
War Crimes Records Interagency Working Group Appoints Two New Historians
Press Release · Wednesday, August 1, 2001

College Park, MD

Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group


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Thomas H. Baer, Public Member

Richard Ben-Veniste, Public Member

John E. Collingwood, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Elizabeth Holtzman, Public Member

Steven Garfinkel (Chair), National Archives and Records Administration

Stewart F. Aly, Department of Defense

William H. Leary, National Security Council

David P. Holmes, Central Intelligence Agency

Paul A. Shapiro, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Eli M. Rosenbaum, Department of Justice

Marc J. Susser, Department of State



Giuliana Bullard, IWG, 703-532-1477
Susan Cooper, NARA, 301-837-1700

Steven Garfinkel, Chairman of the War Crimes Records Interagency Working Group (IWG), announced today the addition of Dr. Norman J. W. Goda and Dr. Marlene J. Mayo to the IWG historical research staff. The professors join Dr. Richard Breitman, Dr. Timothy Naftali, Dr. Edward Drea, Robert Wolfe, and other historians who advise the IWG regarding the historical context of newly declassified materials.

"I'm delighted that Dr. Goda and Dr. Mayo are joining the IWG historical team. With their extensive knowledge in their respective specialties in modern German and Japanese history, they will bring new insight into the meaning of records newly declassified by the IWG," said Garfinkel.

Dr. Goda comes from Ohio University, where he is an associate professor of history. With specialties in Modern Germany and international relations, Dr. Goda has taught courses in Nazi Germany and the Holocaust, and war crimes and retribution. In 1998, his book Tomorrow the World: Hitler, Northwest Africa, and the Path toward America appeared, and he is currently completing the book Tales from Spandau: Diplomacy, Symbolism, and the Nuremberg War Criminals 1945-1987. Since 1999, he has served on the editorial board of German Studies Review. Dr. Goda earned a B.A. in history and English at Rice University, and an M.A. and a Ph.D. in history at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He also studied abroad at the Universities of Bonn and Freiburg in Germany.

Dr. Mayo is an associate professor of history at the University of Maryland, where for thirty-five years she has taught a host of subjects dealing with 20th century Japanese history, including economic policy, social reform, gender issues, and U.S.-Japanese relations. Her written work includes essays for Americans and Proconsuls, United States Military Government in Germany and Japan, 1944-1952 (edited by Robert Wolfe), and essays for the General Douglas MacArthur Memorial Conference volumes on Allied Occupation of Japan. Recently, Dr. Mayo completed a volume co-edited with J. Thomas Rimer, entitled, War, Occupation, and Creativity: Japan and East Asia, 1920-1960. She has served as the chair of the Northeast Asia Council of the Association for Asian Studies. Dr. Mayo holds a Ph.D. and an M.A. from Columbia University, a B.A. from Wayne State University, and has attended the London School of Economics and the University of Tokyo as a Fulbright Scholar.

The Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act created the IWG to oversee declassification and public release of U.S. Government records related to war criminals and crimes committed by the Nazi government and its allies during World War II. In enacting the "Japanese Imperial Government Disclosure Act of 2000," the U.S. Congress renamed the IWG, extended its mission through 2003, and emphasized the need to find, review, and declassify U.S. Government records pertaining to Japanese Imperial Government war crimes and war criminals. The IWG public members are former Congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzman, Thomas Baer, and Richard Ben-Veniste. The IWG website address is

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