel
17 Gabai, Leon-Golditch, Sarah
18 Goldman, Abraham-Hamza, Martin
19 Hanagarth, Joseph-Iavshack, Meer Aiskia
20 Iback, Adolf-Kavky, Ike
21 Kawa, Jacob-Kreps, Max
22 Kresau, Joseph-Levin, Louis Morris
23 Levin, Max-Malkowski, Stanislaw
24 Mallamaci, Giuseppi-McEwen, Jane Twaddell
25 McFadden, Annabella-Monstvilas, Felix
26 Montagna, Carlo Mario-Oczkowski, Wladislaw
27 Odabachiakis, Sait Ibrahim-Peppermiller, Ernst
28 Pera, Abraham-Pzick, Charles
29 Qali, Kemal Thair-Rosenberg, William
30 Rosenblatt, Aaron-Schayti, Matyas
31 Schechtman, Samuel-Sherwin, Harry
32 Sheshtuk, Max-Sottogeiza, William
33 Souder, Hans-Talyai, Benjamin
34 Tanaccio, Raffelle-Veluard, Andre
35 Vena, Francesco-Wilczynski, Felix
36 Wild, Edward-Zywalewski, Walenjon
37 Aaen, Gislaug-Baszah, Elizabeth
38 Batchin, Benjamin-Bozzuto, Amelia
39 Braasch, Katherine-Capozzolo, Giovanni
40 Capponi, Ottaviano-Consul, William August
41 Contarino, Angelo-Deturk, Maria
42 Deubler, Edward Lewis-Egrie, Anna
43 Ehardt, Peter-Forziatti, Vincenza
44 Fosbrook, Albert Leslie-Gniewek, Teofila
45 Goadby, William-Harnum, Alan Edgar
46 Harold, Catherine-Jaszczyszyn, Jan
47 Jatautas, Anna-Knutter, Paul Willi
48 Koba, John-Lempp, Henry
49 Lenaghan, Arthur-Mahtesian, Perlanty
50 Mai, Carl Michael-McCutcheon, Robert William
51 McDade, Agnes Mary-Mommo, Santo
52 Monacchio, Donato-O'Conner, Winifred
53 O'Daire, Ada-Phyllides, Rachel
54 Pia, Giovanni-Rekus, Joseph
55 Relf, Samuel-Salzmann, Werner
56 Sam, Rose-Shayne, Lewis
57 Shea, Gisele-Stampone, Joseph
58 Stanlionis, Adam-Tneglis, Paul
59 Toal, Sarah-Weindorfer, Peter
60 Weiner, Aaron-Zywalewski, Maryanna
Indexes to Registers and Registers of Declarations of Intention and Petitions for Naturalization of the U.S. District and Circuit Courts for the Western District of Pennsylvania, 1820-1906. M1208. 3 rolls. DP.
The western district of Pennsylvania was established by Congress in 1820, with its seat at Pittsburgh. The U.S. circuit and district courts that met there from 1820 to 1906 processed the declarations of intention and petitions for naturalization. Volumes 1 and 3-7 are indexes to registers of district court naturalization actions. The index in volume 1 is arranged alphabetically by surnames of the applicants for citizenship and gives the page and line numbers in the register where the naturalization actions were recorded. Volume 2 is the register indexed by volume 1 and records the name of the alien, the date he or she registered with the court, the date of the declaration of intention, and the date of the petition for naturalization, if the naturalization took place in the same court. Although the index concerns only district court actions, the register includes individuals who applied to the circuit court.
Volumes 3-7 index applicants by the first letter of surname and give the date the naturalization action was recorded in the register. The registers that these volumes index are missing.
Roll Description Dates
District court:
1 Vol. 1, Index 1820-56
Vol. 2, Register
Vol. 3, Index 1840-82
Vol. 4, Index 1883-95
2 Vol. 5, Index 1896-1900
Vol. 6, Index 1901-3
3 Vol. 7, Index 1904-6
Circuit court:
Vol. 8, Register 1843-56
Vol. 9, Index 1856-97
Record of Admission to Citizenship, District of South Carolina,
1790-1906. M1183. 1 roll. DP.
This microfilm publication reproduces four volumes of annotated lists of names of persons admitted to U.S. citizenship by the
federal courts in South Carolina from 1790 through 1906.
Each of the four volumes is arranged alphabetially by the initial letter of the surname of the applicant and thereunder chronologically by the date of the order of admission to citizenship. The first volume, 1790-1860, contains the name of the applicant, age, nation of birth, place of residence in the United States, occupation, and date of the order of admission. Not all entries are complete.
The second volumes 1866-86, contains the name of the applicant, occupation, place of birth, place and date of arrival in the United States, age, and date of the order of admission. A few entries give the date of notice of intention rather than the date of admission.
The third (1876-1906) and the fourth (1886-1906) volumes contain the same entries as the second volume, with the addition of the date of notice of intention. The names listed in volume 3 are different from those listed in volume 4.
Indexes to Naturalization Records of the Thurston County
Territorial and Superior Courts, 1850-1974. M1234. 2 rolls. DP.
The consolidated and prefatory indexes in this publication were generated by courts in three separate court systems--Oregon territorial, Washington territorial, and Washington state. Until 1863, Idaho and western Montana were part of Washington territory.
The consolidated index consists of 3- by 5-inch cards arranged alphabetically by surname of alien. Entries vary but usually include name, residence, and nationality of alien; date of admission to citizenship or declaration of intention; and either petition number or volume and page number where the corresponding record is located. Any change of name made at the time of naturalization is noted on the back of the card.
The prefatory indexes are from 12 volumes of declarations of intention for 1883-1974, 24 volumes of naturalization petitions for 1891-1974, and one volume of repatriation petitions for 1940-64. Each index arranges surnames alphabetically and cites the page where the corresponding entry may be found.
Roll Description Dates
Consolidated card index:
1 Territorial and Superior Court
Declarations of intentions and
petitions for naturalization,
A-Z 1850-1974
Prefactory indexes:
Territorial and Superior Court
Declarations of intention,
vols. 1-12 1883-1974
Superior Court Petitions for
naturalization Journal for
adults, vols. 1, 2 1891-1905
Journal for minors 1903-6
2 Vols. 1-21 1906-74
Repatriation petitions 1940-64
Indexes to Naturalization Records of the Pierce County
Territorial and Superior Courts, 1853-1923. M1238. 2 rolls. DP.
The indexes in this publication, as well as those on M1233 and M1235, refer to records generated by two separate court systems--Washington territorial and Washington state. The three volumes of consolidated indexes refer to declarations of intention and petitions for naturalization from 1853-1922. The first two volumes overlap; the third duplicates the information in volume 1 but presents it in a different format. All three volumes list the aliens alphabetically by surname and cite the volume and page number of the declaration or petition.
There are also prefatory indexes from 22 volumes of declarations of intention for 1853-1922 and 33 volumes of petitions for naturalization for 1854-81 and 1889-1923. The series of declarations of intention, 1853-1906, is unusual because it is numbered continuously even though it bridges the transition from territory to state. Volume A of petitions for naturalization covers only the territorial period up to 1881. From 1882 to statehood in 1889, there appears to have been no court naturalization activity beyond the filing of declarations. The index to volume 27 is not complete.
Roll Description Dates
Consolidated indexes:
1 Territorial and Superior Courts
Declarations of intention
and petitions for naturalization
Vol. 1, A-Z 1853-1911
Vol. 2, A-Z 1906-22
Vol. 3, A-Z 1853-1911
Prefatory indexes:
Territorial and Superior Courts
Declarations of intention
Vols. 1-8 1853-1906
Vols. 1-14 1906-22
2 Territorial Court
Petitions for naturalization
Vol. A (record of citizenship) 1854-81
Superior Court
Petitions for naturalization
Vols. 1-5 (certificates of
citizenship) 1889-1906
Vols. 1-27 1906-23
Indexes to Naturalization Records of the King County Territorial and Superior Courts, 1864-1889 and 1906-1929. M1233. 1 roll. DP.
This publication reproduces both consolidated indexes and prefatory indexes to individual volumes of naturalization records that were generated by two separate court systems--Washington territorial and Washington state.
The consolidated index for the King County Territorial Court, 1864-89, lists aliens' surnames in alphabetical order and gives the date of filing and the volume and page number of the declaration or petition. The index for the superior court is arranged in the same way.
The prefatory indexes to the 39 volumes of declarations and 24 volumes of petitions follow the consolidated indexes. Not every volume was indexed; the indexes that are available list the names in alphabetical order and cite the page in that volume where the alien's papers can be found.
Indexes to Naturalization Records of the Snohomish County
Territorial and Superior Courts, 1876-1974. M1235. 3 rolls. DP.
This publication contains two consolidated indexes and the indexes from individual volumes of naturalization records generated by two separate court systems--Washington territorial and Washington state. Although Snohomish County was organized in 1861, terms of the territorial court were held in Seattle until 1875.
The first consolidated index is a three-volume index for 1892-1974. It lists the aliens' surnames alphabetically and provides the volume and page number of their declarations and petitions. The second index is a 3- by 5-inch card file that also lists the aliens' surnames alphabetically. Instead of referring to the volume and page numbers, the cards give the petition number. In addition, each card lists the residence of the alien at the time of naturalization, date of birth, date of admission to citizenship, date of certification, location of the court, and alien registration number. Any change of name made at the time of naturalization is noted on the back of the card. There are no entries for the letters "I" and "X."
This publication also includes the prefatory indexes from
individual volumes of naturalization records. Each index presents
the surnames alphabetically and cites the page number of the
corresponding record.
There are 20 volumes of declarations dated from 1876 to 1973 and 54 volumes of petitions dated from 1890 to 1974. Volumes 12 and 13 of the declarations of intention, volume 3 of the certificates of citizenship, and volumes 13-17 and 20 of petitions for naturalization were not indexed. In the record of citizenship series of petitions for naturalization there are no volumes 1 and 2.
Roll Description Years
Consolidated indexes:
1 Superior Court
Declarations of
intention and petitions
for naturalization
Vol. 1, A-Z 1892-1913
Vol. 2, A-Z 1913-63
Vol. 3, A-Z 1964-74
Card index to
and petitions, A-Z 1954-74
Prefatory indexes:
2 Territorial Court
Declarations of intention
Vol. A 1876-89
Superior Court
Declarations of intentions
Vols. 1, 2 1890-1906
Vols. 1-11 1906-28
Vols. 14-17 1935-73
Petitions for naturalization
Vols. 1, 2
(certificates of
citizenship) 1890-1930
Vols. 3, 4 (record
of citizenship) 1903-6
Vols. 1-12 1906-29
Vols. 18, 19 1934-36
Vols. 21-28 1936-40
3 Vols. 29-50 1940-74
Repatriation petitions 1939-55
Indexes to Naturalization Records of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington, Southern Division (Tacoma), 1890-1953. M1237. 2 rolls. DP.
The indexes in this microfilm publication consist of one consolidated index to naturalization records of the district court (1912-53), three consolidated indexes to military petitions for naturalizations (1918-19), and prefatory indexes to volumes of declarations of intention and petitions for naturalization
Military petitions were filed in the district court by U.S. Army soldiers stationed at Fort Lewis, WA (near Tacoma). These volumes do not constitute a complete index to the series. Many petitions and volume citations are missing, and no volume contains entries for the entire alphabet.
Roll 2 contains prefatory indexes for 15 volumes of declarations of intention (1892-1906, 1907-27) and 33 volumes of petitions for naturalization (1890-1904 and 1912-28). Petitions for the 1890-1904 period were entered in volumes entitled "Naturalization Records." All of the indexes list the surnames of aliens in alphabetical order. The consolidated index for 1912-53 cites the volume and page numbers of declarations and petitions, the index to military petitions cites the volume and petition number, and the prefatory indexes cite the page number of the naturalization records.
No federal district or circuit court naturalization records for 1889 have been located.
Roll Description Dates
Consolidated indexes:
1 U.S. District Court,
Western District of Washington,
Southern Division
Naturalization index, A-Z 1912-53
Military petitions for naturalization
Vol. 1, A-H, J 1918
Vol. 2, A-D 1918
Vol. 3, A-C 1918-19
Prefatory indexes:
2 U.S. Circuit Court,
District of Washington,
Western Division
Declaration of intention 1892-1906
Naturalization record
Vol. A 1890-1902
Vol. 2 1902-4
U.S. District Court,
District of Washington,
Western Division
Naturalization records,
1 vol. 1896-1900
U.S. District Court, Western
District of Washington,
Southern Division
Declarations of intention
Vols. 2-15 1907-27
Petitions for naturalization
Vols. 1-30 1912-28
Indexes to Naturalization Records of the U.S. District Court for Western Washington, Northern Division (Seattle), 1890-1952. M1232. 6 rolls. DP.
This microfilm publication reproduces five volumes of consolidated indexes, 1890-1952, and prefatory indexes to several sets of volumes of naturalization records, 1890-1927, generated by the U.S. district court in Seattle. No indexes to similar records for U.S. circuit court sessions have been filmed.
The consolidated index volumes are arranged chronologically, and entries within the volumes are arranged alphabetically by the first letter of the surname. The first two volumes cover the same time span, 1890-1926. Volume 1 cites the volume and page number of the alien's declaration of intention, and volume 2 cites the volume and petition number for petitions for naturalization. Volume 3 cites the column and page numbers of declarations for the years 1926-37 but gives only the declaration number for declarations of intention from 1927-36 and petition numbers of petitions for naturalization. Volumes 4 and 5 also cite only declaration and petition numbers.
The prefatory indexes are arranged alphabetically by surname. Each entry gives the page number in the same volume where the document will be found.
Roll Title Dates
Consolidated indexes:
Index to declarations
of intention
Vol. 1 1890-1926
Index to petitions
Vol. 2 1890-1926
Index to declarations
of intention
Vol. 3 1926-37
2 Index to declarations
of intention and
petitions Vol. 4 1937-49
Index to declarations
of intention and
petitions Vol. 5 1950-52
Prefatory indexes:
3 Declarations of intention
Vols. 1-3 1890-1906
Vols. 1-32 1906-19
4 Vols. 33-61 1919-27
Adult naturalization
records (4 vols.) 1890-1906
Minor naturalization
records (2 vols.) 1892-1906
5 Naturalization petitions
Vols. 1-26 1906-20
6 Vols. 27-52 1920-26
National Archives Trust Fund Board
National Archives and Records Administration
Washington, DC