
Press Release
Press Release · Friday, January 17, 2003

Press Release
January 17, 2003
Films at the National Archives in March and April 2003

Washington, DC . . . In March and April the National Archives and Records Administration presents film screenings with topics relating to Women's History and a centennial celebration of aviation in the United States.

The screenings will be held in Room 105 of the National Archives Building, Pennsylvania Avenue between 7th and 9th Streets, NW, and in the auditorium at the National Archives at College Park, located at 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD unless otherwise noted. All programs are free and open to the public. Free parking is available at the National Archives at College Park. The times and dates may be verified by calling the National Archives public events line at (201) 501-5000. The hearing impaired should call TDD (202) 501-5404 for information.

Washington, DC Films


Friday, March 7 - Women's History
Eleanor Roosevelt, 1999 (Part I). Passionate and principled, Eleanor Roosevelt was the most influential first lady America has ever known. This two-part documentary (Part II will be presented at noon on March 14) chronicles the life of this tireless champion of women, minorities, and the working class. Produced by Ambrica Productions, Inc. (Approximately 75 minutes.) Noon.

Friday, March 14 - Women's History
Eleanor Roosevelt, 1999 (Part II). (Approximately 75 minutes.) Noon.

Friday, March 21 - Special screening in partnership with the environmental film festival in the Washington, DC
And So They Lived, 1940. The Depression-era documentary examines the gaps between the everyday needs of the people in a rural Kentucky community and what is taught in school. Focusing on a poor family with an improper diet, lack of sanitation facilities and poor housing conditions, the film explains the need to adapt the local school programs to meet the community's needs. Produced by New York University. Directed by John Ferno and Julian Roffman. Narrated by Storrs Haynes. (25 minutes.)

The Gifts, 1970. Although produced in 1970, this documentary commissioned by the U.S. Department of the Interior is reminiscent of the classic 1930s Government-produced films like Pare Lorentz's The River. An examination of the causes and effects of air and water pollution in 1970s America, The Gifts uses sparse but lyrical narration to stress how the nation's legacy of clean water, pure air, and virgin land is threatened by industry, mismanagement, and waste. Narrated by Lorne Greene. Music by Skitch Henderson. (30 minutes.) Noon.


Friday, April 4 - 100 Years of Aviation
First Pictures of Lindbergh As He Reaches Paris in Flight from New York, 1927. This short archival film documents Charles Lindbergh's historic solo flight from New York to Paris in May 1927. (5 minutes, silent.)

Wings of the Army
, 1940. A visual history of the Army Air Corps from 1923 to 1940, this film also serves as an excellent overview of aviation history in the United States up to that point. Included are scenes of early flights of the Wright Brothers, the first "Around the World" flight in 1924, as well as record-setting endurance, speed and altitude flights. (45 minutes.) Noon.

Friday, April 18 -100 Years of Aviation
Wings for This Man, 1945. This short film produced by the Army Air Corps is about the "Tuskegee Airmen", the first all African-American fighter squadron organized at Tuskegee Air Base in Alabama during the Second World War. Narrated by Ronald Reagan. (10 minutes.)

Fly Girls
, 1999. In the midst of World War II, the call went out for women with flight experience to fly for the military. From 1942 to 1944, more than 1000 women were trained to ferry aircraft, test planes, instruct male pilots, even tow targets for anti-aircraft artillery practice. Fly Girls is the largely unknown story of the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP). The film features a remarkable group of former WASPs who recall the planes they flew, the challenges they met, and the pride they felt in playing a role in the American war effort. Written, produced, and directed by Laurel Ladevich for PBS' American Experience series. (60 minutes.) Noon.

College Park, MD Films
(For descriptions of the College Park films, see previous listings.)

Monday, March 10
Eleanor Roosevelt (Part I). (75 minutes.) Noon.

Monday, March 17
Eleanor Roosevelt (Part II). (75 minutes.) Noon.

Monday, April 7
First Pictures of Lindbergh As He Reaches Paris in Flight from New York (5 minutes.)
Wings of the Army (40 minutes.) Noon.

Monday, April 21
Wings for This Man (10 minutes.)
Fly Girls (60 minutes.) Noon.

For additional PRESS information, please contact the National Archives Public Affairs staff at (301) 837-1700 or by e-mail.


This page was last reviewed on January 7, 2013.
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