National Historical Publications & Records Commission


Records Projects

Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, Cheyenne, WY
$79,988 to support the Wyoming State Historical Records Advisory Board’s work to broaden the network of support for the state’s historical records repositories. Funds will enable the board to continue its Roving Archivist Program for one-on-one consultations; make four regrant awards of up to $2,500; and sponsor four workshops on caring for collections at different locations around the state. (RC-103631-24)

Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, Cheyenne, WY
$39,762 to support the Wyoming Historical Records Advisory Board, including a project to create a network of archival repositories and assess the needs of smaller archival repositories in the state. The board will award up to two regrants for archival projects, conduct at least two workshops related to the preservation of and access to historical records, do a needs assessment survey, and publish an online directory of Wyoming’s historical records repositories. (RC103382-22)

Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, Cheyenne, WY
$48,348 to support the Wyoming Historical Records Advisory Board, including a regrants program, four workshops at locations around the state, and co-sponsor the ARMA spring seminar. (RC103129-21)

Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, Cheyenne, WY
$21,474 to support the Wyoming Historical Records Advisory Board’s programming, including offering at least two workshops; awarding up to five regrants of $2,500 each for projects to process, preserve, and provide increased access to records; and sponsoring the ARMA (formerly the Association of Records Managers and Administrators) spring seminar. (RC102963-20)

Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, Cheyenne, WY
$42,448 to support the Wyoming Historical Records Advisory Board’s programs, including a regrant program, four workshops, a seminar on electronic records, and updating the website and regrant guidelines. (RC10233-18)

Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, Cheyenne, WY
$46,068 to support a two-year project at the Wyoming Historical Records Advisory Board to offer at least four workshops, continue a regrant program, and update the board's website. (RC10267-16)

Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, Cheyenne, WY
$48,800 to support basic funding for the state historical records advisory board, including the development of a new strategic plan, workshops, a statewide regrant program, and participation in a national archival organization. (RC10216-14)

Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, Cheyenne, WY
$22,100 to support basic funding, including two workshops, board meetings, a statewide regrant program, and participation in a national archival organization. (RC10157-13)

Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, Cheyenne, WY
$35,000 to support the work of the Wyoming Historical Records Advisory Board, including a statewide regrants program. (RC10098-11)

University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
$197,400to process and make available EAD finding aids for 41 collections at the American Heritage Center relating to the Great Depression. The collections total 2,288 cubic feet and document areas such as anti-trust activities, the New Deal, agriculture and ecology, business, public works, journalism, and entertainment. (RP50043-10)

Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, Cheyenne, WY
$31,000 to support a regrants program for up to 15 records repositories for educational scholarships and in-house assistance with the management of historical collections across the state. (RC10070-09)

Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, Cheyenne, WY
$66,000 to support basic activities of the state historical records advisory board and a regrant program for training, along with a Circuit Rider Archivist program. (RC10034-08)

Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, Cheyenne, WY
$10,000 in partial support of the Wyoming Board's activities. (RS10035-08)

American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
$142,901 to continue its backlog processing and deaccessioning project. (RA05608-06)

Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, Cheyenne, WY
$10,000 in partial support of the Wyoming Board's activities. (RS05681-06)

American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
$142,900 to catalog 800 collections not currently represented in online catalogs, place 400 preliminary inventories on the Center's web site, and deaccession 200 collections to other repositories. (2005-057)

Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, Cheyenne, WY
$20,000 in partial support of the Wyoming Board's activities for two years. (2004-017)

Wyoming State Archives, Cheyenne, WY
$29,830 for a project to develop strategies and best practices for managing electronic records with archival value created by state government agencies. (2003-035)

Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, Cheyenne, WY
$20,000 in partial support of the Wyoming board's administrative expenses. (2002-018)

Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, Cheyenne, WY
$5,000 in partial support of the Wyoming board's administrative expenses. (2001-058)

Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, Cheyenne, WY
$9,768 to fund the administrative expenses of the Wyoming board for one year. (2000-067)

Wyoming State Historical Records Advisory Board, Cheyenne, WY
$52,553 for a planning grant to carry out an assessment of records programs in the state of Wyoming and to create a strategic plan to improve records programs over the next decade. (94-023)

University of Wyoming, American Heritage Center, Laramie, WY
$169,125 to select and catalog 3,500 of its Western History collections representing about 20,000 cubic feet (approximately one-third of its total archival holdings) of personal papers, and both corporate and not-for-profit institutional archives. (92-145)

Wyoming State Historical Records Advisory Board, Cheyenne, WY
$9,720 to support the travel and meeting expenses of the board. (92-121)

University of Wyoming, American Heritage Center, Laramie, WY
$500 in partial support of a fellowship in archival administration. (92-071)

Wyoming State Museum, Cheyenne, WY
$31,126 for a project to preserve and make available nitrate and glass plate negatives of Wyoming, the Great Plains, and the northern Rocky Mountains from the late-19th to mid-20th century. The images depict mining, agriculture, ranching, and Native American life. (88-015)


Total     $1,330,811

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