National Archives at Philadelphia

Certificate Appointing Henry Voigt as Chief Coiner of the Philadelphia Mint:

This document is a certificate appointing Henry Voigt to the post of Chief Coiner at the Philadelphia Mint and bears the signature of George Washington dated January 29, 1793. 

Voigt was a Philadelphia watchmaker and machinist who, prior to his stint as Chief Coiner, helped develop the first commercially viable steam boat in the United States. He is credited with designing some of the first United States coins. The Philadelphia Mint was established in 1792 within the State Department and was responsible for the engraving of coinage dies; the manufacture of minor coins, medals, and working dies; the manufacture of mechanical apparatus, such as coinage presses and scales, and of certain supplies; and the collecting of "specimen" coins to add to the collection in the Cabinet Room of gold, silver, and base metal coins of different countries. Records of the Philadelphia Mint are among the oldest in our collections.

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Certificate appointing Henry Voigt to the post of Chief Coiner at the Philadelphia Mint, dated January 29, 1793. National Archives Identifier: 566343

View and download the Certificate Appointing Henry Voigt as Chief Coiner of the Philadelphia Mint on the National Archives Catalog. This record is one example of the many records of the Philadelphia Mint at the National Archives at Philadelphia. You can explore more records held in the National Archives at Philadelphia through the National Archives Catalog or by visiting the National Archives at Philadelphia. This record is located within Record Group 104: Record of the U.S. Mint, Series: Certificate Appointing Henry Voigt as Chief Coiner of the Philadelphia Mint.

