
Venue Photos for 22nd Annual Preservation Conference

22nd Annual Preservation Conference

National Archives and Records Administration,
Washington, DC

Photos of Venue

Refer to CaptionNational Archives Building, Constitution Avenue side, Special Events Entrance. This is the entrance to use for the Preservation Conference. This side of the building faces the National Mall. The ramp on the right-hand side leads into the building.
Refer to CaptionClose up of signage for the Special Events Entrance of the National Archives Building.
Refer to CaptionNational Archives Building, Pennsylvania Avenue side, Researcher Entrance. Please do NOT use this entrance for the Preservation Conference.
Refer to CaptionNational Archives Building, 7th Street, NW Entrance. This is the entrance to the loading dock. This will be used by the conference exhibitors and caterer only.
Refer to CaptionAfter entering the building and passing through Security, you will be directed to a Registration Desk that will be situated in front of the National Archives Experience Wall of Honor. Here is where you will pick up your name badge and conference packet. If you are a walk-in attendee, you may register and pay at this desk.
Refer to CaptionThe Theater Concourse facing the East-side elevators. This is where food/beverage stations and exhibitor tables will be situated. These elevators will take attendees up to the Presidential Conference Rooms if you wish to sit and eat your lunch.
Refer to CaptionInterior of the William G. McGowan Theater. Please note that there is no food or beverages permitted in the Theater. In order to provide comfort to our attendees, please use the Coat Room located in the Theater Concourse for your outerwear and other bulky personal belongings. The Coat Room will be in operation throughout the conference day.

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