National Historical Publications & Records Commission


Records Projects

Utah Division of Archives and Records Services, Salt Lake City, UT
$40,000 to support the Utah State Historical Records Advisory Board regranting program, scholarships, and outreach. (RC-104839)

Utah Division of Archives and Records Service, Salt Lake City, UT
$40,000 to support the Utah Historical Records Advisory Board, including a regrants program, History Day awards, Archives Month programming, and training opportunities, including its Archives Fundamentals virtual course, and two new in-depth “Fundamentals 202” courses on access and digitization. (RC-103629-24)

Utah Valley University, Orem, UT
$350,000 to support a collaboration between the Center for Constitutional Studies at Utah Valley University and the Quill Project at Pembroke College, Oxford University, to expand its undergraduate‐led digital modeling of state constitutional conventions with those states that framed and adopted their current constitutions between 1848 and 1864: Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Kansas, and Nevada. (RM-103660-24)

University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
$130,834 to support a project to review, update, or create at least 400 collection finding aids related to women, create at least one LibGuide informing patrons of the existence of these archival collections and teaching them how to access the materials, and create at least one exhibition allowing university and community patrons to learn about women’s contributions to Utah and regional culture and history. (RH-103579-23)

Utah Division of Archives and Records Service, Salt Lake City, UT
$40,000 to support the Utah Historical Records Advisory Board, including a regrants program History Day awards, Archives Month programming, regional archives fundamentals workshops, and a Circuit Rider Archivist program. (RC-103484-23)

Utah Division of Archives and Records Service, Salt Lake City, UT
$40,000 to support the Utah Historical Records Advisory Board, including a regrants program, Family History Day and Archives Month, regional archives fundamentals workshops, a Circuit Rider Archivist program, and a new strategic plan. (RC103331-22)

Utah Division of Archives and Records Service, Salt Lake City, UT
$40,000 to support the Utah Historical Records Advisory Board, including a regrants program, Family History Day, two regional grant writing and archives fundamental workshops, and a Circuit Rider Archivist program. (RC103103-21)

Utah Division of Archives and Records Service, Salt Lake City, UT
$40,000 to support the Utah Historical Records Advisory Board, including funding for at least six regrant projects that increase access to historical collections, conduct a Family History Workshop, hold two regional one-day workshops on grant writing and archives fundamentals, and sponsor at least one event during Archives Month. (RC102983-20)

Utah State Archives and Records Service, Salt Lake City, UT
$40,000 to support the work of the Utah State Historical Records Advisory Board, including a regrants program focusing on projects that increase access to historical records, ten site visits to provide direct assistance to repositories in the use of archival best practices, four training sessions on the care and management of historical records and digitization, and weekly activities during Archives Month. (RC102711-19)

Utah State Archives and Records Service Salt Lake City, UT
$40,000 to support the Utah Historical Records Advisory Board’s programs, including awards of at least eight regrants, five site visits to provide direct assistance to repositories, a family history workshop, and maintaining the board’s website.(RC100234-18)

Utah State Historical Records Advisory Board, Salt Lake City, UT
$40,000 to support one year of the Utah Historical Records Advisory Board’s programs, including awards of at least 12 regrants, five site visits to provide direct assistance to repositories, a one-day state-wide forum for repositories, maintaining the board’s website and consortium list, and travel. (RC100028-17)

Utah State Historical Records Advisory Board, Salt Lake City, UT
$35,000 to support to a one-year project to preserve the state's historical records through activities that help to increase online access, award regrants, and sponsor a statewide forum on best practices in the digital age. (RC10263-16)

Utah State Historical Records Advisory Board, Salt Lake City, UT
$30,535 to support basic funding, including a statewide regrant program and training for the state’s regional repository directors. (RC10241-15)

Utah State Historical Records Advisory Board, Salt Lake City, UT
$30,535 to support basic funding, including a program to microfilm city and county commission minutes, and a statewide regrant program. (RC10214-14)

Utah State Historical Records Advisory Board, Salt Lake City, UT
$32,320 to support basic funding, including four board meetings, a program to microfilm city and county commission minutes, a statewide regrant program, a Repository Directors Conference, and participation in a national archival organization. (RC10179-13)

Utah State Archives and Records Services, Salt Lake City, UT
$34,760 to support the Utah State Historical Records Advisory Board and a statewide regrant program. (RC10130-12)

Utah State Archives and Records Services, Salt Lake City, UT
$35,000 to support the work of the Utah Historical Records Advisory Board, including support for a circuit rider archivist, and a statewide regrants program. (RC10101-11)

Utah State Archives and Records Services, Salt Lake City, UT
$80,600 to inventory and prepare descriptive information for 73,480 microfiche sheets containing the records of the state legislature, the courts, and many executive branch agencies.(RB50086-10)

Utah State Archives and Records Services, Salt Lake City, UT
$20,000 to support the state historical records advisory board's circuit rider archivist in working to preserve local government historic records and historic court records. (RC10068-09)

Utah State Archives and Records Services, Salt Lake City, UT
$70,000 to support basic activities and regrants to augment the state legislature's appropriation of $150,000 over three years.

Utah State Archives and Records Services, Salt Lake City, UT
$76,100 to arrange, describe, and microfilm the historic records of district courts from three counties in Utah from 1852-1955. (RA10039-07)

Utah State Archives and Records Services, Salt Lake City, UT
$6,706 to support basic administration of the state historical records advisory board. (2006-024)

Utah State Archives and Records Services, Salt Lake City, UT
$6,700 to support basic administration of the state historical records advisory board. (2005-058)

Utah State Historical Records Advisory Board, Salt Lake City, UT
$75,180 for up to three years for its Regrant Project to promote the establishment and enhancement of regional records repositories in Utah. (2001-044)

Utah State Historical Records Advisory Board, Salt Lake City, UT
$50,000 for a regrant project to provide a variety of archival educational opportunities including workshops/institutes, academic coursework, mentoring and apprenticeship programs, and consultancies to records repository personnel—professionals, nonprofessionals, and volunteers—through regrants to state and local government agencies, tribal governments, and private, non-profit records repositories in Utah. (94-092)

Utah State University, Logan, UT
$11,615 to preserve and make accessible 199 acetate and paper discs and 98 reel-to-reel tapes resulting from fieldwork activities of folklore scholars Austin and Alta Fife from 1939 to the 1970s. (92-136)

Utah State Historical Society (Utah State Historical Records Advisory Board), Salt Lake City, UT
$7,170 to support the travel and meeting expenses of the board. (91-059)

Utah State Historical Society, Salt Lake City, UT
$48,396 to expand and revise previously drafted guidelines for a comprehensive archival information systems architecture to be proposed as an archival professional standard. (91-058)

Utah Division of State History, Salt Lake City, UT
$116,996 to develop an automated information system about archives and records holdings in the state. Records in the system would also be included in the Research Libraries Information Network (RLIN) nationwide database. (88-090)

University of Utah, Utah Museum of Natural History, Salt Lake City, UT
$5,570 to preserve photographic negatives of archaeological excavations in the Great Basin and northern Colorado Plateau. The photographs document early American cultures, as exemplified by the culture of the Anasazi people. (87- 113)

University of Utah, Utah Museum of Natural History, Salt Lake City, UT
$4,785 to microfilm the university's anthropological records documenting the prehistory of the American West and the development of field work. (85-068)

Utah State Historical Records Advisory Board, Salt Lake City, UT
$24,970 to analyze the current condition of historical records in the state, identify problems, frame potential solutions, and outline actions that can be taken. (83-091)

Utah Historical Society, Salt Lake City, UT
$18,220 to describe, microfilm, and publish a register of selected state water-related records, and to survey private water records in Utah, as part of the society's water records research program. (79-081)

Utah Historical Society, Salt Lake City, UT
$21,335 to preserve and describe photographs in the Community Documentation and Peoples of Utah collections, and other photos relating to early Utah settlers and settlements. (78-108)


Total     $1,683,327


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