National Historical Publications & Records Commission


Records Projects

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
$1,000,000 to support the purchasing of media digitization equipment and the creation of a digital media preservation lab to digitally preserve the historical media collections, including the archive of the early public television at MSU. (ED-104964-24)

Cranbrook Educational Community, Bloomfield Hills, MI
$131,026 to support a project to digitize documents of Cranbrook’s Horizons-Upward Bound Program, one of the oldest and largest college access programs, serving low-income and first-generation high school students from Detroit area public schools by providing opportunities for academic and cultural enrichment in the pursuit of higher education, at no cost to the students. The project will include 35 minutes of motion picture film of HUB’s history. (RH-103566-23)

Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI
$135,000 to support digitizing historic Michigan newspapers, approximately 155,000 pages from the Clare County Cleaver, Daily Herald, Herald Leader, Monroe Commercial, Monroe Democrat, Monroe News Courier, Monroe Record, Record-Commercial, and Oakland Press. (ED-103529-22)

Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Lansing, MI
$80,000 to support the Michigan Historical Records Advisory Board, including the Save Michigan History program through a Visiting Archivist to conduct onsite assessments of 24 local history organizations, financial and professional support to a minimum of six projects, and a suite of resources on emergency and disaster planning. (RC-103512-23)

Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services, Dearborn, MI
$69,670 to support the Arab American Archives Collaborative’s project to develop an enhanced website for an existing database of Arab American archival collections identified during an NHPRC planning project. The collaborative, organized by the Arab American National Museum, also intends to offer family history preservation training via the Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies at North Carolina State University and the Houston Metropolitan Research Center. (RJ103346)

Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Lansing, MI
$39,900 to support the Michigan Historical Records Advisory Board’s Visiting Archivist program, which will conduct baseline assessments of three local history institutions that will help identify and prioritize opportunities and challenges, create new or updated collection policies, develop or revise disaster preparedness plans, complete short-term projects, and identify scalable support models that can be utilized by other local history institutions. (RC103333-22)

Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI
$99,918 to support a collaborative, regional digital preservation and access network for the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, a partnership of Northern Michigan University, Michigan Technological University, and Lake Superior State University to expand resources and services and build an online community through UPLINK, designed to assist archival repositories in the Upper Peninsula identify, collect, and preserve the region’s documentary heritage. (RJ103115-21)

Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
$83,100 to support a collaborative among professors in Wayne State’s College of Education, archivists at the Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, and Detroit-area teachers to create a platform for archives-based curriculum units and lesson plans for K-12 classrooms and  learning community groups of teachers and teaching students using the platform. (DP-103023-20)

Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan, Mount Pleasant, MI
$20,000 to develop a Strategic Action Plan for the consolidation of archival, digital, print, and media resource materials within a Center for Anishinaabe Language, Literature, and Storytelling (CALLS). Collaborating partners include the Ziibiwing Center of Anishinaabe Culture & Lifeways, Mount Pleasant, MI; the Michigan State University Native American Institute, East Lansing, MI; the Nokomis Cultural Heritage Center, Okemos, MI; and the Consortium for Critical Diversity in the Digital Age Research, East Lansing, MI. Representatives from Anishinaabe tribes in Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and North Dakota will be recruited to serve on two advisory boards. (RJ102833-19)

Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services, Dearborn, MI
$22,442 to develop a partnership to create an online index of Arab American archival collections housed in libraries, museums, and archives across the country and produce a plan for developing an online collection of materials related to Arab American literature, music, and art for the period 1910 to 1940. Collaborating partners include the Arab American National Museum, Dearborn, MI; the Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies, Raleigh, NC; and Dr. Maria Curtis, University of Houston-Clear Lake.(RJ102841-19)

Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI $22,000 to develop a plan for the Upper Peninsula Digital Preservation and Access Network. Collaborating partners include Northern Michigan University, Michigan Technological University in Houghton, Lake Superior State University in Marie, Peter White Public Library in Marquette, and the Marquette Regional History Center. (RJ102847-19)

Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Lansing, MI
$30,000 to support the work of the Michigan State Historical Records Advisory Board, including 20 on-site institutional assessments that will pair professional archivists with interested repositories, two Basics of Archives workshops, and a regrants program that will allow institutions to apply the lessons learned from the workshops and assessments to their efforts to preserve and improve access to historical records. (RC102726-19)

Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment Lansing, MI
$25,000 To support the Michigan Historical Records Advisory Board’s programs, including approximately 20 site visits to institutions across the state that will focus on encouraging the use of best practices. (RC100258-18)

Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Lansing, MI
$16,500 to support one year of the Michigan Historical Records Advisory Board’s programs, including five workshops and five webinars on records management to county and township officials, a project to survey and catalog local government records from 40 counties and add the catalog records to WorldCat and ArchivesGrid, and travel. (RC100023-17)

Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Lansing, MI
$10,000 to support a demonstration regrant program focusing on increasing the level of online descriptive information available for the state's records. (RC10244-15)

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
$18,719 to support processing and digitization of two audio recording collections of the WomenÂ’s Overseas Service League oral histories, including a partnership with the University of Texas-San Antonio. (RH50167-15)

Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
$109,152 to support a two-year project to create online, item-level descriptions for a collection of 1,660 oral histories housed at the Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs. (RH50094-14)

Association for Documentary Editing, Lansing, MI
$234,823 to support a three-year project to continue the Institute for Editing Historical Documents and the development of new advanced seminars for documentary editors and those in related fields. (DE50001-14)

Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Lansing, MI
$12,000 to support basic funding, including two board meetings, a statewide summit to identify training needs among the state's cultural heritage institutions. (RC10185-13)

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
$111,350 to support a project to process 1,661 manuscript collections and photograph albums from the William L. Clements Library concerning 18th, 19th, and 20th century persons and events. Over two-thirds of these materials pertain to women, Native Americans, and African Americans. (RB50148-11)

Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI
$168,394 to support a 24-month project to process 1,329 cubic feet of historical records from Michigan's Copper Country region on the Upper Peninsula. Copper Country comprises four counties that experienced the United States's first hard rock mining boom during the Industrial Revolution. (RP50064-11)

Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Lansing, MI
$37,310 to support basic activities and to catalog collections at six of the state's repositories in order to provide greater access to a variety of archival holdings. (RC10087-10)

Michigan State University, Lansing, MI
$251,079 to support a project to accession, preserve, and provide access to a significant portion of the university's permanently valuable records that are created and maintained in electronic form. (RE10025-10)

Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI
$68,841 to digitize the Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Mining Company collections (1882-1960) which document a key period in U.S. industrial history. (RD10049-10)

Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI
$116,500 to support a two-year project to improve public access to 931 manuscript collections that document the history of Michigan's copper mining district. The collections total more than 7,000 cubic feet and contain maps, photographs, engineering drawings, as well as records of mining companies and environmental protest groups. (RB50059-09)

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
$149,969 to support a two-year project to develop Archival Metrics and User Evaluation for Government Archives.(DS50009)

Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa, Suttons Bay, MI
$12,000 to support a one-year project to assess its archival needs and develop an archives management and preservation plan. (RB50010-08)

Michigan Department of History, Arts and Libraries, Lansing, MI
$45,000 to support basic activities, promote increased usage of the Michigan Electronic Library (MeL), and partner with institutions to add MARC records to the MeL.(RC10032-08)

Archives of Michigan, Lansing, MI
$44,583 to support Thank God for Michigan, digitizing statewide historical records. (RD10005-07)

Michigan State University, Lansing, MI
$189,067 to support a two-year project for the preservation of specialized electronic mailing list archives. (RE05699-07)

Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Detroit, MI
$110,964 to establish an institutional archives program including an inventory of all extant records (in excess of 1,000 linear feet dating from 1914 to the present), equipping the archives room, appraising the records, identifying those with highest research value and with conservation needs, accessioning records, and beginning to process records, including sound and video dating from the 1950s onward. (2005-046)

Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI
$47,849 for the Political Archives Processing Project, to complete the processing of three major manuscript collections which document the lives and careers of three politicians significant to the central Upper Peninsula of Michigan. After processing the collections, lesson plans for high school teachers will be prepared and distributed. (2004-099)

Michigan Historical Center, Lansing, MI
$20,000 to support the work of the Michigan State Historical Records Advisory Board. (2003-079)

The Regents of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
$42,636 to conduct research on the effectiveness of archival descriptive tools, especially MARC records and EAD finding aids, in providing access to primary source materials. (2003-071)

Michigan Department of Management and Budget, Lansing, MI
$190,255 for a project to test the ability of records management applications (RMA) to classify, store, and manage the disposition of electronic records created in state offices. (2000-059)

University of Detroit Mercy, Detroit, MI
$5,840 for a project to plan for a digitized image database of Great Lakes ships based on the Father Edward J. Dowling Marine Historical Collection. (98-098)

Regents of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
$104,845 (a 30-month grant) for a project entitled "Preserving Electronic Records of Collaborative Processes, " to conduct an analysis of recordkeeping practices in six private-sector environments with the goals of producing case studies, assessing the degree to which functional requirements for electronic recordkeeping are applicable in settings without highly structured business processes, developing guidelines for electronic recordkeeping in such settings, and publishing a monograph based on this study. (98-029)

Regents of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
$43,450 for an electronic records conference, jointly sponsored by the university's Bentley Historical Library and the School of Information and Library Studies, to assess progress made in electronic records research and program development since the 1991 NHPRC-funded Working Meeting on Electronic Records and to offer recommendations for future electronic records activities. (96-012)

Michigan State Historical Records Advisory Board, Lansing, MI
$60,000 to help community-based organizations preserve historically valuable records and make them accessible to researchers. The project will provide self-assessment workshops for local repositories, consultations with professional archivists, and small regrants to support basic preservation, reformatting, and arrangement and description of collections. (95-045)

Michigan Department of State, Bureau of History-State Archives, Lansing, MI
$8,814 to hire an electronic records consultant to assist in assessing the electronic records environment within state government and to identify those steps needed to address the management and preservation of electronic records. (95-001)

Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI
$84,870 for a 28-month project to arrange and describe the records of the Quincy Mining Company and the Calumet and Hecla Consolidated Mining Company. (94-097)

Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
$53,165 for an 11-month project to conduct a pilot archival survey of African-American oral history sources to develop a plan for a national survey of these materials. (94-089)

Michigan State Historical Records Advisory Board, Lansing, MI
$12,900 for a planning project to be conducted over a period of one year. During the project, a statewide assessment of architectural records practices and holdings will be conducted in order to prepare a listing of significant records, appraisal guidelines will be formulated, and materials designed to increase awareness about the need to preserve architectural records will be developed. (94-047)

Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village, Dearborn, MI
$27,763 to appraise 830 cubic feet of records and to organize and describe approximately 400 cubic feet of archival records relating to the Ferguson vs. Ford case, an anti-trust and patent infringement suit, providing documentation on technical developments in tractor design and the social and cultural history of American agricultural methods. (93-005)

Joint Archives of Holland, Holland, MI
$30,551 to create approximately 1,250 collection-level MARC AMC (MAchine-Readable Cataloging Archival and Manuscripts Control) format records for its collections. (93-002)

Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI
$83,179 to appraise, arrange, and describe records, and upgrade to contemporary archival standards existing descriptions, in a project involving its 3,000 linear feet of manuscript collections documenting Michigan life and culture. (92-118)

Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI
$72,285 to establish a records management and archival program for the university by surveying, appraising, and scheduling records; developing a records policy manual; training university personnel in records management practices; expanding the current archival facility; working with an advisory committee and repositories in the region to plan for a regional collection at the university; and publicizing the archival program. (92-103)

Michigan State Historical Records Advisory Board, Lansing, MI
$10,365 to support the travel and meeting expenses of the Michigan Board, including a special meeting to review progress on the state assessment report's recommendations, assess changes in historical records needs, and develop priorities and a strategy for addressing these needs. (92-076)

University of Michigan, Bentley Historical Library, Ann Arbor, MI
$19,139 for the first year of a project to examine the potential of electronic conferences to document the intellectual and cultural life of institutions of higher learning. (91-113)

Grand Rapids Historical Commission, Grand Rapids, MI
$76,414 to preserve and make available on continuous-tone microfiche 40,000 negatives from the Robinson Studio Negative Collection. The collection, which dates from 1930 to 1985, documents various aspects of life in Grand Rapids during this period. (91-107)

Joint Archives of Holland, Holland, MI
$49,860 to increase access to its collections. (90-123)

Cranbrook Educational Community, Bloomfield Hills, MI
$50,656 to process community records and to establish a MAchine Readable Cataloging, Archival and Manuscripts Control (MARC AMC) format-compatible database for the management of the community's holdings. (89-071)

Michigan State Historical Records Advisory Board, Lansing, MI
$5,000 for travel and meeting expenses to allow the state board to carry out its grant review and statewide archival planning missions. (87-111)

University of Michigan, Bentley Historical Library, Ann Arbor, MI
$44,365 to test a newly developed system for appraising modern records. The project involves on-site evaluation of the system at 16 diverse institutions nationwide and will result in a written report to be distributed to the archival community. (87-079)

Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI
$2,891 for consulting services to plan for manuscript collection development and to develop short- and long-term archival goals for the university. (86-040)

University of Michigan, Bentley Historical Library, Ann Arbor, MI
$18,000 to support a fellowship in archival administration. (85-138)

Grand Rapids Public Library, Grand Rapids, MI
$40,000 for a two-year project to process historical manuscript, photograph, and map materials held by the library and the Grand Rapids Public Museum and to merge the materials into one collection. (85-132, 86-131)

Michigan State Archives, Lansing, MI
$13,200 to generate a reference microfilm of photographic prints depicting almost every aspect of Michigan life, with emphasis on the period from 1850 to 1950. (85-120)

Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
$23,533 to arrange and describe the records of the Merrill-Palmer Institute, as well as other papers collected by the institute. (85-054)

The Edison Institute, Dearborn, MI
$20,000 to create an institutional archives and to develop a continuing records management program. Founded in 1926, the institute comprises Greenfield Village and the Henry Ford Museum. (85-044)

Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., Museum, Flint, MI
$1,492 for consultation on the arrangement, description, and maintenance of the Genessee County Historical Society Collection, which includes materials relating to Flint's automotive industry. (84-110)

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
$57,907 to develop computer software for the manipulation of data in the MARC AMC (MAchine Readable Cataloging, Archival and Manuscripts Control) format. The software will be designed to run on microcomputers using the MS/DOS operating system. (84-070)

Michigan State Historical Records Advisory Board, Lansing, MI
$25,000 to analyze the current condition of historical records in the state, identify problems, frame potential solutions, and outline actions that can be taken. (83-086)

Michigan History Division, Lansing, MI
$35,234 to complete its project to inventory, appraise, and preserve archival records in Michigan counties. (83-079)

Grand Rapids Public Library, Grand Rapids, MI
$20,000 to continue a project to survey and appraise the public records of the city. (82-058)

Detroit Public Library, Detroit, MI
$2,955 for consultation to develop an archives and records program for the City of Detroit. (81-083)

Bayliss Public Library, Sault Ste. Marie, MI
$8,831 to arrange and describe archival materials, including collections relating to shipping, mining, fishing, and fur trading in the Great Lakes region during the 19th century. (80-137)

Michigan History Division, Lansing, MI
$30,410 for the State Archives to survey and accession county records in approximately 25 Michigan counties. (80-130)

Grand Rapids Public Library, Grand Rapids, MI
$32,938 to develop a local records program for the City of Grand Rapids. (80-122)

Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI
$14,085 for survey and acquisition of correspondence, 1840-1930, written from the Netherlands to American immigrants. (78-115)

Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, MI
$41,465 to develop an archival program for the institute and to begin inventorying the papers of its early directors and other officials. (78-053, 79-066)

City of Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, MI
$15,000 to microfilm selected city records in custody of the city and at the Western Michigan Regional History Collection. (78-051)

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
$3,000 to transfer glass plate negatives in the Allan Thompson photograph collection to safety film. The Thompson photos document Lansing and environs during the years 1898-1918. (78-043)

Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
$11,799 for the Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs to develop guidelines and recommendations for the appraisal of labor union grievance records. (77-115)

University of Michigan, Bentley Historical Library, Ann Arbor, MI
$2,895 to reproduce on magnetic tape deteriorating glass disc recordings of two series of public affairs radio broadcasts, "In Our Opinion" and "World Neighbors, " moderated by George Cushing and broadcast by WJR in Detroit between 1942 and 1955. (77-008)

Michigan History Division, Lansing, MI
$4,250 to process and transfer to regional archives depositories in the state historically valuable county and municipal records identified by a statewide records survey. (76-079)

Subtotal (Records Projects)   $5,033,393


Publications Projects

John Timothy Fierst, Lansing, MI

$63,532 for the John Tanner Papers. (2004)


Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI

$16,753 for the Maritime Journals of Edward Baker, 1846-1895. (1979-80)


University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

$10,200 for the Detroit Urban League Papers. (1972-74)


Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

$16,014 for the Henry Schoolcraft Papers, (1965-68)


Subtotal (Publications Projects)   $106,499


Total     $5,139,892



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