Records Projects
University of Alaska, Anchorage, AK
$3,000,000 for a project to improve access and preserve the non-federal documents and primary source materials relating to the history of federal lands in Alaska. The project will evaluate 17 collections, totaling 950 cubic feet, for further processing and preservation needs and to digitize key materials for online access through Alaska’s Digital Archives. (ED-104991-24)
Alaska Leaders Archives, Inc., Anchorage, AK
$10,000,000 to support the construction of a research facility to house archival collections created by Alaskan leaders, including Congressional delegations, Native leaders, and other prominent Alaskans to document the legacy of leadership and public service in the history of the state. (ED-104982-24)
University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK
$1,500,000 to support a project at the Elmer E. Rasmuson Library to modify existing ventilation systems, incorporate mechanical cooling equipment and install a refrigerated and frozen storage vault as part of its master audiovisual storage plan for its most at-risk historical audio and film materials. (ED-104967-24)
Alaska Community Foundation, Anchorage, AK
$6,000,000 to support the Alaska Leaders Archive project, which aims to create a public archive to hold the public records, papers, and artifacts of Alaskans whose legacy of leadership and public service advanced the development of the state, and whose collections provide important context to major legislative and cultural moments in our state and nation’s history. In partnership with the University of Alaska and the Ted Stevens Foundation, project staff will 1) undertake the pre-conceptual design, and architecture, and engineering required to renovate and repurpose existing space at the Alaska Pacific University/University of Alaska Anchorage Consortium Library (APU/UAA Consortium Library or Library) to construct an archive accessible to students, faculty scholars, policymakers and the general public; 2) preserve, process, describe, digitize, and provide free online discovery and access to the Ted Stevens Collection of historical records; and 3) manage donation of collections. (ED-104674-23)
See Stories, Anchorage, AK
$149,250 to support a project that will provide 6th-12th grade educators with professional development focusing on the use of archival material that documents the history of enslavement of the Indigenous People of Alaska. See Stories is a nonprofit organization that seeks to build inclusive communities through film and storytelling. (DP-103427-22)
Alaska Department of Education and Early Development, Juneau, AK
$49,238 to support a project to select and digitize the 50 most significant civil and criminal case files from the territorial era, 1884-1959, plus surviving records of territorial police, U.S. Marshals, and Indian Police Force. (RH-102747-20)
Alaska Library Network, Anchorage, AK
$75,860 to support a project to digitize 54,200 documents related to the history of Alaska that are maintained in the collections of six repositories located in the eastern United States. The collections to be digitizes include : The American Museum of Natural History Jesup Exhibition Collection and George Thornton Emmons ethnographic papers on the Tlingit, Haida, Athabaskan, Inupiat, Yupik, and other Alaskan Native cultures; the Northwest Coast Trade Records and the Francis Dana Papers at the Massachusetts Historical Society; the Nicholson Whaling Collection held by the Providence Public Library; the State Archives of North Carolina collection on Captain James Iredell Waddell and the CSS Shenandoah; the Sheldon Jackson Papers and Alaska Mission Files of the Presbyterian Historical Society; and additional papers of Sheldon Jackson located at the Princeton Theological Seminary. (RH102757-19)
Bethel Broadcasting, Inc., Bethel, AK
$100,000 to support a project to digitize and make available 1,000 video recordings drawn from Native-owned and operated station KYUK documenting the Yup’ik and Cup’ik people of western Alaska. Programs include dance performances, demonstrations of traditional crafts and technologies, interviews with Elders, who share traditional knowledge, values, and history in the Yup’ik language, local news footage, and documentaries in English and Yup’ik. These recordings will be selected from what is believed to be the largest collection in the world of Yup’ik Eskimo-related video content that captures traditions, language, and customs.(RH100356-18)
Alaska Department of Education and Early Development, Juneau, AK
$20,000 to support the Alaska Historical Records Advisory Board’s programs, including a webinar on electronic records management, a digital Archives Month poster focusing on electronic records issues, and the initiation of a Digitization Archivist Program to increase online access to Alaska records.(RC100240-18)
Alaska Department of Education and Early Development, Juneau, AK
$24,512 to support the state historical records advisory board and the development of a Journeyman Archivist Processing program. (RC10009-17)
Alaska Department of Education and Early Development, Juneau, AK
$18,700 to support the state historical records advisory board and the development of a Journeyman Archivist Processing program. (RC10232-15)
Alaska Department of Education and Early Development, Juneau, AK
$61,055 to support the Alaska State Historical Records Advisory Board. Archival workshops will be offered to 30 rural archivists across the state, and a records processing manual will be developed to meet the needs of remote, culturally diverse archival repositories. (RC10120-12)
Alaska Department of Education and Early Development, Juneau, AK
$109,267 to support a two-year project by the Alaska State Archives to process records related to the Exxon Valdez oil spill and subsequent litigation. Staff will appraise 3,300 boxes of records and process 400-600 boxes determined to have permanent historical value. (RB50145-11)
Alaska Department of Education and Early Development, Juneau, AK
$61,980 to support basic activities, and a scholarship program that will enable up to 30 participants from across the state to receive preservation training. (RC10046-09)
Sitka Tribe of Alaska, Sitka, AK
$12,000 to support a strategic plan for establishing an archives for this Southeast Alaska tribe. (RB50033-08)
Alaska Department of Education and Early Development, Juneau, AK
$16,280 for a Basic State and National Archival Partnership Grant. (RC10043-08)
Alaska Department of Education and Early Development, Juneau, AK
$3,825 for a State Board Administrative Support Grant. (RS10017-07)
Alaska Department of Education and Early Development, Juneau, AK
$16,977 for a State Board Administrative Support Grant. (2004-105)
University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK
$60,615 for the Conservation Land Act Hearings Preservation Project, to preserve and provide access to the recordings of the 1973 public hearing process that led to the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980. The 233 recordings, which will be reformatted to Beta SP videotape, provide a complete audio-visual record of more than 40 hearings held at a wide range of Alaska locations. (2004-073)
Alaska Division of Libraries, Archives, and Museums, Juneau, AK
$19,997 in partial support of the Alaska Board's administrative expenses for two years. (2002-030)
Alaska State Archives, Juneau, AK
$19,998 to fund the administrative expenses of the Alaska board for two years. (2000-047)
Alaska Department of Education, Division of Libraries, Archives, and Museums, Juneau, AK
$97,901 for its project entitled Rich Mining: Documents from Alaska' Gold Rush Era. (98-097)
University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK
$33,718 for a project to undertake preservation of and provide access to the Fred Machetanz film collection, an important visual record of Alaska' territorial period. (98-081)
Alaska Department of Education, Alaska State Archives, Juneau, AK
$10,000 to hire an electronic records consultant. (97-011)
Alaska State Historical Records Advisory Board, Juneau, AK
$26,126 for a planning project to be conducted over a two-year period. A total of six meetings are planned, some of which will be held in conjunction with the annual meetings of professional organizations in the state. Using the state's 1984 assessment report as a starting point, working groups will meet with members of various constituent groups to identify needs in one of five areas: electronic records, local government and Native records, records repositories, state government records, or statewide functions and services. (95-019)
Association of Village Council Presidents, Bethel, AK
$67,200 for a two-year project to translate, transcribe, and catalogue 110 hours of oral history interviews with Alaska Native peoples. Another 90 hours of interviews which have already been translated and transcribed will be reviewed. (92-067)
Doyon Foundation, Fairbanks, AK
$11,524 for consultants to assist in the development of a corporate archives and records program for Doyon Limited, one of the twelve Native corporations established under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, and to complete a five-year plan for the establishment of a tribal archives for the Native people of interior Alaska. (91-079)
Alaska State Historical Records Advisory Board, Juneau, AK
$12,693 to support the board's travel and meeting expenses. (90-052)
University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK
$12,855 for a training workshop on local government records. (85-066)
Alaska State Historical Records Advisory Board, Juneau, AK
$21,537 to analyze the current condition of historical records in the state, identify problems, frame potential solutions, and outline actions that can be taken now and in the future. (81-107)
Municipality of Anchorage, Anchorage, AK
$6,350 for the Anchorage Historical and Fine Arts Museum to preserve its nitrate and glass-plate negatives documenting early 20th-century life in several diverse areas of Alaska. (80-023)
Alaska Native Foundation, Anchorage, AK
$39,328 to survey historical documents from the formative years of 22 Alaska Native organizations with a view toward preservation and accessioning. (78-099)
TOTAL $21,708,786
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