Privacy Program Resources

NARA Privacy Act Systems: NARA 8

SYSTEM NAME: Restricted and Classified Records Access Authorization Files.


SYSTEM LOCATION: Restricted and classified records access authorization files are maintained in the following locations:

       (1) Office of Business Support Services (Security Management Division);
       (2) Office of Research Services;
       (3) Individual Presidential libraries;
       (4) Presidential Materials Division;
       (5) Center for Legislative Archives; and
       (6) Office of General Counsel.

CATEGORIES OF INDIVIDUALS COVERED BY THE SYSTEM: Individuals covered by the system include people who ask to use agency-restricted, donor-restricted, and security-classified records or materials in the custody of organizational units located in the Washington, DC, area, Presidential libraries, and archival custodial units located in the field. This includes records requested for the purpose of conducting statistical, social science, or biomedical research in accordance with 36 CFR 1256.

CATEGORIES OF RECORDS IN THE SYSTEM: Access authorization files include applications for access to restricted and classified records; letters of authorization from sponsoring agencies; other documentation related to security clearance levels; and information in an electronic database. These files may include some or all of the following information about an individual: name; address; telephone number; birth date; birthplace; citizenship; Social Security number; occupation; name of employer/institutional affiliation; security clearance level; basis of clearance; name of sponsoring agency; field(s) of interest; intention to publish; type of publication; subject(s) of restricted or classified records to be reviewed; the expiration date for authorization to review the records; and other information furnished by the requestor, including reference letters that may contain identifying information concerning a third party.


ROUTINE USES OF RECORDS MAINTAINED IN THE SYSTEM, INCLUDING CATEGORIES OF USERS AND THE PURPOSES OF SUCH USES: NARA maintains restricted and classified records access authorization files on individuals to: maintain a record of requests for access to restricted and classified records; authorize and control access to restricted and classified records and materials; and facilitate preparation of statistical and other reports.

NARA may disclose information in these access authorization files to other agencies that have an equity in the restricted or classified records in order for agency officials to review access authorization requests. The routine use statements A, F, G, H, and I described in Appendix A also apply to this system of records.


STORAGE: Paper and electronic records.

RETRIEVABILITY: Information in restricted and classified records access authorization files may be retrieved by some or all of the following: the individual's name; the sponsoring agency's names; record group number; or collection title.

SAFEGUARDS: During business hours, paper records are maintained in areas accessible to authorized NARA personnel. Electronic records are accessible via password-protected workstations located in attended offices or through a secure remote access network. After business hours, buildings have security guards and/or secured doors, and all entrances are monitored by electronic surveillance equipment.

RETENTION AND DISPOSAL: Restricted and classified records access authorization files are temporary records and are destroyed in accordance with the disposition instructions in the NARA Records Schedule (a supplement to the NARA Files Maintenance and Records Disposition Manual). Individuals may request a copy of the disposition instructions from the NARA Privacy Act Officer.

SYSTEM MANAGER(S) AND ADDRESS: For restricted and classified records access authorization files, the system managers are:

  1. For files maintained by the Security Management Division: Executive for Business Support Services;
  2. For files maintained by organizational units within the Office of Research Services: Executive for Research Services;
  3. For files maintained by a Presidential library: director of the individual library;
  4. For files maintained by the Presidential Materials Division: Director of the Presidential Materials Division;
  5. For files maintained by the Center for Legislative Archives: Director of the Center for Legislative Archives; and
  6. For files located in the Office of General Counsel: General Counsel.

The business addresses for these system managers are listed in Appendix B.

NOTIFICATION PROCEDURE: People interested in inquiring about their records should notify the NARA Privacy Act Officer at the address listed in Appendix B.

RECORD ACCESS PROCEDURES: People who wish to access their records should submit a request in writing to the NARA Privacy Act Officer at the address listed in Appendix B.

CONTESTING RECORD PROCEDURES: NARA rules for contesting the contents of a person's records and appealing initial determinations are found in 36 CFR part 1202.

RECORD SOURCE CATEGORIES: Information in these files is obtained from people who request to use restricted and classified records; NARA employees who maintain the files; employers of requestors; and sponsoring agency officials.

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