
Linked Open Data for Navigational Chart Formats

Navigational charts support marine navigation and may be used by commercial vessels, recreational boaters, equipment manufacturers, and more. Charts are issued by individual country’s government hydrographic offices or other institutions, and comply with specifications developed by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO).

The significant properties of navigational chart records are documented in a Navigational Charts Preservation Plan, which can be used as test criteria for tools and processes used in format transformations.

NARA makes its Linked Open Data available in the Resource Description Framework Terse RDF Triple Language, or RDF Turtle (.ttl files). These files can be opened in any text editor. The Digital Preservation Framework as Linked Open Data includes the same elements as are available in the version of the Preservation Plans on GitHub.

These Plans are not exhaustive nor universally applicable proposed actions and recommended or endorsed tools: these represent file formats and variant versions in NARA holdings, the current NARA risk assessment, processing capabilities, and tools in use at NARA.


Format Name File Extension(s) Digital Preservation Framework Category/Categories NARA Format ID NARA Linked Open Data TTL
BSB kap|cap|bsb Navigational Charts|Geospatial NF00636
Intergraph Raster Format crl Navigational Charts|Geospatial NF00635
S-57 Electronic Navigation Chart 0xx Navigational Charts|Geospatial NF00637