
National Archives Features Restored WWII Documentaries in November 7 Program
Press Release · Friday, October 26, 2012

Classics Restored: The Negro Soldier and John Huston’s Let There Be Light

Washington, DC…To commemorate Veterans Day, the National Archives will premiere newly restored high-definition versions of two classic World War II–era documentaries The Negro Soldier and Let There Be Light. Both films were preserved and digitally restored by the National Archives Motion Picture Preservation Team. The first screening will be on Wednesday, November 7 at 7 p.m.; additional noontime screenings will be held on November 9 and 16.

The Negro Soldier (1944; 43 minutes) was produced by Frank Capra’s Army motion picture unit to help unite white and black troops in the fight against the Axis. Let There Be Light(1946; 58 minutes), commissioned from Academy Award®–winning director John Huston by the U.S. Army Signal Corps, follows the treatment of emotionally traumatized GIs. The November 7 screenings will be introduced by Dr. David Culbert, Editor-in-Chief of Film and Propaganda in America: A Documentary History.

Special Note: A repeat screening of The Negro Soldier will be held on Friday, November 9 at noon in the William G. McGowan Theater. John Huston’s Let There Be Light will be screened again on Friday, November 16 at noon in the William G. McGowan Theater.

The programs are free and open to the public, and will be held in the William G. McGowan Theater of the National Archives Building in Washington, DC. Attendees should use the Special Events entrance on Constitution Avenue at 7th Street, NW.

The National Archives Building in Washington, DC is fully accessible. Metro accessible on Yellow or Green lines, Archives/Navy Memorial station. To verify the date and times of the program, call the National Archives Public Programs Line at: 202 357-5000, or view the Calendar of Events online.

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