Conservation2 = Preserving Collections x Our Environment
25th Preservation Conference
March 16 and 17, 2011
This conference addressed how successful long-term preservation of and access to archival, library, and museum collections requires meeting the challenges of global climate and economic changes and the need for creative and sustainable solutions.
Program speakers included scientists, preservation professionals, architects and engineers, administrators and facility managers; all advocates and thinkers in preserving collections sustainably.
Conservation2 = Preserving Collections x Our Environment explored:
- How climate and economic changes will shift preservation strategies
- How we are taking advantage of research evidence to identify environmental options for collection materials that are responsive to local climate and weather patterns.
- Results of research carried out in the UK by The National Archives on how the environment impacts collection materials and new thinking about environmental control and preservation methodologies as research and evidence results are analyzed.
- How the National Archives in College Park, MD, (Winner of the 2010 Presidential "Lean, Clean and Green" Award) accomplished significant energy reductions without major renovation.
- How to most effectively operate and use environmental control systems in the context of energy use.
- The importance of developing relationships with allied professionals and how to communicate in a time of changing regulations and standards.
- Advances in lighting and the impact of new technologies on exhibition and energy costs.
- Possible sources of supporting the conversion to sustainable preservation environments.
Why Archives? An Advocate's Role by Dr. Michael J. Kurtz, Assistant Archivist, Office of Records Services, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC, [Retired] and Professor, School of Information Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park, MD |
Why Preservation needs Conservation2 to Succeed! by Dr. Steven P. Hamburg, Chief Scientist, Environmental Defense Fund |
Facing Change: Basing Heritage Conservation on Broader Stewardship Principles by Jerry Podany, President of the International Institute for Conservation and Objects Conservator, The Getty Museum |
Leaders of Change: Strategies for Meeting the Environmental Challenge by Nancy Bell, Head of Collection Care, The National Archives, UK |
Evidence for Decision-Making in Optimal HVAC Operations by James M. Reilly, Director, Image Permanence Institute, Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) |
Results of the Heritage Health Index by Kristen Overbeck Laise, Vice President, Collections Care Programs, Heritage Preservation |
Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections by Laura Word, Senior Program Officer, Division of Preservation and Access, National Endowment for the Humanities |
Solid-State Lighting for Museums: Conserving Energy, Conserving Art by James R. Druzik, Senior Scientist, Getty Conservation Institute and Naomi J. Miller, Senior Lighting Engineer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Gleaning Preservation Information: Third Party and NARA Testing Results by Dr. Jennifer K. Herrmann, Chemist, Research and Testing Laboratory, National Archives and Records Administration |
The Conservation2 Building = Efficiency x Longevity: Non-Mechanical Strategies for Energy-Efficient Collections Environments by Michael C. Henry, Principal, Watson and Henry Associates |
Case Studies of Alternative Climate Management for Hot-Humid and Marine Climates by Dr. Shin Maekawa, Ph.D. P.E., Senior Scientist, Getty Conservation Institute |
Moving Towards Sustainable Operations by Mark Sprouse, Director, Facilities and Personal Property Management Division, National Archives and Records Administration |
The Toledo Museum of Art Goes Green: The Project Continues by Suzanne Hargrove, Head of Conservation, Toledo Museum of Art |
Energy Savings Trial in the Library of Congress Adams Building by Nancy Lev-Alexander, Head, Preventive Conservation, Library of Congress |
Optimizing Systems and Operations by Peter Herzog, Principal, Herzog/Wheeler and Associates, LLP |
An Actual Green, 100-year Solution for Long Term Digital Storage by Rob Hummell, Group 47, LLC. There is no PDF available for this presentation. |