2016 Press Releases

National Archives Issues Regulation on Controlled Unclassified Information
Press Release · Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Washington, DC

For the first time, Executive Branch agencies will have uniform standards for handling CUI

Today, the National Archives issued a Federal regulation, “Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI),” establishing consistent practices and procedures for safeguarding, disseminating, controlling, and marking CUI across Executive Branch departments and agencies. This regulation goes into effect November 14, 2016.


"The CUI Program establishes one Government-wide system for unclassified information requiring safeguarding and disseminating controls. The system replaces the agency-driven approach that resulted in inefficiencies, confusion, and inconsistencies in the marking and handling of such information," said Archivist of the United States David S. Ferriero.

Background on CUI

Executive Order 13556, signed November 4, 2010, established the CUI Program and designated the National Archives as its executive agent. The Archivist of the United States then assigned this responsibility to the Director of the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO), a component of the National Archives.

The CUI Program addresses the inconsistent and conflicting patchwork of agency-specific policies used to manage “Sensitive But Unclassified” information throughout the Executive Branch. Such “Sensitive But Unclassified” policies and practices resulted in agencies mishandling information and impeding information sharing.

The first step the CUI Program took was to establish an online CUI Registry in 2011, outlining CUI categories and subcategories. ISOO then developed the regulation through the Federal Government’s public-rule making process, consulting with agencies, stakeholders, and the general public. The regulation underwent extensive public and interagency review, resulting in the final rule.

The Information Security Oversight Office, established in 1978, and part of the National Archives since 1995, is responsible to the President for overseeing the Government-wide security classification program. NARA has delegated the CUI executive agent responsibilities to the Director of ISOO. ISOO consists of:

  • The CUI Staff develops CUI policies, manages the Federal CUI Program, carries out CUI oversight responsibilities, and reports to the President on the implementation of the CUI Program.
  • The Classification Management Staff develops policies for classifying, declassifying and safeguarding national security information.
  • The Industry and Operations Staff evaluates the effectiveness of the security classification programs

The National Archives and Records Administration is an independent Federal agency that preserves and shares with the public records that trace the story of our nation, government, and the American people. From the Declaration of Independence to accounts of ordinary Americans, the holdings of the National Archives directly touch the lives of millions of people. The National Archives carries out its mission through a nationwide network of archives, records centers, and Presidential Libraries, and online www.archives.gov.

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For press information contact the National Archives Public Affairs staff at 202-357-5300.


This page was last reviewed on November 1, 2016.
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