National Historical Publications & Records Commission


Records Projects

State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines, IA
$3,875 to support the work of the Iowa Historical Records Advisory Board to provide information and training in standards and best practices; Promote Preservation Week (April) and Archives Month (October), and continue board member review of grant applications for State of Iowa documentary collections through the Iowa Historical Resource Development Program program. (RC-103640-24)

University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls IA
$50,000 to support a project to develop, test, and promote a new embeddable Exhibit Tool to become part of a suite of capabilities built into, a digital archival platform, that displays thousands of digital-only collections chronologically, geographically, and thematically. Five partner sites – the Great Plains Action Society, the Anamosa State Penitentiary Museum, the Cedar Falls Public Library, the Clinton Public Library, and the Kendall Young Library – will embed and test the Exhibit Tool. (DP-103605-23)

State Historical Society of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
$8,034 to support the Iowa Historical Records Advisory Board, including training sessions for applicants and review of documentary collections applications for the state’s Historical Resource Development grants, and developing a new strategic plan. (RC103338-22)

State Historical Society of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
$3,380 to support the Iowa Historical Records Advisory Board, including training sessions for applicants and  review of documentary collections applications for the state’s Historical Resource Development grants. (RC103114-21)

State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines, IA
$9,727 to support the work of the Iowa State Historical Records Advisory Board, including review of grant applications for the state’s Historical Resource Development Program (HRDP), offer up to five HRDP grant application information and training sessions, and develop a strategic plan for 2019-2022. (RC102717-19)

Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, IA
$118,825 to support a two-year project to migrate nearly 1,500 existing and 200 nearly-complete text-based finding aids into a new EAD-compliant archives management system, and to create and link the respective MARC records for collections focused broadly on the history of Iowa and its institutions, agriculture, and rural life. (RH100061-17)

University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
$93,632 To support a one-year project to digitize 1,100 oral history interviews from the Iowa Labor History Project, index 100 born-digital interviews, and digitize 50,000 pages of transcripts, releases, and indices. (RH100035-17)

State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines, IA
$4,277 to support one year of the Iowa Historical Records Advisory Board’s programs, including serving as a review panel for documentary collections applications to the state’s Historical Resource Development Program (HRDP), five HRDP training sessions, and distribution of a bookmark. (RC100034-17)

State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines, IA
$7,207 to support a one-year project at the Iowa Historical Records Advisory Board to distribute an Archive Month handout, increase the amount of online technical information available to archival repositories, and offer informational session about the preservation of historical records. (RC10258-16)

State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines, IA
$4,815 to support basic funding for the state historical records advisory board, informational sessions about the preservation of historical records, and the creation of additional online technical resources. (RC10235-15)

State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines, IA
$12,500 to support basic funding for board meetings, site visits and informational sessions, and participation in a national archival organization. (RC10207-14)

Council of State Historical Records Coordinators, Inc., Iowa City, IA
$139,750 to support, on behalf of the Council of State Archivists (CoSA), the Program for Electronic Records Training, Tools, and Standards (PERTTS), a two-year project to strengthen the capacity of states and territories to manage and preserve electronic records. PERTTS will provide a framework for developing programs and access to in-depth information about standards, best practices, and tools for electronic records management and preservation programs, and for delivering education and training to ensure that these standards, best practices, and tools are widely and effectively implemented. (RE10049-13)

State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines, IA
$10,000 to support basic funding for board meetings, site visits and informational sessions for potential applicants to the state's grant program, an Archives Month poster, and participation in a national archival organization. (RC10161-13)

Luther College, Decorah, IA
$216,150 to fund a three year project to design and hold an Archives Leadership Institute, to bring 25 archivists for a week-long intensive training on campus that will include presentations by experts in advocacy, project management, digital challenges, and human resources. (DL10009-12)

State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines, IA
$11,615 to support the Iowa State Historical Records Advisory Board and its technical assistance program. (RC10138-12)

Luther College, Decorah, IA
$119,898 to survey and make accessible significant Norwegian-American records, in partnership with Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum, housed at the two institutions. (RB50099-10)

State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines, IA
$11,824 to support basic activities, training sessions, and archival participation in statewide emergency preparedness and response planning. (RC10084-10)

Council of State Archivists, Iowa City, IA
$87,250 to support an 18-month project to conduct an enhanced survey of state archives and state historical records advisory boards and to prepare a "State of the State Archives" report for release in early 2011. (DG10017-10)

State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines, IA
$13,500 to support basic activities of the state historical records advisory board, including participation in a cultural resources advisory council to develop a statewide emergency response plan for archives. (RC10056-09)

University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
$32,700 to support a digital version of Henry A. Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture and Vice President under President Roosevelt and Progressive Party candidate for President in 1948. (RD10020-09)

State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines, IA
$13,500 in support of the Iowa State Historical Records Board Basic State and National Archival Partnership Grant. (RS10016-08)

State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines, IA
$9,980 in support of the Iowa State Historical Records Board. (RS10042-08)

Council of State Archivists, Des Moines, IA
$64,625 to support the National Archival Network project. (RC05705-07)

Council of State Archivists, Des Moines, IA
$269,979 to support the National Archival Network project to analyze local government archives and to strengthen partnerships among states and with the federal government. (2006-010)

Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs, Des Moines, IA
$43,889 to develop a strategic plan to establish an electronic records program to be administered by the State Archives and Records Bureau. (2003-010)

The Linn County Historical Society/The History Center, Cedar Rapids, IA
$55,036 for its Archives Collection Processing Project to organize, describe, and make available collections documenting Cedar Rapids and the surrounding region. (2002-089)

Iowa State Historical Records Advisory Board, Des Moines, IA
$13,784 in partial support of the board's administrative expenses for two years. (2001-075)

State Historical Society of Iowa (Iowa State Historical Records Advisory Board), Des Moines, IA
$15,808 for a two-year, planning project to produce a statewide strategic plan for Iowa's historical records and to present archival workshops to train the state's local records keepers to care for their collections and to prepare them to help implement the strategic plan. (95-011)

State Historical Society of Iowa (Iowa State Historical Records Advisory Board), Des Moines, IA
$6,371 for state board travel and meeting expenses. (93-074)

Iowa State Historical Records Advisory Board, Des Moines, IA
$5,000 for travel and meeting expenses to allow the state board to carry out its grant review and statewide archival planning missions. (90-096)

Polk County Department of General Services, Des Moines, IA
$93,773 to develop the county's records management and archives program. The project will survey and inventory county records, prepare retention schedules for all records and finding aids for archival records, do preservation microfilming, and present workshops for county officials. (89-073)

Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, IA
$62,724 to deacidify and encapsulate drawings and blueprints in the Warren H. Manning Landscape Collection. The collection represents the most comprehensive body of material related to Manning, a contemporary of Frederick Law Olmsted. (88-116, 88-116S)

Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs, Des Moines, IA
$11,730 to publish the Iowa county records manual prepared under an earlier grant. (87-065)

Iowa State Historical Records Advisory Board, Des Moines, IA
$5,000 for travel and meeting expenses to allow the state board to carry out its grant review and statewide archival planning missions. (86-070)

Iowa State University, Ames, IA
$5,478 to preserve and make available the papers of Hugh Hammond Bennett and other American soil scientists, dating from 1935 to 1960. (85-073)

Davenport Public Library, Davenport, IA
$45,989 for a two-year project to develop an archives and records management program for the city's records. (85-065, 86-063)

State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines, IA
$25,000 to refine and revise draft county retention schedules in a one-volume manual, and to provide training workshops in schedule use for public officials. (84-118)

Iowa State Historical Records Advisory Board, Iowa City, IA
$21,627 to analyze the current condition of historical records in the state, identify problems, frame potential solutions, and outline actions that can be taken now and in the future. (81-115)

Iowa State Historical Department, Iowa City, IA
$20,117 to survey and inventory the records of selected Iowa municipal governments, prepare a preliminary retention schedule for Iowa municipal records, and develop a final report with recommendations for an Iowa municipal records program. (81-074)

Sioux City Public Museum, Sioux City, IA
$17,684 to complete the arrangement and description of its collections, prepare a finding aid, and microfilm selected collections for preservation. (80-141)

Iowa Federation of Labor AFL-CIO, Des Moines, IA
$6,900 for the Iowa Labor Oral History Project to locate and accession selected Iowa labor records. (80-082)

Sioux City Public Museum, Sioux City, IA
$15,664 to arrange and describe manuscript collections in the museum relating to individuals and organizations important to the history of the area and the state. (79-134)

Iowa State Historical Department, Des Moines, IA
$32,466 to employ an assistant state archivist for a project to revitalize the state archives program in Iowa. (79-093, 80-135)

Iowa State Historical Department, Iowa City, IA
$6,004 to arrange and describe the papers of Jonathan Prentiss Dolliver, a prominent U.S. Representative and Senator during the late-19th and early-20th centuries. (77-113)

Iowa State Historical Department, Iowa City, IA
$36,650 for a two-year project to inventory county records in Iowa. (77-055, 78-125)

Iowa State Historical Department, Des Moines, IA
$2,800 for consultation in determining the needs of the Iowa State Archives, and in evaluating existing state records retention schedules. (77-029)

Iowa State Historical Department, Des Moines, IA
$7,300 to prepare a negative preservation microfilm copy of the 1925 Iowa state census. (76-078)

Subtotal (Records Projects) $1,873,837


Publications Projects

University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA

$685,349 to support the Walt Whitman Archive. (2014-21)


University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA

$20,000 to support the Papers of Henry A. Wallace. (1971-73)


Subtotal (Publications Projects)   $705,349


Total     $2,579,186

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