National Historical Publications & Records Commission


Records Projects

Nevada State Library, Archives and Public Records, Carson City, NV
$79,754 to support the Nevada State Historical Records Advisory Board for two years of programming, including the hiring of an archival consultant, Board travel, and administrative costs. (RC-104944)

Nevada State Library, Archives and Public Records, Carson City, NV
$11,980 to support the work of the Nevada Historical Records Advisory Board to convene at least three board meetings; finalize the board’s plan and objectives based on statewide needs assessment results; provide professional training through free one-day preservation/conservation workshops, in collaboration with UNLV Libraries Special Collections & Archives, and award small travel stipends for workshop participants. (RC-103642-24)

Nevada System of Higher Education, Reno, NV
$24,002 to support the University of Nevada, Reno, Boise State University, and California State University at Bakersfield and others in Basque Studies to create an Arborglyph Collaborative to document and provide access to arborglyph tree carvings that document various immigrant groups, and to conduct field trips to develop protocols for imaging and preparing metadata, as well as designing a framework for an accessible portal to such collections. (RJ-103516-23)

Nevada State Library, Archives and Public Records, Carson City, NV
$11,984 to support the Nevada Historical Records Advisory Board, including a needs assessment survey, updating the board’s strategic plan, create an online directory of records repositories, and award at least five scholarships. (RC-103499-23)

University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV
$129,600 to support America's Great Gamble, a two-year project to process and make accessible three of its unprocessed collections, comprising 359 linear feet of materials that document the contemporary history of legalized gambling in the United States. (RH50190-16)

Nevada State Library and Archives, Carson City, NV
$11,672 to support one-year project to continue the Nevada Historical Records Advisory Board's support of National History Day in Nevada, promote Archives Month, offer formal presentations at annual meetings of professional organizations, and distribute brochures and pamphlets for MayDay and Electronic Records Day. (RC10270-16)

Nevada State Library and Archives, Reno, NV
$15,813 to support basic funding for the state historical records advisory board, including National History Day workshops for teachers, workshops on information governance and digital preservation, and other collaborative projects with state and local cultural institutions. (RC10253-15)

University of Nevada, Reno, NV
$77,463 to support a project to process and create online descriptions for the records of the Western Shoshone Defense Project, which document a decades-long legal battle between two Western Shoshone ranchers and the U.S. government over control of ancestral tribal land in Nevada. (RH50119-14)

Nevada State Library and Archives, Carson City, NV
$20,460 to support basic funding, including five board meetings and the creation of an online digital collection of historical photographs as part of the state's sesquicentennial celebration. (RC10197-13)

Nevada State Library and Archives, Carson City, NV
$38,675 to support basic activities and a regrant program that will provide funding to museums, libraries, archives and other historical records repositories to digitize historical documents, create metadata, and make digital images available on their websites. (RC10090-10)

Nevada State Library and Archives, Carson City, NV
$19,711 to support basic activities of the state historical records advisory board, including Archives Month and National History Day, and sponsorship of a two-day archives workshop for government employees. (RC10064-09)

Nevada State Library and Archives, Carson City, NV
$9,904 in partial support of the Nevada Board's administrative expenses. (RS10041-08)

Nevada State Library and Archives, Carson City, NV
$10,000 in partial support of the Nevada Board's administrative expenses. (RS10028-07)

Nevada State Library and Archives, Carson City, NV
$20,000 in partial support of the Nevada Board's administrative expenses for two years. (2004-018)

Nevada State Historical Records Advisory Board, Carson City, NV
$19,535 in partial support of the board's administrative expenses for two years. (2001-016)

Nevada State Historical Records Advisory Board, Carson City, NV
$50,000 for its Regrant Project, which seeks to address the needs of local repositories of Nevada's documentary heritage. (98-084)

Nevada State Historical Records Advisory Board, Carson City, NV
$55,993 for a two-year planning project that will undertake an assessment of records programs in Nevada and create a strategic plan addressing key issues in these programs, including education and training, public awareness, disaster planning, and funding. (96-011)

University of Nevada, Reno, NV
$54,168 to continue activities to document historic and contemporary women and women's groups in Nevada. The project will continue a survey begun in 1992 to locate collections of privately held manuscripts and archives of Nevada women and women's organizations; solicit and acquire the materials; arrange and describe the collections and, using the USMARC AMC (United States MAchine Readable Cataloging Archival and Manuscripts Control) format, enter the catalog descriptions into the university library's online catalog and into OCLC (Online Computer Library Center). (95-051)
Project Web Site

Nevada State Library and Archives (Nevada State Historical Records Advisory Board), Carson City, NV
$3,377 for state board travel and meeting expenses. (93-079)

Nevada State Historical Records Advisory Board, Carson City, NV
$1,796 for state board travel and meeting expenses. (91-094)

Nevada State Historical Records Advisory Board, Carson City, NV
$2,500 for travel and meeting expenses to allow the state board to carry out its grant review and statewide archival planning missions. (90-078)

Nevada State Historical Records Advisory Board, Carson City, NV
$150,000 for a two-year regrant program directed at local governments in Nevada, to encourage the development of records management and archival programs for local governments, to improve existing programs, and to provide improved access to local government archives. (89-083)

Nevada State Historical Records Advisory Board, Carson City, NV
$450 to print and distribute an information brochure on the board and its work. (88-051)

Supreme Court of Nevada, Carson City, NV
$60,995 to survey the records of local courts in Nevada and create retention/disposition schedules for those records. The project will also develop a records management manual and educational workshops for court officials. (87-038)

Nevada State Historical Records Advisory Board, Carson City, NV
$7,500 for travel and meeting expenses to allow the state board to carry out its grant review and statewide archival planning missions. (86-068)

Reno-Sparks Indian Colony, Reno, NV
$56,651 for a two-year project to develop a records management system, produce a program manual applicable to the 24 tribes of Nevada, provide assistance to tribes wishing to replicate the system, survey records of the Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada, and develop a plan for an Inter-Tribal Archives Center. (85-046, 86-108)

Nevada State Historical Records Advisory Board, Carson City, NV
$25,000 to analyze the current condition of historical records in the state, identify problems, frame potential solutions, and outline actions that can be taken. (83-088)

Nevada State Library, Carson City, NV
$46,132 in support of the state archives' local government records project. (81-148)

University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV
$34,974 to arrange and describe its manuscript collections relating to the Lake Tahoe Region, 1865-1979. Included are materials on mining, lumbering, recreation, water resources, and environmental control. (81-052)

Western Council of State Libraries, Carson City, NV
$62,875 for its Western States Materials Conservation Project to determine conservation needs and propose potential solutions through coordinated conservation activities in 18 western states. (79-094)

Nevada Historical Society, Reno, NV
$17,120 to survey local records relating to Nevada's territorial period. (77-007)


Total     $1,130,084


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