
National Archives Hosts "Helping Career Dreams Happen" Contest Winner
Press Release · Wednesday, April 7, 2004

Washington, DC

Kristen Trichtinger's dream is to someday work in an archives or a library. This seventh grade student at Penn Hebron Elementary School in Penn Hills, Pa., will be one step closer to realizing that dream when she receives a special VIP tour of the National Archives in Washington, D.C.

On Friday, April 9, 10:00 a.m. to Noon at the National Archives, 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Trichtinger and her family will be treated to a behind-the-scenes tour of the nation's record-keeping repository. Martha Grove and Jessie Kratz, staff members of the Center for Legislative Archives, will show Trichtinger some important historical documents from the Records of Congress housed at the Center and describe the programs and publications designed to promote the use of original records in the nation's classrooms.

Trichtinger was one of four statewide winners of the 2003 Pennsylvania TAP 529 Contest, "Helping Career Dreams Happen," created by the Pennsylvania State Treasury and Philadelphia's Delaware Investments. Winners wrote an essay describing what their career dream was and how higher education would help them achieve that dream. They also won a $5000 contribution to a Pennsylvania TAP 529 College Savings Plan

Winners were also encouraged to meet professional mentors in their chosen career. Trichtinger expressed an interest to learn more about the National Archives, and Grove and Kratz volunteered to host her visit. They hope this special tour will further inspire this young woman's interest in pursuing a career in the archival profession or in library science.

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The media is invited to cover the visit. Please call the National Archives Public Affairs staff at 301-837-1700 for details.


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