
Comparison of Drying Methods

Records to be air-dried were completely thawed and set onto tables lined with absorbent blotting paper.  If bound materials could not be safely supported upright, they were laid flat.  Pages, stacks of cards, or groupings of papers were turned periodically to expose wet surfaces during the 2 days of air-drying.

Coated papers were individually interleaved with sheets of a polyester non-woven fabric, Holytex ™ or Remay ™, to prevent blocking upon drying.

Refer to CaptionSlide 16 Comparison of Drying Methods Kaplan/Ludwig 2003

Shrink wrap--a stable industrial plastic film, adapted for preservation packaging and transport--and polyester films--used in protective L-sleeves and encapsulations--are typically found in records at the National Archives.  For effective air-drying, completely remove plastic films from water damaged-sheets and volumes.

Refer to CaptionSlide 17 Comparison of Drying Methods Kaplan/Ludwig 2003